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Everything posted by dAVe80

  1. Medals don't prove that you're a better player. Just proves that your team is better. Tell me what massive games Bale has influenced? Tell me about the times he's been the best player on the park against Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool (or who ever has been challenging for the Premier League Title at the time)? Tell me about all the FA Cup & Champions League Semi Finals and Finals that he's played in and scored in? Tell me about all the how consistent he's been for 20 + years, in one of the most competitive leagues in the world? Tell me about how he's been churning out massive performances, at the top level since the age of 17? Tell me how he's won 8 trophies by the time he's 24? Bale may be the best player in the Premiership at the moment, but he can still only dream of being at Gigg's level. Tell me what massive games has Giggs influenced? Tell me about the time he scored a hat-trick in the San Siro. Tell about the time he destroyed the world's number 1 right back. Tell me about the time he single handedly won a World Cup qualifier for Wales. Bale has already done more in a Wales shirt than Giggs has ever done. Was Ryan Giggs ever linked to Real Madrid? He was linked to Inter Milan, who were on par with the current Madrid side at the time. He didn't need to move to them though, as he was already playing for one of the biggest clubs in the world. Off the top of my head, he'd played in 4 Champions League Final, two of which he won. He scored arguably the best FA Cup goal of all time, in a semi against a very strong Arsenal side (which won the game). He scored in the semi of the Champions League against Juventus. The facts remain that Giggs achievements dwarf everyone else in the Premier League era. Until you can tell me Bale has done the same, then this is a ridiculous argument. So Giggs is better than Ronaldo? Yes. He's the greatest player in Premier League history.
  2. Spurs lost the tie though, so ultimately it counts for nothing. How many of Bale's goals for Spurs won them the game?
  3. Medals don't prove that you're a better player. Just proves that your team is better. Tell me what massive games Bale has influenced? Tell me about the times he's been the best player on the park against Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool (or who ever has been challenging for the Premier League Title at the time)? Tell me about all the FA Cup & Champions League Semi Finals and Finals that he's played in and scored in? Tell me about all the how consistent he's been for 20 + years, in one of the most competitive leagues in the world? Tell me about how he's been churning out massive performances, at the top level since the age of 17? Tell me how he's won 8 trophies by the time he's 24? Bale may be the best player in the Premiership at the moment, but he can still only dream of being at Gigg's level. Tell me what massive games has Giggs influenced? Tell me about the time he scored a hat-trick in the San Siro. Tell about the time he destroyed the world's number 1 right back. Tell me about the time he single handedly won a World Cup qualifier for Wales. Bale has already done more in a Wales shirt than Giggs has ever done. Was Ryan Giggs ever linked to Real Madrid? He was linked to Inter Milan, who were on par with the current Madrid side at the time. He didn't need to move to them though, as he was already playing for one of the biggest clubs in the world. Off the top of my head, he'd played in 4 Champions League Final, two of which he won. He scored arguably the best FA Cup goal of all time, in a semi against a very strong Arsenal side (which won the game). He scored in the semi of the Champions League against Juventus. The facts remain that Giggs achievements dwarf everyone else in the Premier League era. Until you can tell me Bale has done the same, then this is a ridiculous argument.
  4. Did it against Inter. Can he do it on a consistent basis in the Champions League? time will tell. He scored a hattrick in a game where Inter were 4 up, and took their foot off the gas. Fair play, I'm not belittling it, but he didn't do it when it counted, where as Giggs has stepped up time and time again.
  5. With all due respect to Gareth Bale and who he currently plays for, he's still not doing it at the top level. He's scoring goals and bossing games against mid and lower table Premier League teams, and in the Europa League. Until he's making the difference in top 4 Premier League matches and Champion League matches, then he can not be judged on the same level as Giggs.
  6. http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s480x480/549284_10151252146376886_884498973_n.jpg Was Ryan Giggs ever linked to SHA?
  7. Medals don't prove that you're a better player. Just proves that your team is better. Tell me what massive games Bale has influenced? Tell me about the times he's been the best player on the park against Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool (or who ever has been challenging for the Premier League Title at the time)? Tell me about all the FA Cup & Champions League Semi Finals and Finals that he's played in and scored in? Tell me about all the how consistent he's been for 20 + years, in one of the most competitive leagues in the world? Tell me about how he's been churning out massive performances, at the top level since the age of 17? Tell me how he's won 8 trophies by the time he's 24? Bale may be the best player in the Premiership at the moment, but he can still only dream of being at Gigg's level.
  8. Bale is not in the same league as Giggs yet. He may be at some point, but not even close at the moment. Show us ya medals!
  9. I enjoyed it, but yeah, I thought the ending was pretty weak too.
  10. Matt Pike is an absolute colossus! Been listening to a fair bit of Sleep stuff of late, and it's heavier than King Kong's dick! My mate went to see them (High On Fire) in Manchester, said how amazing they were. I've just had to dig his Facebook status out, to do it justice. Copy & pasted: "The most wrecked gig ive been to in years shame is its somehow turned into a weird titty bar, with only men ... The stench of overworked marriages, non existent sex lives and lacklustre jobs overwhelms, testosterone high, on a plus this is **** brutal ... High on fire destroy, manly as ****"
  11. Got me some tickets to see Pere Ubu at Gateshead Sage (fast becoming my favourite venue). Should be a corker.
  12. Would the wages of Sylla, Dawkins, Hutton and Warnock not have covered the wage demands of a decent centre half?
  13. **** me, Garth Crooks has just hit the nail on the head! Asking why the hell Lambert didn't buy a defender in the window, and putting the blame straight at the feet of Mr Mumbles. If clearing in the woods can see it, why couldn't the manager?!
  14. I'm really gonna have to bite my lip at work tomorrow. The urge to punch one of the gurning, gloating Geordie word removeds is going to be too much to bear! Thanks Lambert! Thanks Learner! You pair of clearing in the woods!
  15. For the love of God, please let us get a result tonight! I know so many barcodes, and I'm going to get so much shit, I think I may cry if we don't. *Sigh*
  16. LOL at Liverpool, Spurs, QPR and Nowrich! What kind of shit football team, gets knocked out the Cup by lower league opposition?! Oh...
  17. Why the hell am I still listening to this shite, and not in the pub yet?!
  18. Could have wrote that script. Out the relegation zone, but gutted to lose a 2 goal lead.
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