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Everything posted by Stevo985

  1. He's just frustrating isn't he?! Didn't seem to hurt Kongo that much but just wore him down.
  2. I'm getting into a bad habit of getting bored of games before I finish them. GTA 4, Assasins creed, little big planet, mario kart wii, mario galaxy have all fallen by the wayside. Orange box was great though, if you count episode 1 and 2 as seperate from half life 2, then i completed 4 games with that. Also well into Twilight Princess which I only picked up recently which I will definitely complete.
  3. i downloaded the sky news app and the news video take a while to download so i would think it will be a but flaky for a whole tv show ?? I've used the iplayer a number of times on my iphone and it's perfect
  4. Any streams for this for us non Shitanta viewers?
  5. Nope. That would suit me a lot better as well!
  6. I can't speak for kung fu panda as I haven't seen it, but stuff like Wall-E and Monsters INc in HD are awesome. That kind of animation looks amazing in HD so I guess it'll be the same for Kung Fu Panda. KFP has Imax scenes as well doesn't it, IIRC?
  7. I have to agree with Bueller, this thread is getting pretty dull. You two are never going to agree so just let us be!
  8. Its cause im jealous really. That's the same reason we make fun of you for being ginger
  9. Am I the only one getting a bit bored by Gingerbloke's 1 man crusade against the iphone?
  10. There are always prdoducts in any market that charge more than everyone else. It's how it works, and most of the time it isn't worth it. The same as someone might spend more on a mercedes than they would on a different car when they may be very similar, and not worth the extra money. It's good marketing and yes you pay for the brand. Comes down to personal choice in the end. I fell for the apple brand with the iphone, and because its so good I'll be shwoing a bit of brand loyalty in the future.
  11. What do you get if you fly across the Atlantic with Air France? About half-way
  12. Yeh I definitely want to see the hangover soon, looks brilliant. Watched the wrestler on blu ray last night. First time I'd seen it since seeing it at the cinema and it's just as good as I remember. Brilliant film.
  13. That's pretty **** expensive! If I was paying 275 quid I'd expect to be getting a PAYG phone, not oneon a 35 a month tariff. Very pricey!
  14. I don't understand people who want their country to lose. I can understand being frustrated by them or not liking the players, but actually wanting England to lose? That's strange to me.
  15. Anyone got idaft yet? Great fun, for at least 5 minutes!
  16. Noooooooooooooooooo! I think that's my first ever "I say old bean, I think we've seen this somewhere before!" bastard
  17. agree mykeyb. A nokia N95 is the worst phone I've ever had. I hated it.
  18. It may be a status symbol but the fact is it is by far the best phone I've ever owned. It costs a little bit more per month than my old phone contract but that's justified by the unlimited internet which I didn't get on my old contract. There may be better phones out there, better tariffs, better apps phones etc etc, but the iphone is the most popular for a reason. And if that's just down to Apple's marketing and people falling for it then that's just good business so fair play to them.
  19. None of them apply to me. I support England but I'm not die hard. I was gutted when we didn't make the Euros but nowhere near as gutted as I would have been if Villa were in a similar situation. I support them, but I'm not 100% die hard fan. As for other sports, I'm an England rugby fan but also love to see Ireland do well (half irish). And as for cricket, if I had to choose a national side to win something I would choose England. But I really could care less. I was on a stag do this weekend and seeing as the whole stag party wanted to watch the 20-20 I was forced to sit through what seemed like a lifetime of cricket (most of which I spent playing peggle on my phone). I must admit to finding it highly amusing when Holland won. Generally though I will always cheer on the British/English in any sport.
  20. GIRL: Doctor, i have comitted a great sin. I called my boyfriend a BASTARD. PSYCHIATRIST: Well that's not a nice thing to call anyone...what did he do to deserve that? GIRL: Well, he kissed me. PSYCHIATRIST: You mean like this? GIRL: ... Yes! PSYCHIATRIST: Well that's no reason to call him a BASTARD. GIRL: But, he put his hand in my top. PSYCHIATRIST: You mean like this? GIRL: ...Yes! PSYCHIATRIST: Well that's no reason to call him a BASTARD. GIRL: But, he took my clothes off. PSYCHIATRIST: You mean like this? GIRL:..... Yes! PSYCHIATRIST: Well that's no reason to call him a BASTARD. GIRL: But, he had sex with me! PSYCHIATRIST: You mean like this? GIRL: ...........................Yes! PSYCHIATRIST: Well that's no reason to call him a BASTARD. GIRL: But, he told me he has AIDS. PSYCHIATRIST: BASTARD!!!!!
  21. Guys, get idaft. Brilliant. Pointless, but brilliant (if you like daft punk)
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