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Everything posted by Stevo985

  1. Therefore you'd have to say no to Jaguar / Landrover too right? Woah woah woah, let's not get too hasty!
  2. Do you live in P Diddy's house?
  3. Anyone with very precise facial hair. Stubble/beard is fine. And it's fine to tidy it up round the edges. But anything intricate never looks good.
  4. The vast majority of football sponsors aren't "bigger brands" Unless you're a team that will be regularly winning titles and playing in Europe then it's very very seldom that a well established company will sponsor you. They don't need the kind of exposure that comes with sponsoring a team in the bottom half of the premier league. They already get that, there's no benefit to them splashing 8 million quid or whatever on putting their logo on our shirts. The additional exposure is absolutely minimal for them. Any big companies that sponsor football teams do it as a partnership, rather than for exposure. It's so people will then associate their brand with that football team. And as harsh as it is to say it, we aren't the most attractive club to be associated with in that manner. Big companies want to be associated with winning trophies and playing in the CHampions League. The kind of companies that sponsor teams like us are usually startup (ish) companies or companies trying to break into the UK market who need to get their name out there so their brand gets more recognisable. That's why a hell of a lot of time our sponsor is someone we've never heard of. How many of us had ever heard of DWS, 32Red.com, FXPro or Genting before they sponsored us? I'd wager not many. This carries over into the long term association point. Again, the kind of companies that sponsor us are looking for short term exposure. We're not the kind of club you form a long term partnership with as I mentioned above. Again, those kind of clubs are the kind that will be in Europe every year and challenging for trophies. How many teams in the Premier League have had their sponsor for more than a couple of seasons at most? Not many, and the ones that do are the top 6 or 7 clubs. As for the local connection, yeah that would be nice. But would they pay as much as our current sponsor? Probably not. And I'm not sure we're currently in a position where we can turn our nose up at an extra 50% sponsorship every year for the matter of having a local company on our shirts instead of one no-body's heard of. As for your last point? Wake up and smell the coffee, bro. Every company screws people out of money. That's business. And Dafabet are no worse at it than 32Red, Genting, FXPro, or any other betting company we've had as our official betting partner over the past however many years. Banks, insurance groups, beers, gambling sites, loan companies etc. They all sponsor football teams and they all screw customers out of money. Ours is no worse than anyone else's.
  5. Doesn't answer my question... What's the Q ? Why weren't you outraged when we were sponsored by 32Red.com, FXPro.com, Genting or when we've previously had betting partners, albeit not on the shirts? Both 32Red.com and Genting have online gambling sites. FXPro is gambling in a different way, but still. So literally days ago we were sponsored by an online gambling company but there was no outrage.
  6. Basically what I thought. I'll take that as a no. There was no uproar when were previously sponsored by more or less the same company. Or when we've previously had betting partners (since forever) Or when we were sponsored by a gambling company last year. They had an online site too by the way. Weird that NOW people seem to be offended.
  7. This is my 22nd post here... Doesn't answer my question...
  8. This may have been covered already, I'm not going to sift through all these pages of shit. Was there this "uproar" when we were sponsored by 32Red.com? Have these people been outraged by our previous betting partners which we've had for years and years?
  9. Agree on the away, but I can't really see what's busy about the home shirt.
  10. All the barber will do is cut them shorter. They won't shape them or wax them or anything like that. Your eyebrows will look exactly the same, just not as bushy.
  11. Radio 1 ave annoyingly referred to that place as "DerryLondonderry" for weeks.
  12. you sure that wasn't BOF on your honeymoon saying "Stephen , bend son " Nope. I always give.
  13. I've been called Stephen Benson before. Made me chuckle.
  14. Yep, always a downer. Where'd you go? Barcelona
  15. I couldn't give a flying monkey **** who sponsors our shirts as long as they give us cash moneyz
  16. Whereas I am very **** hairy. Not on my head though, annoyingly
  17. We've had a third kit, technically, since the start of the Nike days and we've never done that.
  18. Sponsor's fine to be honest. Hell of a lot better than a lot of teams'!
  19. And I actually like the away one too, despite thinking it'd be shit. Not sure it won't clash though given it's nearly claret
  20. On the plus side, this thread has become a **** goldmine for gifs
  21. Yeah I was going to say something similar in reply to one of Conor's posts about it. I do understand the frustration with watching them weekly, but I think we're unlikely to see a Lost situation where episodes (and entire seasons) are made purely as filler, because as you say the story is there. I guess there's still a danger of them stretching it out too much, or fillers to be created if the show catches up with the books. But I'd like to think they'd be wiser than that. And the big HBO shows have a decent history of getting it right, to be fair.
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