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Everything posted by brommy

  1. I don't follow your logic. Please explain. Okay, not being a dick or nowt but not that difficult a post to follow, at least I don't think anyway. I think it takes the shine off it a little that another club, a club far smaller than us have the same. Probably therefore means that the deal we received isn't as large as the club and we might have hoped for being that they also then decided to sponsor another club. You also have to imagine that Fulham wouldn't have been expecting a major shirt sponsorship deal and probably weren't searching for one so if the two deals are the same then it's likely that it's not for masses of money as we'd all hoped. The above then leads to my imagining that it's the reason that no official figures have been released, Spurs, Liverpool, United etc are all happy to boast about their shirt deals whilst we've been left in the dark, probably because they don't want to seem inferior to the above mentioned.... Does that make it clearer? I asked you to explain because I was genuinely open to your further detail persuading me of your supposition. However, there are far too many 'think', 'probably' and 'imagine' type terms in your detail for me to believe your respected opinion is anywhere near fact. Non-disclosure of financial contracts does not necessarily hide ‘disappointing’ figures. Such privacy is more and more common within companies during this restrictive economic time and is certainly in keeping with Randy’s self-effacing style. Whilst it would be foolish to believe we have leapt to a £10m annual sponsorship; following Randy's refusal to sell the clubs name cheaply, it's reasonable to believe Randy would not have capitulated to previous figures of less than £2m per year. I don't see why Fulham's separate deal with FxPro would have any impact on our sponsorship contract. I’ve read uncorroborated script that the FxPro deal is for circa £6m/year. My own guess would be nearer to £4m to £5m. I agree it is hardly $ky4 territory, but it is a massive improvement on previous deals.
  2. I don't follow your logic. Please explain.
  3. Impressive if true. Has Randy's decision not to deal at previous figures, suggested at £2m per year, driven up the price? In doing so we have helped Acorns and the club. A nice win-win by Randy.
  4. It might cost us £15m though. It wouldn't do him any harm but it might harm the club. If he doesn't sign a new deal this summer he has to go. It's a shame, but I think that's the truth. I think you're right and would hope that this is being considered by MON and Randy. I guess it'll all come down to what Milner wants to do. Keeping Barry for another year cost Villa around £6m as he went from two to one contract year remaining; a price Randy and MON decided was worth paying. Keeping Milner for another year on the same contract could cost Villa around £15m. In the event of Milner not signing an extended contract this summer, I suspect Randy and MON would rather cash in than see Milner's value half next year. Even worse, imagine Milner leaving on a free in 2012! :shock:
  5. Is the best way to look at the whole situation. With the backing of Randy (not selling to the first bid or, I'm guessing, for much less than £30m), MON is probably thinking a long the same lines. I assume MON has some targets in case Milner forces Villa's hand.
  6. Something that will give us all a hangover for the next 5 years? How appropriate!
  7. Often acknowledged as the 'nasty' party; not usually evil though. True. With the first past the post system I think the Lib Dems would need 40%+ to win a majority of seats; highly unlikely. Despite the polls suggesting the Tories falling short of an overall majority, I still think they may just get one. They always do a couple of percentage points better than the polls; something to do with some voters not admitting to vote Tory as it's seen to be selfish. Ant colonies are successful across the world because they work better together, not just looking after themselves as individuals. I think I've made my mind up for this Thursday.
  8. Yes. Only got as far as "Macheda slots in..." on the live text. :oops: Also, on the live text I typed: Hello to all my fellow VTers! Rob, got any good pics to share? It got edited to: Hello to all my fellow VTers!
  9. The Fonz scores at Old Trafford after 22 minutes!
  10. General, Can you ensure that fans of other teams wishing to take MON away from Villa are given short shrift? In your usual eloquent manner of course! :winkold:
  11. Ought to be but isn't. Against a 13 year old government, only just recovering from a recession and a PM that lacks charisma. Even voters who don't fall for the media driven 'good looking smooth talkers are best' or don't blame Labour for the UK's recent recession are getting 'bored' with such a long term government. I predict a Conservative majority of 15 to 25 seats; a majority that would also be difficult to manage with during the next 4/5 years. Hardly a resounding victory against such weak opposition. What does that say about David Cameron and the Conservative party? :?
  12. Why do most of them still think it wasn't a penalty?
  13. indeed ..i mean i can see why people could feel that way ..would just like to think they wouldn't actually go on the street throwing parties Fair comment. I can only assume the party comment was written in jest. There is a long way between someone uttering "Good riddance" and using her death as an excuse for celebration. For me the latter would make the participants as bad as the woman PM;hardly the moral high ground or correct thing to do.
  14. sad really.. but I think it reflects more on the people that post this sort of thing though tbh ..not saying people have to be hypocrites and mourn her but they could at least have the dignity to say nothing Difficult call. I've lived through quite a few PMs and experienced many reactions to them from family, friends and work colleagues. Reactions have ranged from the apathetic feelings towards Major to the "I really can't stand that man" feelings towards Blair. I've never, and hope I won't again, heard such hatred towards a PM, expressed by such as cross-section of people, as that shown to Margret Thatcher.
  15. :shock: I saw it the other way! I thought Brown did better than his party is currently showing in the polls and Cameron did worse than his party is currently doing. Knowing that the Lib Dems will not win the majority of seats in this election, I was really looking to Cameron to step up to the plate. He's had two of the three big opportunities to impress a large audience of the UK public and failed twice. Maybe it will be third time lucky for him.
  16. Voted yay. I've twice sent flowers to her work. Firstly when she was my GF, secondly my wife. Worked out great both times and she's still going well after 19 years! A good investment me thinks.
  17. This made me chuckle. As if they think we would be happy with double what we paid. Hes probably triple...**** it...quadruple that amount now. Despite our high regard of Jimmy I don't think many teams would pay £24m for him; maybe only manciteh if their manager at the time takes a real 'fancy' to him. I therefore hope we value Milner at £25m+, unless manciteh come knocking when it should be £30m+.
  18. Can we post the above quote under every thread started which states one of our players is going to move this summer. It's the only way to think and will save pages of speculation over someting that may or may not even happen!
  19. As Cameron is the one in the 'driving seat' (ahead in the polls against a long-term goverment some people are just bored with let alone we're in a recession), I was looking for him to impress me. Cameron failed. 3 out of 10. I thought Clegg and Brown did fairly well. Both 7 out of 10.
  20. General, I too am slightly disappointed with this news; my son was very keen and I'd agreed to take him to see the lads lift their league title with a win. I'm guessing this is being done to protect the pitch before the Everton game 48 hours later? EDIT: the official site has cleared this up.
  21. Great news, General! You must be relieved to be off the leash again! Look forward to seeing you around the Upper Holte on Wednesday.
  22. Once again we are grateful of your information. Thanks BOF. What are the goal differences of the red teams above? Close enough for pool to overtake manu with a win?
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