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Everything posted by brommy

  1. Jack's promised to keep me 'in the loop' and guaranteed me highlights. I feel special but they should drop the last two letters from AVTV. You should have a ST instead!
  2. Why do we need video when we have Jack's perfect picture painting commentary? I mean what more do you need than "ball hit forward like the trajectory of a Lee Westwood 4 iron". The fact that he didn't mention which team or player shouldn't matter. I'm just happy to know it's tea at Lords.
  3. It may have had something to do with the fact that he handed in a transfer request? Didn't Barry during his 'nailed on to liverpool' move? Also many of the 'he's off' comments were pre-request!
  4. I still don't know why those who thought he would leave this summer were so confident. Words like '"face it, he's off" and "if he was staying he'd have signed by now - he's gone" were common. Was it their dodgy ITKs or their unnecessarily negative hunches? I'm not claiming I knew he was staying, far from it, just that I couldn't see any evidence that he was definitely off as many were claiming. It seemed more prudent to wait and see.
  5. Weren't you concerned about Smalling's well being? The guy went in to spasm* for Christ's sake! No nor me. *Until he realised the ref wasn't buying it.
  6. There's a chance he's pulled a 'Rooney', yes. All part of the game, he'll have probably have gained an extra £10k/week over our best pre-transfer-request offer and we'll have retained a great player for next season or more. Looking ahead at the following scenarios: Scores up to 15 league goals - he stays with us for a third year as no other club offers more than his current contract; Scores 15 to 20 league goals - could be same situation as this summer where Villa set a minimum value as he's 3 years left on his contract; Scores 20+ league goals - well he's no longer a 'one season wonder' risk and I suspect we'll enjoy auctioning him to the highest bidder (£35m? £40m+?) Either way it looks good for our club.
  7. I don't think so. The kid says "mate, look at that. Tottenham, mate" asif he was showing Benteke something. I'm guessing he had something with a Tottenham badge on it. The other kids then say "nah, i'm not having it" In any case, Benteke's reaction was an embarrassed smile. Could be anything from - Yes, I'm joining them soon; Yes, I'm a bit embarrassed at being left stuck in the middle by spuds not matching my value; Yes, that's a word I recognise between the other words I haven't a clue what they are; can we go now please!
  8. Id argue that the performance against Sunderland was up there with the best performances I have seen from any Villa player. I thought he was out of this world. There's a chance it was because I'd been starved of decent play for a few years but I remember saying to my family and other ST holders sitting around me in the Upper Holte that I had never seen a full back run a game like that before. He was first class that day. More of the same please Matthew! Did Benteke get Motm? Thought it was good that Lambert came out and said that Lowton was by far the best player on the pitch. Not to take anything from Benteke or anybody else that night. I think so, although he did score a hat-trick so grabbed the headlines. I agreed with Lambert's assessment! Lowton was so involved and it seems everything he tried that night came off.
  9. Id argue that the performance against Sunderland was up there with the best performances I have seen from any Villa player. I thought he was out of this world. There's a chance it was because I'd been starved of decent play for a few years but I remember saying to my family and other ST holders sitting around me in the Upper Holte that I had never seen a full back run a game like that before. He was first class that day. More of the same please Matthew!
  10. Depends what happens between the now and the start of the season. If he seen to have trained hard and put effort in to any pre-season games without his agent running to the media any further, the majority of fans will be okay with him. If he is still at Villa in September and playing well/scoring goals, I expect 95% of fans will be fine with him.
  11. He doesn't look like he needs a meal ticket!
  12. Did you handle the Barry saga similarly?
  13. I don't believe the sell-on clause was officially confirmed, never mind what percentage it might be.
  14. It might happen, but I still expect Spurs to bid...if he still stays the same after that then fair enough. He does need to watch his petulance, because if he gets a reputation it might effect his move after this one. Oh I expect spuds still to bid alright. I seem to remember liverplop bidding for Barry, more than once, but he didn't end up there!
  15. 'Getaway' from spuds or to spuds? If you mean it clears the way for Benteke to leave, I suggest a bid is required first. Then it will be far from 'clean'.No, I mean he's been very well behaved and it's not caused as much damage as it could have Cool. Agreed. Does anyone consider the possibility this could end up like Barry's departure? All set for team A, bids don't match his value, stays for another year playing well, moves to team B instead. Our current advantage being that unlike GB, CB will have a full 2 years on left his contact next year so he won't be leaving for 33% less than his current value to us.
  16. 'Getaway' from spuds or to spuds? If you mean it clears the way for Benteke to leave, I suggest a bid is required first. Then it will be far from 'clean'.
  17. I expect they will be looking for crumbs of BS generated by his return to training.
  18. He'll have seen it before a few times and know there's a chance he could be 'working with' Benteke for the next year. I can't recall any obvious issues Gabby had with Barry when Barry's move to Liverplop was 'nailed on'.Plus, when I look at Gabby's face, I'm not entirely convinced he'll be aware of the situation. I don't think so I was hoping this gif would turn up! To this day, it is believed Gabby still doesn't know who tapped him on his shoulders. Despite viewing the gif several times.
  19. Agreed, if he didn't/doesn't show up, it will be headlines. I wouldn't get complacent though, the hacks will be busy generating another angle - BENTEKE OUT IN THE COLD. In 30C heat, Christian Benteke was made to train on his own, far away from the players he has demanded to leave. *Insert only photo of 300 taken which shows CB at BMH without any other players in the background*
  20. He'll have seen it before a few times and know there's a chance he could be 'working with' Benteke for the next year. I can't recall any obvious issues Gabby had with Barry when Barry's move to Liverplop was 'nailed on'. Plus, when I look at Gabby's face, I'm not entirely convinced he'll be aware of the situation.
  21. The way I see it too. I'm sure some of his closer colleagues will be having a chat and possibly even a friendly dig with CB in the changing room, whilst some of the shyer players listen in, but once they are out training they'll but getting a sweat on without thinking about much else. Fortunately PL will have had plenty of time to think over exactly how he wants to deal with the situation so there shouldn't be a danger of confrontation caused by knee-jerk behaviour.
  22. Stephen Ireland.He didn't sign Ireland. MON wanted him and the agreement was done but we couldn't back out of the deal once MON left. Before this moves to an off topic feedback style loop, does anyone KNOW* the contractual obligations, if any, applicable to the final deal which was arranged under MON but completed without MON? * not - think they know, recon, 'have it on good authority' or 'apparently...'
  23. Is it gangster? Looks more like cramp.
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