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Everything posted by Ponky

  1. you limit it to one a game if your appeal is successful, youve still got one. if you waste it and 2 minutes later youre turned down a blatant penalty, tough shit Spot on...or maybe like tennis when they get two a set, teams could get 1 or 2 per half You could make it so the manager is the only one who can make the challenge - directly to the 4th official - so no-one on the field has any input.
  2. Rich Hall Sings Otis Lee Crenshaw Not piss-funny, but quite chuckle-worthy.
  3. Oh, and Megson would have to have the foulest mouth in the Premier League. Swears his head off and you don't need to be a skilled lip reader to know what he's saying. He just spews shit on the sidelines and I reckon no-one actually listens to him, he just likes the sound of his own irritating voice.
  4. Davies pushed Carew down as he went for the header. Carew would have buried it too had he not been fouled.
  5. So, my belated response to a thread over on the other page....style DOES matter!
  6. I thought the crossing from both Milner and Young was far better today. Luke Young made a difference too, making it harder for Milner to be shut down. I thought Carew was MOTM today. He had thrown down the challenge to Zat Knight in the press (in a veiled way) and had two CBs with a point to prove working on him, but he was dominant in the air and on the ground. I loved his goal, shrugged off Knight and squeezed it through Cahill's legs. MON would have been delighted to see that for a number of reasons! Milner needs to have a rest a bit more often because his ball use was miles better than it has been of late. Gabby is turning into a real centre forward now. No longer a one trick pony. Sidwell's endeavour was fantastic today but I feel he is a liability in defence and his shooting / heading is terrible - exemplified by him missing an easy shot on open goal on the penalty rebound. Clattenburg. He made some really good calls, but really looked like he was trying to make some sort of point to our players and thereby giving the Bolton players licence to smash us with impunity. The penalty was a good call, but what about the 5-6 other times our players were dragged down at set pieces? Finally, big props to Craig Gardner. Gotta love the way he hadn't been on for a minute before he had smashed two of their players and earned himself a yellow card. Protesting his innocence the whole way. Tee hee.
  7. From what I could see it looked like Megson and Steve Walford were having a very heated discussion on the way to the dressing rooms. Clear foul in front of goal to Young at the end there. Our boys are being knocked off the ball way too easily. It's clear the ref isn't calling them today, so our boys need to get stuck in.
  8. I am certainly starting to have my doubts about his approach - and to be honest I am sure there is logic there, it's just that it's hard to spot sometimes. My feeling is that he has assembled too many bass players and not enough lead guitarists and while we are pretty good at keeping a beat there is not much actual music being played. I think there are several managers that could come in and do at least as good a job as him, perhaps even a few that could do better, but there are also plenty who could come in and take us backwards. Remember too that up to a certain point hiring a new manager means starting again - and in my view generally leads to a team going backwards before it goes forwards. My suspicion is that at the end of this season there will be a review of things by MON and Randy and I'd not be surprised if MON decided to move on of his own accord. All just speculation, but a gut feeling.
  9. Technically Cuellar's suspension won't take effect until next week will it - so he will be eligible to play and miss the following match instead I would have thought. Either way though I think it's time for Young's return. We have seen how crucial Warnock can be as an attacking fullback and I think having another running up the right can only cause more headaches.
  10. Ugh, those Everton fans. Not the most clued up, are they? Everton players just had to hold their arms up and the crowd went off. It was like they were conducting the world's most irritating choir!
  11. Well, we were probably slightly the better side based on our second half effort but I think a draw was a pretty decent result for us. We had a few more chances in open play and I thought worked the ball far deeper towards the byline than we have previously. Seeing Warnock and Young start to develop a bit of a partnership was probably the highlight for me. The ref was just shocking. Giving Warnock a yellow card for just bystanding was ridiculous! I thought the red on Cuellar was dead harsh and it was a clumsy tackle & foul at worst. Although he was already on a yellow I am certain the dickhead ref showed him a straight red. The Everton red looked harsh at first, but on replay it was a two-footed tackle, studs out - straight red. Ratings: Friedel 7 - not much chance with the goal and didn't really have much else to do. His kicking was good. Cuellar 5.5 - a bit wooden today, didn't really give us enough going forward Warnock 8 - MOTM - was outstanding today in defence and attack and kept Cahill quiet Dunne 7.5 - his best match for a few weeks. Collins 7 - superb in the air and competent on the ground. Petrov 6.5 - a decent performance, worked hard and almost scored a ripping goal Sidwell 5 - back to Sidwho? today - numerous opportunities to make something happen and fluffed 'em Milner 5 - before he got injured he did very little. Hard worker but his use of the ball is terrible ATM Young 7 - struggled in the first half with being double teamed but really started to show some of his old spark in the second. I see light at the end of the tunnel for Ashley. Heskey 6 - while still frustrating I thought this was the best I have seen Heskey play for us. Went AWOL in the second half when Carew came on Gabby 7 - had his pace negated by Distin but showed some intelligence & confidence with the ball. The way he controlled the ball onto an angle to allow him to shoot led indirectly to Carew's goal. Subs: Carew 7 - took his goal well and led the line well too. Hopefully that goal will be the shot in the arm he needs. NRC n/r - not enough time on ground.
  12. Thanks KSV - great highlights, pity they don't include the shootout. And what a flipping bullshit penalty that was against Carlos...
  13. Well you know we were rubbish when even MON says we played poorly.
  14. If we had a bit of composure & nouse up forward we may have scored 3-4. I can't believe the amount of times we butcher easy chances for crosses or shots. Big problem is apart from Gabby pretty much every player who is expected to contribute goals is very much out of form. I think Carew is being harshly bagged out here. I thought he was pretty important for us and made several very good flick-ons etc. And I love James Milner for his heart and workrate but unfortunately he couldn't hit a Hippo's arse with a banjo at the moment and much of his hard work gets flushed down the toilet. I just think it's ironic that in pre-season MON was saying we had no troubles scoring goals but just couldn't keep them out, but I think it's the complete opposite now. Oh, and the ref was a complete word removed.
  15. Also worth noting that when Mr Petrove finds his way into the opposition penalty area he makes stuff happen - even if he does not score much himself. For him to be able to do that he needs to be sure that his midfield partner and his defence won't leave him stranded. I think Sidwell, for all his flaws, is a hard worker and has a good understanding with Petrov.
  16. Has anyone got any footage of MON going arse over tit after Annelka ran into him?
  17. Ashley seemed a little intimidated by Boswinga today - Boswinga and Sagna tend to play best against him because they can match his pace better than other defeders. Collins & Dunne together = Martin Laursen+++ Neither on their own is better than Laursen but together I think they make our defence the strongest I have seen it in 3-4 years. Friedel gave away a Carson-esque goal but his multiple saves from 1 0n 1 situations more than made up for it. Petrov was fantastic and really dug in well. Sidwell didn't go hiding as usual but his disposal was poor. All in all I think we only played at about 70% of our capacity - there is massive room for improvement - and we still beat Chelsea 2-1!
  18. Jedi has Carrie Fisher in a skimpy outfit, back when she was every geek-boys fantasy. Empire has Billy Dee Williams with his shiny hair and sky-blue cape. Empire shades it by a notch if you are looking at the original versions, but by a long shot if you look at the "re-mastered" version of Jedi where they insert Hayden Christensen into the picture at the end alongside the afterlife versions of Yoda and Obi-Wan.
  19. Certainly a very good game and the right result although we might have put it to bed in the first half. I agree that Ireland changed the complexion of the match and we should have responded better. Our main problem at the moment is that with Carew out of form we have only really Gabby and set pieces to score for us and thus we are lacking in teeth up front. Milner seems to conjure a raft of chances for himself only to butcher them all. It's quite frustrating really.
  20. Was impressed by Delph today. Certainly still has a way to go but his one-touch passing is outstanding and seems to be developing a bit of an understanding with Ashley.
  21. I thought we had been struggling with their high balls into our defensive area and Heskey was brought on to help counter that. However, I did expect Carew to come off for Albrighton when Grella was sent off, or at least when they scored.
  22. I thought the tactics were fine - in my opinion. It was the defence's inability to cope with their high balls into the box and our poor ball control that cost us. I love Milner but this is the second away game in a row where his passing, crossing, shooting and positioning have been utterly woeful. And Ashley's free kicks were poor today, costing us opportunities for goal attempts. To me the game was ours to take when Grella went off - moving Heskey upfront and replacing Carew with Albrighton would have really stretched them.
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