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Everything posted by LeafyVilla

  1. As I said in the McLeish topic, I really don't think there has been no where near enough abuse aimed at McLeish, we need it on the Blackburn/Kean scale and if now isn't the right time when will be ? Next season when we are home to Barnsley on the opening day of the season. We need to either fill Villa Park with enough abuse to make Randy sit up and notice or leave Villa Park over half empty to make him take notice, yes I know it affects the players but most of them will be gone when we get relegated. We have to stop pussyfooting around do we want this bloody idiot out or what.
  2. The injury list at the club at the minute is a joke. I find it a bit strange when they all seem to come when we're struggling. I used to think that injuries caused teams to drop down the league. I'm now convinced that the shitter you get the more injuries will happen. Whatever way round I blame McLeish for it all. Eventually our years of having a wafer thin squad under Ellis/Lerner would bite us in the arse, we have no one to blame but the club, I bet in Premier League history we would be way out in front in terms of having the smallest squad every season...
  3. Nah GH got faaaaaaaaaaaaar more abuse then AMC Sunderland last season at home was just vile, the hostility towards Houllier was Blackburn esque. I think everyone has just accepted we're shit and we're boring to watch this season. So why hasn't it got to this stage with McTosser yet . There are two ways to sort this out, make the home games so damn volatile in terms of abuse towards McLeish or just stay away and vote with your feet, yes both ways could have a bad effect on the players but we are pussy footing around in our abuse of this clown, the board need to see first hand some Kean esq kind of abuse. My Ice Hockey team that I follow in Canada have just changed their coach as the General Manager said it would have been unfair to make him coach another home game due to the fans abuse and believe me they were pussy footing about compared to what Kean was getting at Blackburn, all I'm saying is we need to get a bit nasty now in either go pay the entrance fee and abuse McGinger to hell and back or stay away and make Villa Park like a ghost town, not good for the team but either McTwa.t will step down or thousands of empty seats should see Randy grow a pair of gonads. Go Canucks Go! :winkold: Hi Skipvilla, don't **** the playoffs up this year, I'm born and bred in England but want the Canadian teams to do well in the playoffs, well not the Senaturds.. Sorry for the off topic guys.
  4. Then the fans have to vote with their feet and stay away, it WILL work in the end if there were thousands upon thousands of empty seats every home match....
  5. Nah GH got faaaaaaaaaaaaar more abuse then AMC Sunderland last season at home was just vile, the hostility towards Houllier was Blackburn esque. I think everyone has just accepted we're shit and we're boring to watch this season. So why hasn't it got to this stage with McTosser yet . There are two ways to sort this out, make the home games so damn volatile in terms of abuse towards McLeish or just stay away and vote with your feet, yes both ways could have a bad effect on the players but we are pussy footing around in our abuse of this clown, the board need to see first hand some Kean esq kind of abuse. My Ice Hockey team that I follow in Canada have just changed their coach as the General Manager said it would have been unfair to make him coach another home game due to the fans abuse and believe me they were pussy footing about compared to what Kean was getting at Blackburn, all I'm saying is we need to get a bit nasty now in either go pay the entrance fee and abuse McGinger to hell and back or stay away and make Villa Park like a ghost town, not good for the team but either McTwa.t will step down or thousands of empty seats should see Randy grow a pair of gonads.
  6. Can you back that up with some proof, please please pretty please...
  7. Even McLeish still thinks its because where he came from, it's not you clearing in the woods it's because you are a crap manager, why did Andy Gray mention the fact that he came from the scum, why didn't he go for the jugular.
  8. 1800mp about £16 I think, just seen the first video of it and it looks good, it's out April 24th which is quite early seeing as the euros doesn't start until June..
  9. I wonder what Lerner is actually thinking at the moment about the whole situation, would he be thinking damn I've made a colossal cock up here appointing McLeish and we've a real chance of getting relegated, or would he be so stupid in thinking that this season is merely a blip and that McLeish will have us much higher up the League next season if we survive. Here's hoping he's not thinking we'll get a good draft pick for finishing near the bottom of the league like they do across the pond.
  10. I've never been a fan of forwards being the captain, don't know why just never liked it, I think it should have gone to Collins tbh on a temporary basis and then to Dunne next season, as previously stated though there isn't really an abundance of players with leadership qualities in the squad is there....
  11. And out of that tough run in they've just took 6 points from Arsenal & Liverpool, we got mauled at Arsenal and probably will get more of the same against Liverpool, QPR have players who can score goals and we don't, Gabby will never be prolific at all even in the championship next season he'll only manage about 10-12 goals tops, I got 20/1 six weeks ago on us going down as even back then I couldn't see us being good enough to survive.
  12. No it's not good to bet on our own team I know, but I'm a realist and knew they would go down in my heart.
  13. I had a tenner at 20/1 about 6 weeks ago, last week with bet365 we were 25/1, it's one bet that obviously I hoped to lose but just never had faith that we'd have the bollocks for a fight.
  14. I still think we'll go down, I thought that when McLeish was appointed and nothing at all I've seen this season has even made me come close to changing my mind, I really hope I'm wrong though...
  15. Personally I think that the people who say that we definitely won't go down are on far stronger drugs than the ones who think its a real possibility, we are in the brown stuff like or not...
  16. First of all. The leafs suck. Second...You say 'knowing our luck'...we will get hammered. It has nothing to do with luck. If we were a decent side and playing well it would be unlucky to lose to Liverpool yes. But We play to draw and often to only lose by 1 or 2 goals. If we lose to Liverpool it wont be because of bad luck, it will be because our manager never had any intention of winning that game. Yep I know the Leafs suck, secondly I was only saying "knowing our luck" in jest as I know it will be because McLeish is tactically inept and we just aren't good enough at the moment, jeez I really put myself through it with the two teams I support don't I but I wouldn't change either of them for the world....
  17. We'll go to Liverpool and get hammered knowing our luck, the bin dippers will at last find some decent home form, bloody scouse gits...
  18. I've been saying this for the last 6 weeks on various sites/pages and all I've had in reply is that I'm a pessimist and I'm all doom and gloom, but I've had a bad feeling about relegation for a long time now, I really hope I'm wrong but I still see some of the other teams below us surpassing us.
  19. Welcome to the mighty Villa Brett, I know absolutely nothing you so will hold judgement until you're settled in and have played a number of games for us.... P.s. if you can aim a few balls at the ginger clearings in the woods head in training it would be appreciated.
  20. The only thing that scares me more than finishing the season with McLeish and getting relegated is finishing the season with K Mac, the bloke is no better than McLeish at being a manager, losing 6-0 to newly promoted Newcastle proved that.
  21. I said when he was appointed that he'd relegate us and nothing I've seen so far this season has made me change mind at all, the bloke is way out of his depth in the Premier League, imagine the millions Randy will lose when we go down, the joke is on you Lerner you should have listened to the fans....
  22. Even Mark Albrighton tweeted that they didn't deserve to lose the game, McLeish must have the players believing his utter drivel now...
  23. Can't open the link and can't see anybody else reporting the signing either...
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