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Everything posted by lapal_fan

  1. yea is it coleman still there? he's doing ok with them. be good to see them in prem again (for a little while)
  2. Could you put 50 mini sensors in the ball and the way you know it has crossed the line is if all the sensors fire off and vibrate the refs arse or something? it'd be easy to **** do..we put a man on the bastard moon 40 years ago but we cannot see if a bastard ball crosses a white line? in some of which cases cost a team millions upon millions of pounds.
  3. I'll be totally honest and say I use this site maybe 1-2 hours a day and do not donate - nor do i intend to. I love this site but I dont feel its worth my actual money - if you get what I'm saying, I mean if it were to close for whatever reason I would plod to the next site and so on. I spend enough money elsewhere to feel the need to dontate to a forum. As I said, I'm being honest so I do not expect to be scrutinised, but I probably will. I do however regularly click on the adverts, but I am also quite aware that that is not enough to keep it going singlehandedly, maybe if everyone did once every hour they are here it would be better.
  4. The play should carry on..If there is a goal then there is always a 1 minute stop in play for celebrating or whatever, whilst this is happening the 4th official should rewind the play and make the decision. The only call you can make is 'did the ball cross the line?', not 'was it a penalty?' etc etc imo
  5. the ones stewie did are gathering a large followng on facebook lol everyone is going 'omg lolz dees are ace lol'
  6. Whats funnier than a rape victim with cancer who caught HIV from sniffing a dead monkeys pants? Nothing. pretty tame by your standards KL
  7. Whats worse than being raped? Dying whilst being raped. - What is worse than dying whilst being raped? Being resusitated once you died of being raped and then being raped to death again. bad innit..
  8. lol i came here with the joke that even this wouldnt stop gabby15..but ive been beaten to the namesdropping
  9. I doubt many women would even like to put that thing anywhere near their nether regions..its like your anticipating being raped..i dont know because im not a woman but i certainly dont plan for being raped everytime i go out on the streets.. maybe a couple of people will use them, and if it makes them feel safer then good for them, but i bet its a tiny %..i think its more practical to carry pepper spray or something, you feel safer for having it but its not a small procedure for admisitering it either.
  10. just think, it'll all be worth it in 5 years..i hated A levels, way harder than Degree's. just keep going, that extra 30 mins revision is the difference between a C/D A/B etc etc. its nothing when you think about it, but it just feels like forever when your doing it. (* i wish I was as good at studying as i am at giving advice on how to revise )
  11. GTA was troubled by framerate slowdown which took alot from the atmosphere...the map was brilliant, but a couple of bug bears ruined it RDR doesnt suffer with those issues and its characters are the best out of most games. certainly up there with solid snake etc etc (if anyone says masterchef (lol) I will punch you)
  12. Could have meant it the other way to!
  13. no, I mean I DO watch scat porn with midgets..listen!
  14. Id rather watch Scat porn with a bunch of hairy dwarfs than watch England..but i do anyway
  15. anyone shot one of those ridiculously fast moving blue birds yet? they're tiny and bright blue, kind of like a kingfisher. I have only seen 2, missed one and shot the other with a springfield, so there wasnt anything left to skin.. I want to know what they are though!
  16. best to get the old fire bottles on them..thats fun, especially with two riders
  17. I want one of the Boffins to work out what the chance % of England winning it are. I reckon about 5% I'd put money on us not winning it. We are shit. Rooney is our only good player. Id put England in the same level category as Uruguay, Chile, Slovakia, Cezh Republic..the 3rd tier of world football...Our moment passed in 1990, 1998 and 2006, seems to be 8 year cycles where we have our best talent. The rest of that time we waste the tournament playing aging stars who used to be good, but arent pulling their weight - im looking at you Gerrard, Lampard, Heskey, Rio, Terry..
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