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Everything posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. I've heard that too. Makes sense I suppose. That's why no-one from the club has said a word.
  2. I feel for ya dude. I broke up with my missus back in November. 2 and a half years, engaged, planning a wedding... then boom. Gone. She'd started going out more and more, a couple of nights she didn't come home and said she stayed at a friends. (pissed me off). I still feel upset by it. But I've been going out with my mates a bit more, treated myself to a few luxuries, kept myself busy etc... It's also given me more motivation. I saw her out with someone else not too long after we broke up so since then I've been trying to better myself. Already lost a stone and firmed up a bit. Feeling better about myself. I'm getting over it and I'm getting better in myself. Could be the best thing thats ever happened to me.
  3. I've been waiting for this day. :cry: Get Bent in, ship Carew out, Makoun gets his work permit, ship Warnock out and get Samba in. Best January Window Ever.
  4. I can do Thursday night / Friday night / Saturday or Sunday. No real plans.
  5. I'm up for another session this week if anyone fancies it. I'm level 44 now (1st prestige) so I'm looking to hit 50 this week
  6. Good games lads. Undefeated in Domination. 7-0. Boom boom. I like the way you all copied my Clan Tag too It really was 2 E Z weren't it? lol
  7. I might use the editor to put in some of the players we're linked with and move some of the players linked away. Out: Sidwell (Fulham), Guzan (Hull), Davies (Leicester), Carew (WBA), Warnock (Blackburn) In: Rodallega, Figueroa, Makoun, Moussa, Walker (Loan), Benzema (Loan), Joe Lewis, Adam
  8. I'm there like swimwear. I brought myself a new TV last night. It's so beautiful! Samsung 37" 1080p HD one. I now finally have my 360 connected to the HDMI again! It makes such a difference. A big, beautiful difference. Went on COD last night and the bigger screen threw me off completely. Need to get my bearings back.
  9. Yeah I'm up for it. Not played in a week due to post game Final Fantasy XIII so will be a nice change of pace.
  10. What time? I was in quite a few large matches / parties last night, also had a Clan match about 10pm. Just send me a message if you wanna play, if I'm not in another party / clan match I'll send you an invite to my lobby
  11. I say put this team out. Beye-----Davies-----Cuellar-----Clark ------------------NRC-------------------- ---------Petrov--------Bannan---------- -Ash-----------------------------Downing -----------------Gabby--------------------
  12. I only played 5 wager matches (and that was to get the achievement). Did you like my Theatre Clip, Tamuff? Random sticky grenade final kill FTW
  13. Yay! Back to level 22 and back with this set up. Warlord Pro up and running too. Booyah
  14. I only had 1 pro perk so that didn't bother me. Mainly because I used the same set-up throughout the game since using the one I mentioned. Scavenger, Warlord Pro, Marathon
  15. For some reason I decided to prestige last night. Immediately regretted it. I miss my AK74u w/ Grip and Rapid Fire!
  16. Were they really? Hahaha. I love it when people lose their rag. Yeah we got demolished in that Havana game, but did you notice that the other 3 lads in our 'team' all ran around together resulting in someone getting 3 kills in one go alot of the time. They were like a shoal of fish, one behind the other all the time.
  17. Just had a nice couple of hours gaming with Villa Neil 81 and villalad77. We showed 'em all how the Villa Boys do it Finally hit level 50 too, also managed to get my K/D ratio up to 1.70 from 1.37 this week. I've been on fire. RAWR
  18. Because football is a business is exactly why he will worry about his wellbeing. The last thing anyone wants is him to be out for longer. None of us know how Delph is doing other than what we hear - we'll have to just trust the manager/staff's experience and Delph's own feeling. How has he suddenly become one of our "best players"? The guy has played a handful of PL games and had mixed reviews at best. I'm looking forward to having him back, but I can't understand why people are pining so much hope on him for this season. Have you seen the guy play? He's amazing and by far our best technical player I agree. He's a good player, but it's kinda like when Bouma was out for ages. He was the best left back in the world while he was injured and was being talked of 'turning our season around'. We've got even less to judge Delph on. Sure, what we've seen so far has been quite good - but remember Downing was poor for some time after coming back from a bad injury.. Delph is not going ot hit the ground running, I don't think we'll see him play a major part this season. Part of the reason Downing was poor after his injury is because he was scared he'd do it again. Something tells me Delph won't be in that mindset.
  19. I'd say Albrighton is pretty spot on, tbh.
  20. Also, Mexes is a beast in this game. 58 matches played, 12 goals scored. 7.44 average rating. 3 Red Cards though >_> At least it gave him a rest. In fact, I think he did it on purpose.
  21. Thought I'd let you know how my first season went. Only went and done the Quadrouple day I? League (lost 3 matches), FA Cup, League Cup, Euro Cup. I'm now a Villa legend. Boo-yah. Scored 89 in the league, conceded 31. Didn't get top scorer though considering how many I scored. Dzeko (17million) got 24 for the season (41 overall). I think Rooney won that with 27. Got a wicked tactic. I'll put it up when I get home. I'm creating so many chances it's unreal. Average about 21 shots a game, just gotta get them on target. Formation is like this; ----------------GK---------------- DR-------DC--------DC--------DL -------MC------MC------MC------- ---------------AMC----------------- ----------ST---------ST------------ I play a beautiful passing game.
  22. I believe he has him on loan from Aston Villa and wants to extend it, not he is in charge of Villa and has loaned him out.
  23. Ah right. Guess I'll forfeit the 'invisible'ness of the silencer and just go with my reflexes and steady hand
  24. To achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started. So this morning I looked around my house to see things I'd started and hadn't finished and, before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, a pockage of Prunglies, tha mainder of bot Prozic and Valum scriptins, the res of the Chesescke an a box a choclets. Yu haf no idr how bludy guod I feel rite now.
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