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Everything posted by Tegis

  1. Malcolm Floyd not moving, Ouch
  2. Tucker chokes again. still 0-3 cleveland
  3. Browns punter is gash at the moment
  4. Packers are killing the skins
  5. A Little catch!!!! Making a note
  6. Barkevius Mingo! What a name....and sack
  7. Catching someone like Trindon Holliday (who has outrun a fair few american Olympic gold medal sprinters) takes a fair bit more skill than roiding up.
  8. SNF is too late for me. Recorder to the rescue
  9. The best about the NFL right there, no one is truly left out. Seatle and the niners have been pretty bloody poor in recent years and look at them now, ditto for Detroit. I remember when I started watching the NFL and the Patriots were the laughingstock until Bledsoe/Brady came along. The only ones in terminal decline seems to be the Bills and the Browns, the latter have picked up a bit though.
  10. Last year in NFL-terms means diddly squat. That said, I believe the three mentioned above are the big dogs in the NFC this year
  11. Tegis


    I think I've just watched the worst ref ever, and it isn't even Cecil Peoples. It was at a Titan event the other week. The gif doesn't do it justice as its not even the ref waiving it of, it was the bell to end the round. What an absolute word removed!
  12. Nessler is ok though. But the Michaels-Collinsworth combo is the best atm.
  13. Another thread reminded me of these. **** everywhere! Regardless if it's slippery or not
  14. Tegis

    General Chat

    Cremated and scattered please. I dont want to be someones maintenence after Im gone. Where this happens is up to family, I wont care then anyway
  15. "Fanny" means something quite different in British English than it does in American English and trust me, that guy cannot possibly have a fanny. Oh I know Thats why I like using the american wording
  16. I wonder if I can rock the fanny-pack like this badboy
  17. I need to buy loads of baggy pants
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