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Everything posted by DeadlyDirk

  1. Agree with all of that, but I was leaning towards hilarious ineptitude....
  2. Aren't the Russians sabotaging (unintentionally) their own supplies themselves?
  3. And Dale Stephens.... He's made the ultimate sacrifice of being locked in JulieB's basement for eternity...
  4. I would guess that he'll only be used as a last resort this season seeing as there's only a few games left. Full pre-season with the rest of the team and it'll be a different situation for him next season.
  5. Makes you wonder, is Jed Steer still in the Physio's room?
  6. If you had the choice.... Olsen Bunn (obviously when he was number 2 for us)
  7. It's just further proof that xG is just something meaningless for the hipsters to jump on to sound cool. It's poppycock. Sorry if that upsets anyone, it's just my personal view! Anyway, what a beautiful team performance.
  8. Just seen a colleague from work who's a Portsmouth fan... "Wow, Villa are unreal..." - People are taking notice!
  9. Did see yesterday someone mentioned he had an abscess - can't be bothered to hunt down the comment though....
  10. In the theme of awesome names..... .... I still want us to sign Jizz Hornkamp
  11. I still refer to it as lovefilm....
  12. You mean prime? I'm with you though whilst not really sophisticated, it's a by the numbers action/comedy and I had great fun watching it. I want Hugh Grant to do these types of roles more often.
  13. For the first time since being back in the Premier League, I bet on a Villa win (I don't normally bet on Villa) as I was absolutely convinced we'd win this. Uncle Unai, what a guy...
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