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Everything posted by GaztonVilla

  1. Luke Young at fault for that, shocking shocking positioning and awareness.
  2. Zhirkov's right leg clips off Collins. Yes he made a lot of it and made sure there was contact, but contact there definitely was.
  3. One of the beauties of this team selection is that it gives Ancelotti a lot to think about. Gabby will be dropping onto the wing, Milner and Young will be floating all over the place. Chelsea defenders in disarray not knowing who the jaysus they should be tracking.
  4. Equally, I thought he has looked excellent going forward at times. Lovely flowing move down the right hand side, Cuellar involved twice and overlaps for a lovely cross. Cuellar pops up at back post for good dangerous header. Nice strike from 25 yards at the stroke of HT too.
  5. This was a SIGNIFICANT improvement on the Arsenal performance. In horrendous conditions, there was no shortage of skill, passion and desire to win. MON got the tactics spot on and made, I believe, the correct substitutions. He went to win the match and for the last 20 mins we had Liverpool petrified.
  6. Somebody please call 999, some people are going to need a WAAAAAAAAAmbulance. Nobody, but nobody, should feel a sense of entitlement to a ticket, regardless of what match they attended and when. To say that, because you haven't got a ticket to a football match, "Yet again Aston Villa let down the FANS" is a shockingly narrow-minded comment. This was always going to be a hugely over-subscribed match. The club had to make a decision .n ticketing, and its a decision that was never going to be 100% popular regardless of what side the club came down on. Suck it up. Demand far outweighed supply. This is only going to get worse and worse as we get more successful on the pitch.
  7. by Tim Minchin. A really nice Christmas song with a bit of a laugh chucked in.
  8. I find it strange that Dunne/Collins can get a vote. Yes they look good together, but they haven't played together for long enough to be considered surely?
  9. Mellberg and Alpay got my vote. Before Alfie went a bit nuts, they were a fantastic partnership.
  10. Go to bed for ****'s sake.. You left the pub early cos you "have a big day tomorrow"
  11. It allows you to install apps that aren't from the App Store. Apple are pretty strict about what they allow you to install on the iPhone. Jailbreaking gets around that. Also allows you to install themes and other ringtones. And if you don't like the jailbreakedness () of it all, you can just plug the phone into iTunes and hit restore.
  12. I don't know how I'm going to cope with it really. It's about 5 minutes from my house. Maybe I won't bother.
  13. This has probably been discussed before.. I did the jailbreaking thing last night. Wow. Totally unlocked the potential for customising the phone. And now I've got free TomTom. Awesome.
  14. GaztonVilla


    It'll be more of Dex scrambling around trying to cover his tracks. Plus Quinn will be on his case lots. Ultimately, I think S5 will be the end of Dexter, he'll be killed by Deborah. You heard it here first haha.
  15. GaztonVilla


  16. Still available, but not from AVFC. You'll be able to buy an away ticket on the turnstile tomorrow. Sleepers? You know you want to
  17. Get yourselves to Sleepers at East Boldon metro, 2 stops from the Stadium of Light and meet up with the local supporters club. Any questions, PM me.
  18. Ah I KNEW I shouldn't have come into this thread. Just watching Sky Sports 2 and the Browns are 13-6 up with 5 mins to go.
  19. GaztonVilla


    "Hello, Dexter Morgan" Jesus, I can't even begin to think about what happens in the next episode. Is it Sunday yet???????
  20. Lady Gaga: I'm your biggest fan, I'll chase you down until you love me. Emile, Emile Heskey.
  21. Is there any truth to the rumours of a Ghostbusters film with Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd? Not a remake, as such, but a "20 years on" film with Bill Murray and Dan Ackroyd starring as "mentoring busters"?
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