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Everything posted by Awol

  1. Yes, last week I think it was.
  2. More sinister and utterly wrong use of the Anti Terrorism laws: Climate change activist stopped from travelling to Copenhagen Glad we were promised the legislation would only be used sparingly and in cases directly related to terrorism. It now appears you can be branded a terrorist simply for having an opinion that differs from the Government line.
  3. Damn you 29! Please delete or merge MODs. Ta.
  4. 'President' Blair waits on voters of Ireland If this Treaty/Constitution gets ratified it will end the culture of democratic accountability that all European nations are built on. The acid test for a democracy is whether or not you can remove the politicians above you via the ballot box. That right ends with Lisbon and the appointment of an unaccountable European elite that will forever be beyond our control. So VT'ers what are your views? If your Irish then please let us know how or if you voted and why.
  5. well the poll does say people ..but how many would it be if you only counted the women :winkold: Ah. At a guess between 140 and 160, but it is a guess.
  6. This thread has given me new confidence in my pulling skills. I hit three figures by 21 and stopped counting. Edit: The vast majority were utter slags though.
  7. Economic Left/Right: -4.88 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.56 Surprised myself with that.
  8. You see, i'd have gone for that too Ash, but it's not an option. EDIT: done that gag to death. Have put a tick in the centre left box too. That hasn't changed for 20 years, although if anything i'm getting further left the older i get, which is not meant to happen, is it? It's meant to be the other way around, AFAIK? Well Mr Churchill said: It's fair to say he's a little biased though :winkold:
  9. Thank you for the threadjacking I voted Centre Right but I guess I'm a bit of a mix really. More to Left parties over Health and Education, to the Right on Crime, Judiciary and Europe, towards the Liberals on Drug Policy and the Greens on the Environment. Basically there is no one I can vote for who represents the majority of my opinions.
  10. Awol

    Indian Girls

    I'm not sure if they've started their Heathrow service yet but if you ever take an internal flight in India fly with Kingfisher. The stewardesses are the finest women I've ever seen so if you've got a thing for Indian chicks, you'll be in heaven.
  11. It doesn't irritate me at all, the opposite in fact. I particularly like re-reading threads that involve making predictions about stuff. There are some canny folks on here.
  12. Strangely, I always feel a sense of well being and satisfaction after a serious jobbie.
  13. :shock: The GU nurse obviously took a dislike to me then. Not an experience I'd like to repeat, ever.
  14. I said the same on here months ago, pushing through the removal of British national independence is Fondlebum's only political purpose. I hereby propose changing your movement from burn it all down to string them all up.
  15. Well the lies are unravelling now.. Libya paid for medical advice that helped Lockerbie bomber's release Meanwhile.. Gordon Brown vetoes Libyan payout to IRA victims There's more.. That's it. Gordon Brown isn't going to make it to the general election Anyone would think that Brown has actually gone a bit tonto. Oh, hang on.. Gordon Brown ‘on drugs to control depression’ Like any normal person I have sympathy with anyone suffering mental illness, however it's very clear to me that this man cannot be allowed to continue in post for much longer. ESTABLISHMENT 'COLLUDING IN PLIGHT OF SICK MAN BROWN' Do Labour MP's have the courage to put the country before their own petty ambitions? Maybe.. An October revolt is plotted. Brown's head is not safe yet
  16. He's claimed every penny of his MEP allowances but instead of pocketing them he put it into UKIP campaigning. If he was a good European he'd be using to to buy a farmhouse in Tuscany or similar, just like most other MEP's do. Not heard about anything else allegation wise..
  17. Farage as Speaker would be a stroke of genius. Despite being batshit crazy he wouldn't be in the pocket of any party and could have a genuine go at cleaning the place up. Plus Bercow is a horrible little weasel so I'd love to see him thrown out, whether that's against Parliamentary Protocol or not.
  18. Well tomorrow Darling will announce an increase of 11 billion in our donations to the IMF emergency fund. That 11 billion we don't have so will have to borrow and pay interest on just to give it away again. Is it any freaking wonder our country is broke? Tossers.
  19. Awol


    Churchill had a good line: "You can always trust the Americans to do the right thing, after they have tried everything else."
  20. US spies blamed Iran for Lockerbie bomb From what Megrahi said in The Times interview I wouldn't like to bet that information isn't coming out anyway, leaving egg on the faces of us and the Americans. No wonder they were so against him being released.
  21. Lockerbie release casts dark shadow over Britain's ties with US FWIW I think the government has done the right thing for the country, even if that doesn't square with justice.
  22. At home with the Lockerbie bomber I reckon this might unfold in a way that hasn’t been anticipated by our glorious rulers. If he drops any evidence of Syrian involvement that will completely bugger the ongoing US/UK efforts to bring them in from the cold. It'll make our Justice System look a bit toss too.
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