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Everything posted by Awol

  1. Rodders, steady state of: Tories - 40% Labour - 30% Lib Dems - 20% Given the boundary changes that have taken place under Labour that still might not be enough to give Cameron an outright majority but with a leader that isn't regarded as financially incontinent Labour would probably pull those numbers back more. Personally I suspect the Dark Lord Mandleson is behind this, the people fronting it are expendable fall guys leaving at the next election anyway.
  2. Dicks yes, but correct dicks nevertheless. The only person unable to grasp that the public will not vote in sufficent numbers for five more years of Gordon Brown is Gordon Brown - and his ever dwindling band of deluded supporters. Ditch Brown and they have at least got a chance of getting a hung Parliament - it is certainly the Tories biggest fear.
  3. Shi-te ref, but battered none the less. Hope we can pull it around for Pool. 0 from 6 would be a kick in the nuts.
  4. Absolutely crackers getting rid of Hughes like this. Hopefully they'll stuff up their Caring Cup semi's, have a massive clearout in Jan to make way for the next wave of self regarding prima donnas and we can pick up the striking equivalent of Richard Dunne for a pittance - RSC would be nice.
  5. Well we know RBS were exposed to billions in Dubai but it looks like Abu Dhabi are going to pick up the tab as predicted. However... How much are our banks exposed to Greek sovereign debt, and if they do go pop does the EU step in? Is there any kind of structural fund in the Eurozone to bail out it's members if they are in the brown stuff? Basically what happens to the EU if Greece (or Spain) goes broke? According to Stephanie Flanders basically the European Central bank has been bailing the Greeks out by buying their paper at standard interest rates but the problem is it has to stop soon and that will cause Greek interest to rise dramatically and their rating to drop. Cheers bud. Well we are borrowing a higher percentage of our GDP than the Greeks but at least we can use the pound to take some of the hit through devaluation and worry about hyper inflation later. Thank christ we didn't go in or we'd be even more screwed now.
  6. Well we know RBS were exposed to billions in Dubai but it looks like Abu Dhabi are going to pick up the tab as predicted. However... How much are our banks exposed to Greek sovereign debt, and if they do go pop does the EU step in? Is there any kind of structural fund in the Eurozone to bail out it's members if they are in the brown stuff? Basically what happens to the EU if Greece (or Spain) goes broke?
  7. Just for the record, Wedge: PM stands by 'British jobs' vow Does that mean Labour are nearly the BNP too?
  8. Tone, I think you're on about Sarko's recent comments giving the lie to EU solidarity: Sarkosy declares victory over Britain But, *splutter* but, we're all on the same team now.. Muppets.
  9. Morgan Stanley fears UK sovereign debt crisis in 2010 So UK PLC is soon to have a credit rating below that of a supermarket, outstanding. Welcome to 1929.
  10. Finally, some truth about targets.. British policing 'has lost its way in target culture'
  11. 100%. That is why I was hoping Huhne would get the leadership of the Lib Dems instead of that wet fart Clegg.
  12. there really is absolutely no way of knowing this .... If the Tories took over then left on mass for Barbados after putting the RSPCA in charge of the country then (short of invading Iran) it couldn't be any worse than it has been. I'm afraid this just isn't correct Jon: Here They can't say in minute detail exactly what they would do until they have seen the books and the true scale of the debt we are in, but they have already given a much clearer idea of what they intend to do in terms of policy than Blair's NL pre 1997. That is definitely fair comment. Maybe not this time but as I wrote above, a second GE shortly after the next one could precipate all sorts of change. I honestly think we are heading for a perfect storm in 2010 with rising unemployment, the possibility of another big financial crash (and we couldn't bail out a second one without totally busting the country) social unrest, an unpopular war; it could all add up to revolutionary change. I reckon BoJo would be great - almost Churchillian. All I can really go on are the many deabtes I've had with a Tory PPC friend and he's convinced me that thngs will be very different from the party of Maggie if they get in. She had to fix the economy, the current lot are looking to fix both the economy and society. There is an interesting article in the Torygraph about this very issue that you might find interesting: David Cameron and ‘Red Tory’s’ promise to heal Britain through community values Just as Blair took Labour away from socialism in order to get them elected, I think Cameron will continue 'managing out' the old and bold Tories that make people shudder, and aims introduce a more social conservatism based on strengthening communities. That's worth voting for imo.
  13. Conservative by a process of elimination. They are the best chance to get rid of one of the most destructive government's in history - and I don't think they'll be anywhere near as bad as the incumbents - so it's Davey boy for me. My biggest worry about the next GE is Labour getting in through the back door with a Lib/Lab coalition if the Tories don't get a majority. I think it would go: GE - coalition - rioting - GE in about six months. A second GE after a failed minority 'leftist' government could also get pretty ugly in terms of who was elected imo..
  14. As we should have known, the fix is in: Iraq: The inquiry cover-up that will keep us in the dark I suppose it was a bit much to expect a Government responsible for the most disgraceful episode in 50 years to allow the truth of their actions to see the light of day. Utter scum.
  15. Why do you think they want control of our armed forces? If that was the reason then fine, all we need to do to wipe the slate clean is prosecute Blair, Brown, Hoon and Straw for lying consistently to the public, Parliament, their own party, the armed forces and our NATO allies.
  16. Chilcot Iraq Inquiry: Britain 'knew Saddam Hussein had destroyed WMD'
  17. How so mate? The only thing I've read which makes my skin crawl is the offer of immunity from prosecution being in the gift of the inquiry if they think it is required to get full and frank evidence. Other than that (and the lack of a mandate to directly apportion blame, but where that lies should become very clear anywhere) I'm not sure how they could have wider remit? Edit: I see what you mean now, hopefully if the evidence compiled by Chilcott is strong enough the public pressure will force the CPS to take action - assuming those they should be acting against haven't already been given immunity :evil:
  18. That is much less likely now that hundreds of pages of debriefing testimony from military officers have somehow 'found' there way into the hands of the Telegraph. I'd say this a very deliberate move by the Armed Forces to prevent a whitewash by Chilcott. Some reading for starters: Secret papers reveal blunders and concealment Secret plans for war, no plans for peace Britain 'unprepared' for nation building Troops 'rushed' into battle without armour or training I don't see how it is any longer possible for those responsible to wiggle out of what they have done. Edit: Where is the bollitics tag?!
  19. Oh dear, team DPRGB for London 2012 then. Does this mean we're all going to have to grow moustaches?
  20. link Holy crap, that can't be a very realistic scenario, can it?!? I know the article focuses on finance but if that came to pass I'd be expecting four horsemen to be following close behind.
  21. That's me then. I had my nose broken by a big fat scouse bitch when I was 20 and didn't hit her back simply becuase she's a woman. If you're an average man then you are without question much stronger than your female opponent. If you lose your rag and give her a pasting it might feel good for about 10 seconds but you've then got to live wth it. If said bird has attacked your family (or kicked you in the swingers) then fair enough, but other than that, no.
  22. Yes. Once for GBH (didn't end well) and once for D & D/Indecent exposure (mooning a police car) that I got a caution for. No trouble at all with the law for the last ten years though.
  23. that Ukraine answer is quite a shock ...I think it might have something to do with the average gas bill going through the roof. Yet the EU are continuing to push for Ukraine inclusion. The most likely scenario for the Ukraine is partition eventually, the relative support for the EU and Russia is qute evenly split between the East and West of the country, the East being populated largely by people who are ethnically Russian. Who gets the Crimea would be a potentially sticky issue though. Sorry, miles OT now!
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