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Everything posted by villabromsgrove

  1. General, I love the Villa and have supported them for more decades than I care to remember. This has been a really exciting season for me no matter where we finally finish up. I look forward with anticipation to next season, and the season after, and the season after that. My thanks to all involved at Villa Park. UP THE VILLA!!!! Onwards and upwards!
  2. General, if you were in the trenches and just about to blow the whistle to lead the troops over the top, you wouldn't want too many Villa Talk posters behind you! Poor show from a number of posters today. UP THE VILLA.!!!! Bring on Liverpool!!!!
  3. It's going to be a great run in, with a revitalised Villa giving us an exciting ride to a brilliant 4th place finish. UP THE VILLA!!!!
  4. Young is a very capable full back who has now proved that he can play on both the left and right. At a time when England do not have an outstanding international class right back Luke is as good as any. I would think that the only disadvantage that he has in comparison to Johnson and Richards is his age.
  5. General, The most important thing to Villa fans is the health and well being of the club we love. At the end of this recession I am confident that Randy's fiscal management will ensure that we are on a secure and stable footing. I am encouraged by Mon's comments on the state of the current transfer market and his intention to avoid outrageous prices. I'm sure he's aware that fans support him in his efforts to recruit sensibly, but it wouldn't hurt to reiterate our support for him during what must be a difficult few weeks for him. Please tell him that we are proud of the way he represents Aston Villa in public, and once again tell Randy that he is the best owner we could ever have. Thanks General ,
  6. We have 17 games left this season and the quicker Carew gets fit the better chance we have of finishing 4th. We have done really well playing five in midfield since he's been out, but having the option again of playing route one and going for set pieces against teams that "park the bus" will cause more problems for the opposition whoever they are. Over a full season Carew has to be a vital component of a successful Villa squad.
  7. He could leap like a salmon. Just imagine what he could have done with Ashley Young feeding him quality crosses. Hero!
  8. Hero, I loved the guy and he loved the Villa.
  9. Welcome back General, it's going to be an exciting new year. Villa flying high, the Browns with Eric Mangini and possibly George Kokinis in charge, and Barack Obama in the white house. There may well be a recession but it's in times of hardship that you see the British people at their best. I would like to wish you and Randy, Mon and the team a very happy and successful 2009. UP THE VILLA!!!!
  10. My choice for top Villan 2008 is Martin Hugh Michael O'Neill OBE.
  11. Merry Christmas General, What a great year! What a great time to be a Villa fan! Thankyou for all your input in 2008. (special thanks to Mrs. Krulak for her forbearance. )
  12. If he is and he knows that he's not spending any money in january, he'll be having a chuckle to himself about our lofty ambitions.
  13. GB is far to valuable to Villa to swap for anyone imo.
  14. Ashton has not had a history of injuries if you look at his appearance stats. According to Physioroom he has! This is just the last 2 years.. Os Trigonum Syndrome West Ham United Injuries 2008 September 15th Calf/Shin Injury West Ham United Injuries 2008 August 18th Hamstring Injury West Ham United Injuries 2008 May 9th Back Injury West Ham United Injuries 2008 January 25th MCL Knee Ligament Injury West Ham United Injuries 2007 October 8th Ankle/Foot Injury West Ham United Injuries 2006 August 15th Hamstring Injury West Ham United Injuries 2006 May 2nd Groin Strain West Ham United Injuries 2006 January 27th That's the Chadwell Heath training ground for you. It's in such a bad state that even Superman would do himself an injury there. Also I notice that Ashton has had to employ the same physio as Michael Owen uses, which doesn't say much for the Chadwell Heath staff.
  15. Ashton has not had a history of injuries if you look at his appearance stats, he had one freak accident where he broke his ankle very badly training with the England squad. In recovering from this a piece of floating bone which is present in 10% of people, became inflamed and this was put right by an operation to remove the trigonum bone. He has been very unfortunate over the last 18 months but he is now physically fit again, and like Laursen there is no reason why he shouldn't go on to have a great career.
  16. Ashton for me, and why not strike while the irons hot and buy Owen as well. Remember, he only lives round the corner.
  17. He's currently a lot better up front on his own than when he was playing off "a big man." imo.
  18. Heskey makes sense as long as you sign Owen or Rooney as well.
  19. Can you imagine Villa being able to substitute both Carew and Agbonlahor after 65 minutes of a game, and replacing them with Heskey and Owen! It would frighten most opposing defences to death.
  20. He would come to us in january physically fit but not match fit, surely the legendary Jim Henry our strength and fitness coach, and the superb facilities at Bodymoor Heath will do the rest!
  21. I think Mon may well look to sell Harewood in january with the likes of West Brom, Hull, Stoke and even Wigan looking to push his price up. If he does go then we may well sign two strikers.
  22. Dean Ashton would be my choice as his current problem appears to have been completely cured by the surgical removal of an extra piece of floating ankle bone that is only present in approx 10% of people. This is called Trigonum Syndrome and only really bothers athletes who flex their ankle joints more than most of us. He will be ready to play football at the beginning of january, so a fully fit Ashton would be a great signing for Villa. A fully fit Owen would be a good bit of business as well.
  23. General, I wonder if at this late stage there is time to get Freddy Bouma to give his views on the AVFC Official Site about the Villa v Ajax game? I'm sure he would have loved to have played tomorrow night against the greatest Dutch club in history and I would enjoy reading his views on this. Also as Freddy is a firm crowd favorite we would love to hear how he's getting on with his recovery. If it's not possible please pass on our best wishes to him and I for one will be thinking of him tomorrow night at Villa Park.
  24. General, Mrs K is not your only defender against the charge of PR. You are the best thing that has happened to VT and long may it continue.
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