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Everything posted by villabromsgrove

  1. He wasn't. He was rumoured to be at that game, but was actually at the game between Ajax and Alkmaar which was on the same night. Thanks for the info, I'm gonna have to go away and clutch at some more straws now. :oops:
  2. centre It's a little know fact that Ledley King is actually half man half horse, so I believe that the correct spelling is actually "left, right and centaur."
  3. Who were Mon and ISM scouting at the Monaco v Marseille match recently? Sami Nasri was the name mentioned most at the time and having watched him score the winning goal against Georgia on wednesday he has got awesome potential. I know he has indicated that he wants to stay at OM for another season but he is the kind of player we need if we are going to make other fans sit up and take notice of Villa next season.
  4. Sorry BOF I must have slept through that debate. :oops:
  5. Has anyone mentioned Alan Smith? It seems that he isn't in Man U's plans and I was very impressed with the way he and Barry linked up and worked off each other in the England B match.
  6. General, as the poster who originally suggested Land of Hope and Glory and even posted amended words incuding Bright future and Proud History, I have to say that after watching the DVD that came with the promotional pack I was blown away with the gladiatorial and emotive soundtrack. Now I'm totally happy to sit back and leave our anthem and songs in the hands of the Villa experts who made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up for ten amazing minutes yesterday. My thanks and gratitude to all concerned General.
  7. Exactly the same thing happened to me the last time I went to Amsterdam!
  8. I have a non smoking house and a non smoking car and have chosen to go to pubs where I know the ventilation is good and I don't get affected by smoke. As a life long non smoker I have made my own choices and I would like to see that freedom of choice retained by smokers as long as there are plenty of premises for both smoking and non smoking customers and staff to choose from.
  9. You mean Wigan or Derby. Reading are a different beast from Wigan. Maybe Spurs will beat us to him... That reminds me nobody has mentioned Kevin Doyle lately.
  10. German fans say that he is an ok CB, not the best at defending but dangerous at set pieces.
  11. Spot on Jez. Mon should get NRC and his agent to tell Sneijder what a massive club Villa are, far bigger than spurs!! UP THE VILLA!!!!
  12. Sneijder scored 18 goals last season, imagine him doing that at the Villa.
  13. In fairness Lee Cook (the winger in question) has been linked with a lot of midtable clubs with Pompey putting in an alleged £2million bid. Watching Ashly Young the other night play superbly on the left wing means that Mon can bid for either a classy left or right winger. Carew and Agbonlahor et al will get superb service and can look forward to getting a hatful of goals next season.
  14. Gordon has the makings of a good keeper but he hasn't looked that secure in the last two internationals. If anyone knows him well perhaps they could tell me whether he is a vocal keeper who commands his defence, because this is what we need next season.
  15. He will be 23 very soon but 26 is pretty accurate by the Suns standards.
  16. "Let me tell you categorically it is a load of complete tosh. I have not been near Celtic for the player and I won't be. He is speaking about Nakamura, if he wants Boruc these comments wont stop him bidding.
  17. is this paul meatpacker(english translation) any good then?we need another proper quality defender or two. Had a good world cup, not the biggest name, but will be a regular in the German national team for a long time. Not a bad price either for an international centre back at 23 years old. German fans reckon that he's not the best defensively but he's dangerous at set pieces due to his height.
  18. A lot of us are thinking it JV but you've had the guts to come out and say it.
  19. Barry doesn't need me to defend him but I will anyway. He was the Villa heartbeat this season and for me he is irreplaceable.
  20. Koumas and Bellamy, or Sneijder and Huntelaar? I know which pair I'd choose to pursue and I also think our credibility as an ambitious club depends on positive media reaction to our signings.
  21. Koumas was quoted as saying that he has been given two weeks to decide whether he will be wearing a Villa shirt next season'
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