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Everything posted by AntrimBlack

  1. It really doesn't. This is the sort of money it is normal to spend on players, it is just that we have been falling behind in the transfer market, and spending only trifling amounts.
  2. Grealish and Gil instead of Praet? Seriously?
  3. You would have Gil in there instead of Grealish? And Vlaar instead of Clark?
  4. Good. Glad to hear it. Means it will take a lot more than £10m to get him. Not a bargain, so that will put most suitors off.
  5. Don't just put comments out there - is this a guess or ITK?
  6. Show me the proof. They have decided we are signing Gueye, so shifting their anti-Villa comments to Delph.
  7. This is my concern too! With Villa there always seems to be a but so I am hoping that we do our business and rebuild around our best players instead of selling them to fund replacements and starting all over again, like we seem to do year after year. I think this is likely the case, the similarities are striking. Both 5ft 8, both aren't natural defensive players, both have a nice touch and neat pass, and neither are natural goal scorers....if he turns out anywhere near as good as Delph at least we've not lost anything. So sad to see Delph go, expecially for so little but that's football, we stayed up and so far it seems Sherwood has managed the window well. Delph is gone. Did not hear that - that went under the radar.
  8. My God, chaps. Cheer up. If the club does not buy, it's a disaster, if it does buy, it's a disaster. Damned if they do and damned if they don't.
  9. To me the fee confirms Benteke will go That does not even come close to making sense. Unless it is supposed to be funny..........
  10. What a brilliant thread. Now we just need him to sign.
  11. He changed his agent to get a move to the Premier League, so Southampton the main opposition.
  12. Daily Mail reporting rather gleefully that Southampton intend to hijack the deal even at this late stage. Wouldn't the media love that. What is their problem with us?
  13. Absolutely nothing anywhere to indicate to me that there has been any bid from anyone. Lot's of media shit, but that is not the same thing.
  14. Different positions, too, from what information we have on him.
  15. Thanks for that. Looks useful. In competition with Sanchez and Westwood, judging by that.
  16. Yes, think there is a bit to go still on this one, though it has come from nowhere.
  17. Yeah. The Benteke and/or delph money. Not rocket science. Man, you are gloomy.
  18. Glass half full or glass half empty. Being pedantic.
  19. A really nice looking shirt ruined by the too busy sponsors logo and the bloody awful badge.
  20. Worrying over story that originated from Talk Sport is Bleak Got nothing to do with where it originated from. This story has been going on for months/a couple of years. Not worrying either. Just that the chances of him staying are looking bleak. We have been expecting him to leave ever since he arrived. And guess what - he's still here!
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