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Everything posted by The_Lions_Roar

  1. So that bent could go out on loan and off the books? Was this Lambert's decision? I'm not too sure.
  2. So lvg has the same points as Moyes did at this stage of the season after splashing £150 million, does that mean he is worse than Moyes considering what he's spent?
  3. Didn't PL do an interview recently where he said Grealish needs to prove himself and earn his place in the team. Weak, so so weak. Falcao is a 50 million pound player, Grealish is a 19 year old boy. Lets see his bottle for once. He could easily say for example. "Gabby really needs to show us his game, as does Weimann. We see these players work excellent together, we need these guys at 110% if we are to move on. Or as he would say "go again." Not hard is it, no real disrespect to the players. Like given said, he's made it perfectly clear to them in training, I don't see why people want players to be criticised in public.
  4. Didn't PL do an interview recently where he said Grealish needs to prove himself and earn his place in the team. How is this different? so why could'nt he make the same statement publicly about Gabby.....if its good for the goose... I'll tell you why because he ducks it. oh! sorry about the pun. Lvg was asked specifically about falcao, pl was asked specifically about grealish. When asked about the team he's not going to single out one player to criticise. Given was on talksport this morning and said that lambert has made it perfectly clear to them that they need to improve and have worked on a number of things on the training ground. So Lambert's not putting his arm around them in training saying they're doing great.
  5. Didn't PL do an interview recently where he said Grealish needs to prove himself and earn his place in the team. How is this different?
  6. I thought the holte had turned before?
  7. Just because you find it ridiculous, it doesn't mean others also do. Lambert's style of football has been pretty close to that of McLeish. Hutton, Okore, Clarke, Cissokho, Sanchez, Cleverly, Bacuna. Add Guzan and that's 8 predominantly defensive players from 11. And please, don't call Bacuna or Cleverly attacking. Hutton, Okore, Clarke, Cissokho, Sanchez, Cleverly, Bacuna. Add Guzan and that's 8 predominantly defensive players from 11. And please, don't call Bacuna or Cleverly attacking. You are listing a keeper as a defensive player?!??! Maybe you have a point, Lambert should play and attacking keeper like all the other teams! Is that the only issue with his opinion? I think most team actually play 6 (7 if you include the keeper) defensive players. Also bacuna isn't a starter so can't really include him. So therefore what Lambert is doing isn't bad at all and nothing like McLeish who was happy to let the other team have the ball and hopefully nick something. Currently we aren't playing like McLeish, previously we were. People also forget McLeish had a lot of injuries, as well as losing Petrov. Something which is an excuse for Lambert (injuries). So now that Lambert has changed this why are people still using it as a stick to beat him with?
  8. Just because you find it ridiculous, it doesn't mean others also do. Lambert's style of football has been pretty close to that of McLeish. Hutton, Okore, Clarke, Cissokho, Sanchez, Cleverly, Bacuna. Add Guzan and that's 8 predominantly defensive players from 11. And please, don't call Bacuna or Cleverly attacking. Hutton, Okore, Clarke, Cissokho, Sanchez, Cleverly, Bacuna. Add Guzan and that's 8 predominantly defensive players from 11. And please, don't call Bacuna or Cleverly attacking. You are listing a keeper as a defensive player?!??! Maybe you have a point, Lambert should play and attacking keeper like all the other teams! Is that the only issue with his opinion? I think most team actually play 6 (7 if you include the keeper) defensive players. Also bacuna isn't a starter so can't really include him. So therefore what Lambert is doing isn't bad at all and nothing like McLeish who was happy to let the other team have the ball and hopefully nick something.
  9. Hutton, Okore, Clarke, Cissokho, Sanchez, Cleverly, Bacuna. Add Guzan and that's 8 predominantly defensive players from 11. And please, don't call Bacuna or Cleverly attacking. Maybe we should try playing an attacking keeper, surely there's one that scores goals somewhere in the world, damn you Lambert for not signing him!
  10. People have been making these predictions for a couple of seasons now.
  11. Best position in a while from a league position point of view.....for now We have scored 1 in our last 5 and won 2 of our last 16. How can you defend him? Nothing to do with the league position. How are we in a better position then? You said that our style is boring and we don't score enough.... Because we've finally stopped conceding and being easy to beat. We've finally started to have a bit of possession. Were those not what people wanted? Ask any football manager and the most important thing is to make yourself hard to beat. If he has £7 mil to spend then I trust him to spend it well if he spends it on one player only, which is all he needs to do. We're still missing that number 10, I hope he's identified one.
  12. I just wish those chanting Lambert out would put the same effort into chanting for the team throughout a game.
  13. Those that moan when a pass goes sideways or backwards are the same that moan when a long ball is played and lost.
  14. And yet you're on here having a go at those who think he should go. Bit hard to take you seriously when it seems you flip your opinion completely just so you can moan at fans on this forum. We had 21 *grabs tin hat* We had 20 We must have picked up 2 points for drawing against palace then.
  15. Best position in a while from a league position point of view.....for now We have scored 1 in our last 5 and won 2 of our last 16. How can you defend him? Nothing to do with the league position.
  16. And yet you're on here having a go at those who think he should go. Bit hard to take you seriously when it seems you flip your opinion completely just so you can moan at fans on this forum. We had 21 *grabs tin hat*
  17. Rule number one in football is actually make yourself hard to beat. As boring as it might be, we're actually in the beat position we have been for a while. People wanted possession, we're doing that, poeple wanted us to stop conceeding silly goals, we're doing that. If we can just add a little bit going forward then we'll win more than we lose.
  18. Hardly spouting his mouth off, he was asked a question and answered it and IMO correctly. What good does it do the team?
  19. But he's been out on loan since he joined city and proved nothing, not sure why he would with us. I agree that he is talented but he's had a chance to reistablish himself before.
  20. Fair play to him for being honest. Lambert gets slated for saying we were brilliant when we weren't, not sure what some people actually want.
  21. Appears it is unlocked on a payg deal. Bargain indeed. http://www.technobuffalo.com/2014/12/31/vodafone-u-k-selling-the-htc-one-m8-for-just-289-right-now/ Its locked and branded to Vodafone.
  22. Delphs quality and sadly people are recognising it now. I feel he owes us a new contract after all his injury problems, a bit like downing. Sadly that's not football though.
  23. But hasn't our terrible run of results this season come against last seasons top 5? Hardly a terrible run of results, a terrible run of fixtures.
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