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Everything posted by The_Lions_Roar

  1. That Gray looks like a decent player, go on Lambert make a cheeky bid.
  2. Sounds complicated. Let's just stick to net spend to judge the squad that had been built.
  3. Sounds complicated. Let's just stock to net spend to judge the squad that had been built.
  4. I suppose Fulham and Brighton beat it out of him too? At Fulham he got 3 goals in 11 starts. At Brighton he got 2 goals in 5 starts. 5 goals in 16 starts overall at those two clubs. Given our entire team has managed 11 goals in 22 games this season he has done OK in comparison! Most of his goals were/ are from 2 yards out. We don't get that close!
  5. He should be more concerned that his own career is going in the wrong direction.
  6. The problem is Lambert struggles against nearly all teams for 2 and a half years. Some act like losing to a lower league team once was the only bad thing we've seen under him. I pointed out that lambert is not the only one that loses to lower league teams. S***t happens and it has again. As you know I'm neither pro or anti lambert but I hope it's ok to point out when every time someone mentions our record against Bradford that it is ok to point out that it's not just us and also that we've lost with better managers on more than one occasion and it's nothing new! Could you possibly name another Premier League team who have lost to them over two legs. Thanks. At least we didn't lose at home to them.
  7. Chelsea 2-0 Bradford... ...to Chelsea 2-2 Bradford! Yesterday: Oh Lambert doesn't have enough money, you need money to beat teams. Today: Look! Look! Other teams lose games (against teams with no money). Moral of the story. Don't blame money for the ineptness of the current manager. Pathetic Really? We've been told for weeks and weeks you need money to win games, now suddenly teams who don't have money win big games and having no money isn't an issue? What's that all about? Weird eh? You're confusing the impact of money on a single match with the impact of money over 40-50 matches in a season. The point being made is that occasionally lower league teams beat bigger teams, and our failures in the cup under Lambert aren't particularly remarkable. I've pointed out before that we've won as many games against lower league teams as we've lost, which isn't great but not horrendous. Well said, cup upsets happen and the manager shouldn't be slated for them. If mighty Chelsea can lose to Bradford then so can we.
  8. Man U were playing AT Camebridge on a cold windy night, we will play on our carpet of a HOME pitch. Don't try to make excuses for the pathetic idiot before we've lost, at least wait until we lose. So we have the man u result, injuries, money, the fans, the goal posts not being big enough, plan a signing not coming off so we had no plan b, he wanted to sign a no 10 for 3 seasons give him a chance, he's sorted the defence out at least, he had us scoring at one point at least, we've had lots of shots, we didn't conceed 8.....Bradford wanted it more, Sheff U wanted it more, Millwall wanted it more, he's working on a project, it's the assistant mangers fault x 2, do we have any other reasons that lambert is actually alex ferguson/pep guardiola etc but is being limited/not his fault? So what about Chelsea and man city playing at home on their carpet pitches, how do you explain those results?
  9. Treated him like shit? Yeah I really feel sorry for him, must be terrible.Yeah give him false hope and opportunity until he signs a new deal and then basically discard him and use other woeful players in his place. I wouldnt be happy. I can understand why he's frustrated, he just wants to play. However to say he's been treated like shit is a for far fetched. He's a young lad who is in his first season, should knuckle down, wait patiently and earn his place. It's not like he's made one appearance and then been dropped completely. I just think Grealish being in the squad often before he signed was on false pretenses. Maybe treated him like shit was too far fetched but Lambert hasn't treated him well either. There is no way Richardson etc all deserve a spot on the bench in front of him. Just because they have experience... they have been very very poor and they will not improve as players.. if anything they are past their best. Robinson is another who deserves a shot. Our strikers are misfiring and we dont have depth in that position.. when else will he be given a crack? no wonder their frustrated. I bet Robinson is too but he was smart enough not to put it on twitter where unfortunately Jack made the wrong decision. He was still in the squad and played after he signed a contract.
  10. Treated him like shit? Yeah I really feel sorry for him, must be terrible. Yeah give him false hope and opportunity until he signs a new deal and then basically discard him and use other woeful players in his place. I wouldnt be happy. I can understand why he's frustrated, he just wants to play. However to say he's been treated like shit is a for far fetched. He's a young lad who is in his first season, should knuckle down, wait patiently and earn his place. It's not like he's made one appearance and then been dropped completely.
  11. Treated him like shit? Yeah I really feel sorry for him, must be terrible.
  12. That's an interesting opinion for you to have! Given that Mcleish managed 16th place and was sacked for under performing with the squad I think it is not unrealistic to expect a decent improvement as based on the transfer incomings-outgoings we know that Lambert has spent more than 11 of the current premier league teams (9 if we exclude Saints/Spurs). If we sold Benteke for £30m as per your example (and assuming the funds were not reinvested) then I would lower my expectations of what Lambert should be able to achieve from that point. Some may argue as Lambert is apparently the best manager we have had in over 30 years he would be able to cope without Benteke. You've never mentioned any of this before!
  13. Lambert has since spent about £50m and the team is in a worse position points wise this season than we were under Mcleish!You only have to look at the squad that McLeish was given to know that it was a much better squad than Lambert was given. Why are you on about now? That's not what's being debated.Better squad??? Funny we have got rid of nearly 90% of them for...................................................... F**** all! Because strangley enough thats what reducing the wages is. Again, saying it and actually doing it are completely different. Lambert has since spent about £50m and the team is in a worse position points wise this season than we were under Mcleish!You only have to look at the squad that McLeish was given to know that it was a much better squad than Lambert was given. Why are you on about now? That's not what's being debated.Better squad??? Funny we have got rid of nearly 90% of them for...................................................... F**** all! Because strangley enough thats what reducing the wages is. Again, saying it and actually doing it are completely different. Ohhh, so we sold the quality Ireland, Hesky, Collins, Warnock, Dunn, Delfonso and wait for it, our favourite.....................Bent. Though he did bag us 10 goals in 22 apperances that season, which is actually only 2 less goals that we have scored in 22 games. Yes, we sold them to reduce the wages, you know that thing that McLeish said he had a wee go at.
  14. There's not just one reason, there's a number of reasons and our manager is one of them.
  15. One example would be Luke Young who was on sizeable wages. So then is it you or Alex? Luke young replaced by alan Hutton, yeah I'm sure we really reduced the wage on that one. Alex is that you?
  16. Lambert has since spent about £50m and the team is in a worse position points wise this season than we were under Mcleish! You only have to look at the squad that McLeish was given to know that it was a much better squad than Lambert was given. Why are you on about now? That's not what's being debated. Better squad??? Funny we have got rid of nearly 90% of them for...................................................... F**** all! Because strangley enough thats what reducing the wages is. Again, saying it and actually doing it are completely different. Lambert has since spent about £50m and the team is in a worse position points wise this season than we were under Mcleish! You only have to look at the squad that McLeish was given to know that it was a much better squad than Lambert was given. Why are you on about now? That's not what's being debated. Better squad??? Funny we have got rid of nearly 90% of them for...................................................... F**** all! Because strangley enough thats what reducing the wages is. Again, saying it and actually doing it are completely different.
  17. He did lots of interviews and a number of times he mentioned he had to reduce wages. Are you saying he is lying? Who did he sell? Its quite an easy question to answer.
  18. "This season we have taken the plunge into the reduction of wages" Unless you're calling Alex a liar? Saying it and doing it are completely different. Again, who did he sell after this interview to reduce the wages? I've got to sell before I can bring anyone else in. Not reducing the wage bill, one out, one in. Before the interview he sold downing and young but brought in given, Hutton and nzogbia, no way did he reduce the wages there. "This season we have taken the plunge into the reduction of wages" Unless you're calling Alex a liar? Saying it and doing it are completely different. Again, who did he sell after this interview to reduce the wages? I've got to sell before I can bring anyone else in. Not reducing the wage bill, one out, one in. Before the interview he sold downing and young but brought in given, Hutton and nzogbia, no way did he reduce the wages there.
  19. "This season we have taken the plunge into the reduction of wages" Unless you're calling Alex a liar? Like Spurs - we've spent four times what they have on transfers you know! Backs to GCSE maths for you! Saying it and doing it are co pletely different. Again, who did he sell after this interview to reduce the wages? Before the interview he sold downing and young but brought in given, Hutton and nzogbia, no way did he reduce the wages there. "This season we have taken the plunge into the reduction of wages" Unless you're calling Alex a liar? Like Spurs - we've spent four times what they have on transfers you know! Backs to GCSE maths for you! Saying it and doing it are co pletely different. Again, who did he sell after this interview to reduce the wages? Before the interview he sold downing and young but brought in given, Hutton and nzogbia, no way did he reduce the wages there.
  20. Lambert has since spent about £50m and the team is in a worse position points wise this season than we were under Mcleish! You only have to look at the squad that McLeish was given to know that it was a much better squad than Lambert was given. Why are you on about now? That's not what's being debated.
  21. Really? http://tinyurl.com/n78womz After signing 3 players on big wages he has said I can't sign anymore until I sell, completely different to being tasked to reduce the wage bill. He had to reduce the wage bill! Who did he sell after this interview to reduce the wage bill? Again after signing given, Hutton and nzogbia on ridiculous wages. Not really reducing the wage bill is it?
  22. Without going over the same ground again, mcelwish didn't take over a poorer squad though? Nor was he takes to reduce the wage bill. Surely you can't argue that he had a poorer squad than we have now, even without Gil. The squad that he took over was far better than the squad that Lambert took over. Without going over the same ground again, mcelwish didn't take over a poorer squad though? Nor was he takes to reduce the wage bill. Surely you can't argue that he had a poorer squad than we have now, even without Gil. The squad that he took over was far better than the squad that Lambert took over.
  23. Oh the old net spend argument. Next can we discuss the number of chances created again.
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