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Everything posted by Xela

  1. Worst part of the World Cup for me, the constant cheating and play acting by some nations.
  2. Neymar spends more trying to deceive he referee than actually playing
  3. I don't mind Brazil, I just couldn't stomach seeing Neymar lifting the world cup
  4. I'm trying to think of a venue to watch the game tomorrow which a) won't be rammed and full of pricks and b) i''ll be able to get to the bar in reasonable time
  5. Its just a bit of fun - very few seriously believe we will win it, its just nice to have the possibility of advancing in a competition!
  6. Watching football and relaxing tonight Small game of football and some food after tomorrow. Relax on Sunday and enjoy the sunshine
  7. Their golden generation. I still think Witsel is a weak link - surely Dembele is better.
  8. Get in! Come on Belgium, put 7 past them
  9. Ryan Giggs - what a bore
  10. It's like Last of the Summer Wine in here! ?
  11. Sounds serious! Is there a cure for this?
  12. Carlos Sanchez - can't work out if he's shit or just thick as shit. Moronic during the world cup
  13. Ross Barkey and Danny Drinkwater to Chelsea Someone call the Fraud Squad.
  14. He had a wonderful career but when anyone mentions Rivaldo, that is one of the first things I think of!
  15. England fans who go too far. Few mates of mine were in Flints (in Mere Green) last night. It was packed and lots of people watching from the public footpath, as you can see the screens from there. Big celebrations when we won but people take it too far. Soon some of the lads who were on the footpath (I think they were under 18 hence why they weren't inside) started running in the road, stopping traffic. Then it turned into kicking passing cars, smashing wing mirrors off and jumping on bonnets and roofs. Inevitably the police are called. My mates said it was proper moody and they won't be watching the game there on Saturday I think it was the same outside Yates' in Sutton Coldfield - took the police hours to disperse people. I'm not an old git who doesn't like to celebrate but some people lose perspective and reality. This was just a last 16 game. I think the country will burn if we win the thing!
  16. Yep. Enjoy the moment you are in and not trying to get the 'perfect' video to boost your social media likes.
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