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Everything posted by Xela

  1. I hope Maguire doesn't move to a team like Chelsea and sit on the bench. He's doing great where he is.
  2. I must admit I am extremely impressed with Southgate. Wasn't convinced he was the right choice but boy was I wrong.
  3. He does get into some great positions and causes problems. Its jus a shame he is an appalling finisher.
  4. Got too many memories of those Man Utd losses!
  5. Same. Although thinking of sacking it off and watching it from home!
  6. Stop foaling around, there was neigh truth in those rumours
  7. Did you get the money back in the end? I lend a mate a few hundred quid a ten years back and he never paid it back when he said he would and then stared ignoring the subject. In the end I had to exert a bit of pressure and lo and behold, he paid. We're still friends and he has grown up a lot in the subsequent years as he has got married, started a family etc, but it still irks me to this day when I think about it!
  8. I'm sure you were aware of the rumours about the steaks at the time?!
  9. Xela

    General Chat

    Must be latest uniform. Reminded me of this:
  10. Keeping up with the 'green theme' ^^^ the Green House, Four Oaks. Effectively my local and also enjoyed a few ciders sitting out in the sun over the last few weeks. Is a bit snobby but good selection of lagers and ciders.
  11. Nice country pub, The Green Man in Middleton, Warwickshire Had a few ciders in the sun there this week
  12. Couple of these in the pub this lunchtime while working from home Like ribena!
  13. For me, I generally use the site on evenings and weekends. I can't access it during the day as I am at work and all forums are blocked. I wouldn't have time to look anyway... Notifications, followed by Off Topic (except boring bolitics threads) and spending far more time in Other Football due to the World Cup. Sometimes I'll venture into Travel, Tech and North American Sports. On Topic is somewhere I am avoiding at present due to being thoroughly pissed off with Villa in general! I only have one poster on my block list.
  14. I agree, I sometimes look at a couple of other clubs forums for shits and giggles and some are laid out awfully. Kudos to @limpid for running a great forum
  15. Last 6 nations left are all European.
  16. Worst part of the World Cup for me, the constant cheating and play acting by some nations.
  17. Neymar spends more trying to deceive he referee than actually playing
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