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Everything posted by Risso

  1. I maybe could have asked this four years ago, but who do you rate as better Pete? There are bands who I think have made the a better album or single than The Smiths, but for absolute life affirming consistent brilliance, I honestly don't think they can be beaten. Oh and they're Mark Radcliffe's favourite band ever, which is a good enough recommendation for me.
  2. Blimey this must take the record for the oldest thread revival! And yes Bicks, he has been released. Oh and glad The Smiths have had such an effect DDID! Best band ever.
  3. As 90% of them look like blokes, I'd say it makes you gay.....
  4. Who do you think..... They've currently got nearly twice as many votes as the Green Party, which is pretty disturbing.
  5. Hmmm, anyone ever see Gordon Brown and Ian in the room at the same time?
  6. A lot of the groups quests are noticeably quite easy. I've done all the early two and three man quests by myself with no trouble whatsoever.
  7. L73 now. Could do with a couple of instance runs to update some gear hopefully. It's still the case that gear you get from dungeons is miles better than q rewards, even from long chains.
  8. Some of the quests are good fun, eg "Inner Turmoil" where you basically run to the top of the mountain in Howling Fjord, pray a bit then fight a mirror image of yourself. Some of them are a pain in the arse though, eg any where you need to wait for a respawn that lots of people are queuing up to do. I've nearly cleared out HF, think I'll do the same in Borean Tundra next as hopefully it'll be a bit quieter.
  9. I've just dinged 72 Sam, so don't worry about being left behind!
  10. Why on earth an online games producer doesn't offer an online service for upgrades is beyond me. I had to wade through hundreds of posts on the forums last night to get to play the game I'd just paid £30 for. Then someone posted a link to an downloadable client and all was well.
  11. Rub it in why don't you. Having to download the game ffs.
  12. Can't even install the **** thing yet, apparently I'm one of loads of people who are having to try all sorts of things like manually copying the files to the HD just to get the bloody thing to work. I hate Blizzard.
  13. Is it the same towers or will there be new ones do you reckon?
  14. Isn't rested XP capped though? By the way, how do you get to Northrend?
  15. According to the shop bloke I spoke to, the game won't work until after midnight tomorrow night in any case. Knowing Blizz, make that some time next week!
  16. Risso

    Smoking ban.

    The smoking ban's great, I've noticed I'll have a quick pint after work far more often than I used to, and chances are it'll be a proper old boozer that serves decent beer rather than a wine bar as well. Can't see anything to complain about at all tbh.
  17. If anybody is bored tonight, I need a quick burn through lowbie underbog. Need 3 more q's in zangamarsh for an achievement. Can't seem to find any more regular q's there. Anyway I reckon it would take 3 of us no time at all.
  18. I'm using Bartender for my UI, which looks to me like an updated Bongos. Nothing flash, just nice and functional. Oh and Xperl too of course. Can't find a working itemrack type mod which is a drag though. Get your rogue out Si, you'll level him in time, abd I'll help where I can. I've just specced enhance and I do some decent damage. I love my two spirit wolves, I set them on some poor bugger in serpent lake, and he drowned.
  19. I'm actually enjoying wow again, as I'm doing achievements and quests again, getting involved in real world pvp and avoiding raiding like the plague. I even think I'll get wotlk. You should come back for a bit si, they've actually made the game good fun again. (As long as you don't bump into a retri pally doing the same q as you!)
  20. I quite like the achievements thing atm. For one thing it gets you to find parts of maps you may have missed first time round, but also, there are loads of people doing likewise, so there's a good scope for lots of real world PvP. Some of the achievements are good fun too, like that jenkins run last night. Bit annoying that it recognises some of your old dungeons but not all of them. Apparently I've never done Scholo.....
  21. Hasn't Drakki been a 10 man boss for a while now? But yes, was good fun, especially the Leeroy run.
  22. I attacked one the other night. Immediately wished I hadn't. To be fair I only did it as I wanted to attack him with all my pets (2 x spirit wolves, 1 x fire elemental, 3 x Barov peasants and 1 x Onyxia skeleton helper) but after the initial confusion ended, he killed me very quickly). Sero (retrdin) from BOTS practically soloed Onyxia last night. Mad.
  23. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a night in with Palm-ela Hand-erson.
  24. Sex with relations? Are you from Lincolnshire?
  25. Well I specced full enhancement just before the server went down, and my shiney new talent is two hunter style pets, ie two ghost wolves that will attack things for me.
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