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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. I have a bottle of this gathering dust at the back. Any cocktail suggestions gratefully received.
  2. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    No, it would go through Congress. So I've read, anyhow.
  3. Fine. Although I'm not sure that buying San Miguel will really help with your last line. There is nothing in the legislation which specifies what you should or should not buy if you visit a supermarket. If they deem if appropriate for sale, it's available for you to buy.
  4. I'd rather do the same, unfortunately those in charge of the current Government have a long track of openly and intently lying to the public. So it's much harder to give them that benefit of the doubt.
  5. Given it's only a few weeks back that he was aiming for "herd immunity", I can only imagine he is delighted that he is helping the national effort.
  6. Netflix is clearly helping kids prepare for the brave new world that we're living in.
  7. Depends, has two weeks of quarantine put her off you?
  8. They're going to be first-born kids. Not much of that is going to be happening in a house under lockdown that already had children climbing the walls in it.
  9. Chris Whitty now self-isolating with symptoms. Looks like "interesting" is pulling into the station...
  10. Probably several dozen young-to-middle aged women in the Westminster area as well.
  11. Hope he gets better. Not least because f****** Raab is next in line.
  12. Obviously even more irrelevant than ever, but news today that they've postponed their leadership election for a year. Which means that acting leader Ed Davey (who lost last time) will have been leader for at least three times as long as the person who beat him was. Funny old world.
  13. You have - can you get something cheaper today than you could two years ago? Will depend on your circumstances, but almost certainly. Can you get something cheaper today than you could have got a month ago (and the BoE base rate reductions), and will you get something much cheaper again in a couple of months? Almost certainly not.
  14. *shrugs* Go on then - what were you being offered six weeks ago and what are you being offered today?
  15. (1) They haven't. As Snowy said, the only movement right now is caution and restriction. The whole of LBG have restricted all new lending to 60% LTV and below. I'm not at liberty to say which, but I'd expect two more announce similar measures soon. Barclays mortgage processing is based out of locked-down Mumbai, so have virtually put a 2009 style lending freeze in place. (2) Far too many reasons to mention, but a few off the top of my head. a) Capacity. No lender needs more work at the moment. Their staff are struggling to deal with sorting out what is on their plate already. The last thing they want is attractive rates and a deluge of new applications to assess b) the impact on knock-on areas of the industry. People can't get a valuation done because property surveyors are definitely not essential and nor is traipsing in and out of peoples homes. Thus, things stay blocked. c) margins. Before this all kicked off, rates were at a historic low. You could get a two year fix at around 1.2% or 5 years at 1.4%. There have been sub-1% fixes rates before, but gimmicky ones where the fees negate any saving made by the internet rate. Even if they do come back, are you actually better off paying 0.99% for two years and a two grand fee compared to paying 1.19% with a £999 fee, which you've been able to do for over a year now. There isn't really capacity in the margin to reduce it by anything that will make a noticeable difference. Incidentally, while I've been writing this post, Virgin Money have said that they suspending all mortgage lending, apart from remortgaging up to 60%, and nothing more than 300k. This is not a market where lenders are desperate to lend money.
  16. Anyone? Somebody who moved to being self-employed 18 months ago, had all the overheads of setting up their business, made £50,000 and paid the appropriate amount on tax last year - how much does this see them looked after? I'm not criticising the Government on this (and I'll happily criticise them for anything), it's a fiendishly difficult thing to judge and come up with a policy on something so unprecedented. But let's not get into blanket judgements on how fair it is or not - plenty of people will be screwed by this who really don't deserve to be, and plenty of people who don't really need this money will get an un-needed windfall. Edit - reading this back makes it sound like I'm a bitter, recently self-employed person. Which I'm not. I'm one of those tedious "pretend to work from home, get the same salary as before" rocket polishers.
  17. Presumably it's to discourage people from leaving the house to go and buy things like laminate flooring.
  18. Then realised they lived in a one-bedroom flat, with nowhere to panic put their panic bought freezer that they panic bought to panic freeze their panic buys.
  19. Big barbecue today with a load of mates round. Might as well make the most of the sunshine after all.
  20. Indeed. The photo was chosen to show both the person and pretty much the minute that the question refers to. When some runner in the Lib Dem campaign suggested that looking at the camera might be a game-changer.
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