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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. Optics, innit. Doesn't really cost them anything. No point anyone (inside or outside) thinking that they were the ones that caused the talks to fail. Or rather, no point giving additional ammunition to people who want to think that.
  3. Warwickshire goes into a month-long lockdown in Tier 1. One-month lockdown happens. Warwickshire emerges from month-long lockdown in Tier 3. Impressive stuff.
  4. It's a good case study, but I think they'd be fine. They don't claim to be Irish (I think they'd struggle to claim that even under current rules), they claim an Irish recipe. Either way, I imagine they'd fix that particular problem with a quick rebrand and just carry on. Emulsified high-fat offal tubes all round. Worked for Jim Hacker.
  5. The factory is in Hyde though according to the interwebs. So they're probably fine.
  6. I expect you're correct, but it's a pretty hopeless chip. Per this story from February, so it's not something that's suddenly appeared as an issue: The license (still) doesn't exist. With enough political goodwill there's no reason that it couldn't, but I'm struggling to see where the internal pressure to develop such a license, just to help UK exporters would come from. Maybe Ireland as you say, but you'd think they'd just move into the European space vacated by the UK. I'd give it until no later than the start of the summer barbecue season until the Government realises that all the hot dog sausages are imported from Europe and changes the law to let them in.
  7. It's sort of correct. But only because the current EU law is being adopted wholesale before they start tinkering with it. So if the government want to say "actually we've got no problem with the importing of processed meat" then there's nothing stopping them from changing that law straight away. They'll probably have bigger things to ruin than making it an immediate priority, but if the Government wants people to be able to buy foreign sausages then "the terms of the exit deal" aren't going to stop them.
  8. Plus when you go into the details, it becomes more problematic. A casual glance suggests that this is the UK testing their border, and this is a way of ironing out the creases. It's the French authorities testing their system. And it's working fine. So the five mile queue is us using the current seamless arrangements, and the French using the January 1st ones. Our plan still isn't really a thing.
  9. I trust that everyone is very excited for "There's bound to be a solution to get rid of the border if people would just be creative Volume II"
  10. I also remember quite a lot of talk at the time along the lines of "well, it's written in the Labour stone tablets that we have to contest every seat. So even if we wanted to to enter an agreement with you centrist dicks, the rules tell us we're not allowed to"
  11. So Corbyn was actually getting more popular at the end of his tenure and Starmer's approval rating has gone down since he became leader. Case closed.
  12. So one week after Corbyn refused, Swinson did too. They're all as bad as each other.
  13. He isn't. She didn't "reject a deal with Labour" they both rejected a deal with each other. A "deal" never existed for her to reject. Silly sods, the pair of them.
  14. Quite fun. Orlando's keeper saves in the penalty shoot-out, is adjudged to be off his line, sent off for a second bookable offence. No subs allowed, so an outfield player goes in, saves a penalty and Orlando win. A bit like '94 versus Tranmere if Graham Fenton had had to go in for penalties.
  15. Cool, Conservative peer Baron Lebedev of Siberia is it then? Completely normal state of affairs.
  16. About 45% - its just that the other 55% vote unhelpfully don't vote for the same "non-****" option.
  17. Then they are probably safely looking after themselves at home, rather than taking the unnecessary risk of wandering around Lidl during a pandemic that is mainly impacting people like them.
  18. Guess the problem is that when the guy in charge is someone without morality or the basic concept of decency then he's going to find it pretty tricky to judge it in others.
  19. "Priti Patel is not a bully", said a trembling Home Office official, while nursing his black eye.
  20. What about all those IT lessons that he received from that lady he was having one of his affairs with?
  21. Although in this Government I expect that's probably grounds for commendation rather than censure.
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