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Everything posted by fran_villa

  1. Bit small time if you ask me, we would be ripping Sha fans for doing the same to us.
  2. Cheers lads, glad to see Clarke and Dunne played well. It's the one area I have been hoping that we'd start doing well in more than anything.
  3. As I didn't see the match today, how did him and Dunne play together.
  4. If he's playing cb that means Young is back at LB, witch I'll be happy about I thinks Youngs best games for us have been LB.
  5. Nice one, with a good midfield setup infront of them i think we could do well..
  6. I honestly don't think we have the right manager to make this happen. from what i remember of him when he managed Liverpool and from what i have seen now on the pitch, i don't expect you to comment on this post with the way the media are on this site. but i for one was going to get a season ticket until GH took charge of the club, i'm not saying everyone is like me but i wouldn't spend another cent on AVFC while he is here, he disrespected the club and its fans from the get go and imo that doesnt wash. like i said, i dont expect you to comment on this post. but i'd just like you to know why some fans may not be happy to part with there money.
  7. That fat **** should be taxed worse than a smoker as he's more of a health hazard.
  8. I dunno mate, I think you're living on hope rather than expectation there. He looks about the most frustrated man in the world. As you say, 7 years, it can grind you down. At some point he's going to turn round and say enough is enough, I'm good enough to win things. I think you're at that point. I think you're right here, i get the feeling that Everton have just about hung onto Moyes at stages and like you say there is only so much one can take. i'd say if Everton don't get a buy out by the end of the summer or massive investment i can see him walking away. i just hope we are on hand to get him.
  9. I'm more hoping that Arsenal go out of the champions league as it'll give them more reason to spank sha in the final.
  10. SHA are one place above us in the league - that's it. They still have shit fans, shit players, shit history, shit stadium and sell less tickets for a Carling Cup semi-final than we do for an FA Cup 3rd round game.and what has all of that got to do wth them being better than us this season, and having a better manager might i add??.They've been marginally better than us this season and they're above us on goal difference - that says it all about how shit they are really. You seem to think just because we're below them at this moment in time that suddenly makes their fans, stadium, players and history just as good as ours. And no, I would not trade our fans for their inbred lot, our magnificent stadium for their glorified shed, our players for their band of thugs and our dozens upon dozens of trophies for their one League Cup for a goal difference that is 5 better than ours and a place in the Carling Cup final against Arsenal. But you'd rather have a manager that shows your club up as been as bad as this shower on the pitch. i never said they had better fans or stadium or are a better club. i'm just saying they as a team have been better than us this season.
  11. Not me. Sounds like the blousers just got themselves another fan. yeah, and i think GH is also a great manager.
  12. SHA are one place above us in the league - that's it. They still have shit fans, shit players, shit history, shit stadium and sell less tickets for a Carling Cup semi-final than we do for an FA Cup 3rd round game.and what has all of that got to do wth them being better than us this season, and having a better manager might i add??. For the love of god give it a rest!! Polluting every single thread with your utter bile is starting to wear a little thin. Are you so bored that you need to resort to the same boring thoughts and opinions on a constant loop? As we all know, getting to the Carling Cup Final means absolutely **** all unless you win it. I was at Wembley last year, and believe me, just getting to a final was no consolation at the final whistle. They are on the same amount of points as us this season despite investing heavily in the summer transfer window, having a settled first 11 throughout the season, not having a managerial change to contend with and having very few injuries. We are having a bad time at the moment, but will improve. There whole existence has been nothing but bad times, and shows no signs of improving. How do you know we'll improve eh?, i have heard that line from people like you since october and we are still muck, like it or not SHA have had a better season than us with lesser playing staff also. How do you know we wont improve? Define "better season" to me? The questions you seem hell bent on chucking at other people can just as easily be answered by yourself. By "people like you" I imagine you mean people with a sense of optimism, a little bit of belief and faith in the people at Villa that we will turn it around. Ask your general Bluenose this, and they wont be half as optimistic as the majority of Villa fans are. Which says a lot. They have the upper hand on us, they have atleast been able to put a run of winnings games together unlike us and the have a better goal differance. and they have got to a cup final, say what you want but you'd love to be there instead of them.
  13. A shit bunch of players they have, i wouldn't take one of them to Villa. they are a well motivated bunch though and thats what drags you through games at times..
  14. SHA are one place above us in the league - that's it. They still have shit fans, shit players, shit history, shit stadium and sell less tickets for a Carling Cup semi-final than we do for an FA Cup 3rd round game.and what has all of that got to do wth them being better than us this season, and having a better manager might i add??. For the love of god give it a rest!! Polluting every single thread with your utter bile is starting to wear a little thin. Are you so bored that you need to resort to the same boring thoughts and opinions on a constant loop? As we all know, getting to the Carling Cup Final means absolutely **** all unless you win it. I was at Wembley last year, and believe me, just getting to a final was no consolation at the final whistle. They are on the same amount of points as us this season despite investing heavily in the summer transfer window, having a settled first 11 throughout the season, not having a managerial change to contend with and having very few injuries. We are having a bad time at the moment, but will improve. There whole existence has been nothing but bad times, and shows no signs of improving. How do you know we'll improve eh?, i have heard that line from people like you since october and we are still muck, like it or not SHA have had a better season than us with lesser playing staff also.
  15. SHA are one place above us in the league - that's it. They still have shit fans, shit players, shit history, shit stadium and sell less tickets for a Carling Cup semi-final than we do for an FA Cup 3rd round game.and what has all of that got to do wth them being better than us this season, and having a better manager might i add??.
  16. We can slag them all we want, but they are doing better than us and in a cup final. stone and glass house springs to mind!.
  17. I hope he gets a run in the team now with Makoun being suspended. I think if we played a proper 3 man midfield with him in it we would do well.him Reo and Bradley.
  18. maybe, though the first half against Blackpool he was unplayable on the right. That's fair enough, but I'd rather see him putting balls into the box than cutting in and having the odd shot on goal. We need him and Albrighton wiping in crosses for Bent and Ash/Gabby also we need more numbers getting into the box from midfield.
  19. I think he's wasted on the right wing tbh, he's ment to be creating more for the likes of Bent but because the way the team is set up so bad it just won't work. Downing on the left with Albrighton on the right.
  20. Agree with this, I'm sure that dickhead fan was just sitting there minding his own business eh. fab just turned around and decided to call him a Kn.bhead.
  21. I wouldn't say Ireland is the only player the teacher has pissed off, very bad man manager.
  22. Come on lads, you's love him. Yous have stuck by him from day one and we are sti the same **** mess with 30 odd million spent and two loan signings. Great manager he **** great. Don't forget though to blame the defence and Mon lads.
  23. lmfao. On a serious note, somebody was raped earlier (around 3:20). Houllier could be in the frame. Well he's been raping this club since he has got here, **** useless rocket polisher like him. Keep dreaming that he'll bring the good times.
  24. GH is a great manager lads isn't he. Useless pri.k!! The sooner he **** off the better what a rocket polisher.
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