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Everything posted by fran_villa

  1. With nine games left, who could we get to replace him, and how will the squad react to that person? Sorry, but as much as i want a new gaffer, doing that now is riskier than leaving him there till the end of the season. Get Fat Sam to repcae him for now. he'd have this team playing with more fight and passion than this old fool has them playing. and atleast he might have the brains to bring in the proper coaching staff. unlike GMAC and Sid.
  2. Should go now, he's causing more damage by staying and I fear he'll take us down, should never have got the job in the first place as he's to old and past it. A useless manager.
  3. Hi General, sorry to here about you being sick. I just have a question regarding the decision our manager made on wednesday night, I'd like to know what happens if his great plan of resting players blows up in his face on saturday??. i mean it seems thats the main reason why he split up a winning team the other night, might i add they should have been an already fairly well rested team as they only just came back from two weeks without a game..
  4. Great news well done. He has a bright future here..
  5. The sooner Randy realises that he has made a massive error in appointing Houllier manager the better, I have never felt so embarrassed to be an AstonVilla fan as i have since he has came to this club, losing ground to the likes of Sha and GH turning this club into a bloody laughing stock is a disgrace.. try polish this up all you like, but for real fans that love this club this whole episode is a joke. i hope Randy has the bottle to do whats right here. just look what happend to Spurs when they did the right thing..
  6. No, we all know who he supports, he made that very **** clear.
  7. How **** shit was his team selection tonight, **** bird brained flutebag.
  8. **** shot management tonight, 71st min 3 nil down and he makes changes **** dope!!. **** away the chance to go into the next round rocket polisher.
  9. Bradley looks **** useless for me, it's not helping though with Petrov beside him.
  10. Gabby and Petrov for the chop in the summer. They are **** useless!!.
  11. Petov and Gabby are a pair of clowns. gabby has a touch like Ted Bundy .
  12. I'm looking forward to seeing these young lads next season tbh, this is good for them.
  13. I'm bot surprised tbh, this was always going to happen. The only saving grace is the kids get a run.
  14. Ffs, GH said the last time we played them it was the worst game he has ever managed. Why did he do the same thing twice by picking a poor team ffs.
  15. sorry, i didn't know Gardner was in the squad, he'll get all four of the goals then..
  16. 4-1 to Villa, Gabby to get two. Dunne and Walker to get the others.
  17. It makes me cringe i must say, i brought some friends to Villa park that support Liverpool and they where like what the **** are you's singing about a shit team like them for when you're not even playing them.
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