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Everything posted by Ryan.

  1. He's supposedly some big shot in China who I (or Forbes) can find no trace of. Yet every other wealthy Chinese buisiness man is there for the world to see. Couple that with the OS back tracking on his credentials when the media picked out the holes and you have to raise these questions.. If he's worth less than 800 mill are you not a little concerned as to where the money is coming from? Or indeed who's pocketing any profits? What's the motive?
  2. City openly promote Abu Dhabi. No secrets, everyone knows where the money comes from. Until we get any more info on source of funds, with the complete lack of evidence to back up Tony's wealth, how can it look anything but sinister?
  3. So the running story so far is the Chinese government are secretly investing in us to raise their own profile? What happens when "China" raise their profile enough to not need us? (not that they do anyway) There's too much dark business in this to be happy about it. We're going to be chewed up and spat out.
  4. Could someone more educated than myself please update me on this samuelson guy, has he been convicted of anything?
  5. Pretty sure the interviewer only mentions striker and goalkeeper. Not that it matters, it was a tongue in cheek comment...
  6. I didn't see much buisiness accumin in that interview. Maybe he's over eager to impress us by revealing a good budget? more worryingly though, he mentioned strengthening goalkeeper, midfield and striker but no defence.. Imagine spending 50 mill and still having Lescott and Richards in defence
  7. That's a completely different scenario. It wasn't even West Ham that secured that deal. If our owner wants to put money into the club through sponsoring the stadium he's hardly going haggle on the price. I hope.
  8. In terms of ffp and revenue streams, surely a couple of extra restaurants or executive boxes isn't going to stretch far in football terms. Or am I missing something?
  9. I heard that The Docs around 30? F**K me. We're same age and I thought I was doing well having a mortgage, he's just bought a football club
  10. A new stadium would certainly be a statement of intent. However I think it will probably be investment around VP. The Doc has it all worked out so I won't worry about it too much
  11. There's some sweet and sour people on tonight
  12. Im trying my hardest not to get excited.. Imagine the China trip was a blanket and he's taking to Tony Adams
  13. I love salt as much as anyone but I always manage to put too much on my KFC chips (fries) Those tiny sachets are deceiving.
  14. 7 million a day when when can get everything they offer online for free? Wow.
  15. What nonsense. Barcelona is notoriously difficult for overtaking. Kimi couldn't get passed Max and Daniel couldn't get passed Seb. Hamilton new it was now or never when he seen Rosbergs rear warning light flashing meaning he was out of hybrid boost.
  16. Rosberg was in the wrong engine mode. He was significantly down on power and Hamilton made a move off the racing line on a straight. It was Rosberg cutting across with such a power deficit that caused the crash, whether he was entitled to or not.
  17. See my perpetual motion machine. I think it's highly feasible that in 20 years time most transport will be electric. The problem will be gas boilers, cookers etc. To replace with electric heater elements that are watt-thirsty is not the answer. The day we crack the thermoelectric generator efficiency, we're laughing.
  18. 10 minutes is a stretch, but I could watch this all day. 3:27 is a personal favourite.
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