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Everything posted by dubbs

  1. dubbs

    GTA 5

    Thanks for the invite 8Pints should hopefully get some online time this weekend to finally see what all the talk is about! Any tips guys? I've had about an hour or so and gone through the basic tutorials.
  2. Thats great! Dont know what else to go for now..
  3. Is it true Watch Dogs has been delayed on all formats? Thats the only game I've pre-ordered!! And if it is surely thats screwed loads of people with pre-ordered bundles.
  4. Cool, another reason to sub now then
  5. Just been into game and they only have the killzone pack available now. Didn't want that, stuck with the solus pack and pre ordered watchdogs. Get PS+ as well and download Driveclub on day 1. Now trying to find a deal for COD.
  6. Does anyone know if I buy it for ps3 / vita now if its transferable to ps4 when it launches?
  7. dubbs

    GTA 5

    How long is it taking you guys to log into the online servers on PS3? Was waiting around for 5 mins last night and nothing happened, just the message in the bottom right corner saying it was loading.
  8. dubbs

    GTA 5

    Theres 6 kids here so if he gets it the others want something too!
  9. dubbs

    GTA 5

    Anyone got any trial xbox live gold codes for my son so he can try the online section? Im ps3 so im sorted hes gutted cuz hes spent his pocket money.
  10. dubbs

    GTA 5

    It's ok. chop comes back to life after a bit.
  11. dubbs

    GTA 5

    Just killed Chop by blowing him up with sticky bombs. Brilliant!
  12. dubbs

    FIFA 14

    Just tried the tablet version as its free - what a pile of s***!!!
  13. Drwadful again. How can people keep defending the way we play at vp? I despair of Villa sometimes.
  14. dubbs

    GTA 5

    Is this where u gas the staff then get away on bikes ? i'm in the middle of that bad boy . Yes, thats the one. Enjoy my friend!
  15. dubbs

    GTA 5

    Did my first heist today. Used the quiet technique but the getaway really gets the adrenaline going.
  16. dubbs

    GTA 5

    Played for a couple of hours last night and spent most of the time exploring. One bug got me trapped between a plant and house but other than that initial impression is its better than I thought. The start of the game throws you straight in and gives you a great impression that the game is going to be great!
  17. dubbs

    GTA 5

    Bit annoyed with myself that I didn't book the day off cuz by the time I get home tomorrow and done the "family" thing, I reckon I'll have an hour to play which will probably be taken up with the install time lol.
  18. Killzone is definiately the best FPS on the Vita, although thats not saying much, I've only really had time to put an hour into the campaign but I have to say the devs have done a good job so far. I'll get to try the multiplayer too this weekend and although thats only 4v4 on the maps from what I hear thats enough. Controls are similar to most FPS's, although it might just be me but the ability to crouch behind objects sometimes seems to take a bit longer than I'd expect, however thats a small niggle. Oh, and if you do buy it, put 30 mins aside for the update patch to download and install before you think about playing!
  19. Initial impression is its very good. Haven't played it much yet but expect to hammer it the weekend. Prior to gta v coming out of course
  20. Just brought Killzone Mercenarys which has had good reviews. Looking forward to playing it. I'll let you know how it plays.
  21. Don't play it online then unless you wanna start throwing your controller around. New maps are really frustrating.
  22. Guess one of our midfielders had to up their game and become the playmaker we've all been asking for.
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