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Everything posted by Gringo

  1. A defensive media operation is not the same as harrassing people to be converted. It would appear from Terry's last post that they fear some form of media backlash from the documentary which could have dire consequences for their community and so are trying to put their side of the story.
  2. Well if anyone is looking for proof that the lizard people have taken over look no further
  3. Interesting subject to choose for your first post Terry. Welcome, I think.
  4. Been mentioned before on this thread I think, but currently repeating A long December A good song to burn down all the past and plan what the new year might hold for you.
  5. :| Where did you go wrong?I find it a quite pleasant little ditty Anyway, going back in time again: Big Sound Authority - This House
  6. I bet my head hurts more than ricky's this morning I agree with the point about the ref and I can't see mayweather bothering with a re-match, he's beaten everyone he needs to.
  7. Change of mind - I know think mayweather will take this either within the distance, or by a undisputable points margin. Not the outcome I would prefer, but think that's where it's going.
  8. I reckon the next draw will have nice big different coloured balls with BIG numbers on them just like the lottery have. Great story though.
  9. I voted too close to call - I think Hatton will just shade it. But it's a real toughie. The bookies have Mayweather clear favourite 5/8 - 15/8.
  10. Whilst not as pictorially as amusing as some contributions, a news item that hits to the heart of VT Flatulence ban for club pensioner A social club in Devon has banned a 77-year-old man from breaking wind while indoors. Maurice Fox received a letter from Kirkham Street Sports and Social Club in Paignton asking him to consider his actions, which "disgusted" members. Mr Fox, a club regular for 20 years, said: "I am happy to oblige them, there is no problem. I do get a bit windy - I am an old fart now." Old fart struggling to hold one in
  11. Billy Joel - an alltime great - vastly underrated IMO Anyway, back on topic The fray - how to save a life
  12. From that other right wing rag, the grauniad Now this 53 questions that every one will have to answer, I haven't seen anyone kicking off about this apart from the daily mail? So are we all OK with answering these questions every time we turn up at an airport? This is part of the govts e-border proposal. All a bit over the top if you ask me. Unless control and not safety is your main aim. Whatever, it won't help to speed up processing times at airports which currently rate between silly and ridiculous.
  13. A very nice letter, but the the phrase that persists is of course "fairy-tale view of the capabilities of the technology". A doomed project.
  14. James - Laid, an excellent track we can't all be cutting edge all the time, otherwise there would be no MOR and no cutting edge.
  15. It's all shite, lacks in any thought and either uses non-celebrities supposed celebrity or abuses stupid people. It's backward thinking society. BB might have been funny as a one off experiment, strictly come dancing was never going to be anything other that a showcase for z-lists, x-factor, pop-idol, britains greatest, all very sad shows. It's not even a case of "if you don't like it turn over" - there is no alternative, this tripe is on lots of channels most of the time. Cheap trash, which tv channels produce and the masses suck up. Culture is dead. It brings to mind the subtext to Richard Bachman's "the running man".
  16. Because all big companies are inherently evil aren't they. Never mind that provide jobs for thousands of people, make massive contributions to the economy where ever they are set up and in many cases spread wealth to poorer areas of the world by outsourcing factories and other parts of the business. They make a big profit so must be evil.Nope. But when they poison rivers and exploit child labour and when it's pointed it out to them and their response is to brush it under the carpet they should be targetted. And in some few cases they spread some wealth to poorer areas, but in reality most of the (vast majority of the) generated wealth ends up in the pockets of the big buck guys, not in the pockets of the poor people who have the corporate brand imposed upon them.
  17. Sorry can't edit the options once someone else has posted, should really have read: BAD Destroying the planet GOOD Teaching the world to sing it does now. Mods are omnipresent and omnipotent (in our own minds). Burp. Blandy
  18. I feel you may have missed the point. The article nor the program referenced peoples favourite choice, nor obesity induced by eating bucketfulls ful of sugar. The reasons behind boycotting coca cola is that they exploit child labour in the third world whilst damaging the environment those same children have to live in. A multi-national, mutli-billion pound company exploiting people not because they have to but because that's the easiest, cheapest way to achieve global domination. A dirty stinking company who poison people to make a buck. But I suppose that's just the same for all the other brands we consume so we can't do much about it, so what harm does it do if I just have another coke. Same with the environment, bugger all point me buying low-energy light bulbs when the chinese are building seven coal burning plants every day, etc. Bad nasty company, should suffer if the market is supposed to work. If they don't suffer, either the market doesn't work or it's rigged by the people with big enough pockets to influence it.
  19. Gets my vote and nearly as ugly as her predecessor.
  20. Mark Thomas currently preaching on C4....here's an earlier piece. Mark Thomas - won't give the world a Coke And after all they made santa wear a red coat [© bicks] So what do you think? Are the fun loving bubbly nazi sponsoring organisation an actor for good or for evil in the world. Should we boycott coke or ignore the threats of massive global organisations squashing people worldwide? Coca-cola - good or bad?
  21. So if yeung won't approve a new manager, they go down. And the value of the club drops. And then yeung can buy the shares at a much lower price, A price he can actually afford. And sullivan and wolfy lose out on the premiership gold rush. Oh dear, what a shame.
  22. Sty managerial candidate michaela strachan does her best fistface impression in order to win over the fans
  23. Gringo

    Barry George

    A jury of twelve gullibles (to borrow a word) may indeed be influenced by the media. To suggest three high court judges, who have the luxury of reserving their judgement and delivering it whenever they feel fit, to be under the same level of media induced peer pressure is a most undeserving comparison. I am sure they had no other option on the basis of the evidence presented - probably the same evidence displayed in the documentaries (that I haven't seen) - after all most of them don't know who gazza is, never mind how to tune to that new channel4 thingy.
  24. Gringo

    Barry George

    George wins Dando murder retrial
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