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Everything posted by Straggler

  1. One thing this thread sorely lacks is the case for religious circumcision. I don't know what this is but would be very interested to hear it from an informed poster. I don' like to condemn anything until I have heard both sides of an argument and there is a great deal of history, tradition and respect around the Jewish community that gives it the right to at least be heard. Can anyone here explain the pro position to me?
  2. We need to buy a captain (if we have not already done so). Not so much because I give a crap who wears the arm band, but we need leaders on the pitch and of these we have too few. The selection from last season is not good enough as was displayed in the many tepid results in a derisory season. The only real candidate is now very sick so we are down to what remained after Petrov was diagnosed. The rest I could not give two hoots about as leaders of men
  3. And that's just the tip of the iceberg HAHAHAHHAHA!
  4. True, I was all for not taking him at all, but there you go. Also he an Ash were the two most under performing on the pitch and should have both been given the hook. That said, this England team has reached its level at this tournament and got as far as we can expect. Not that disappointed, not that pleased, just glad that I don't feel badly let down. There is heart in this team and not enough quality. Sums up the nation at the moment really
  5. I'm pretty sure I didn't put on brown pants this morning....
  6. Especially against Germany. Yep Germany were always going to be favorites, they will be a shoe in now
  7. whoever wins will struggle in the next round after extra time here.
  8. Rooney has to go, offering absolutely nothing at the moment
  9. Don't worry, Terry is the walking definition for E=MC2 As good as he has been, he'll probably end up assaulting a stewardess on the plane on the way home and dating Rose West or similar to restore the bacalnce
  10. Young got the ball out wide and shat himself
  11. Very positive changes, I like Roy
  12. Kudos for predicting the commentary
  13. Young, Milner, Rooney, Wellbeck. None of them are looking up to much at the moment.
  14. A good point well made. Rooney not good again. needs a goal to make up for it
  15. there are goals in this tonight. Will be dramatic if it does go to pens
  16. was that a hand ball from Terry? I'm glad he got back there, but I had heart in mouth for a min there
  17. aaarggh that was so close too. Wow a wide open end to end game to start, who would have thought?
  18. Come on then England, let's be having you. (is Wiz here, I don't want to have to pay compensation to Norwich for using their IP)
  19. Shaun Teale, Ian Taylor, Gordon Cowans, Alan Mcinally, McGrath,
  20. We renewed as soon as AMC was fired. I got what I asked for and felt like I had to hold up my end of the bargain. Even happier now PL is in charge.
  21. Really good concept for a thread. Better than buying the season review DVD for sure
  22. I must have had 20 people come up to me at work to tell me AMC had gone. They all seemed genuinely happy for me, I was certainly happy to relive the moment many times in the day. It takes quite a lot to unify fans across clubs like that, I still know people that think Messi is not all that great, but that Villa is better off without AMC seems to be a universal truth.
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