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Everything posted by allani

  1. It is highly unlikely that the crest will be used in every scenario. The new lion (or what has been leaked / trade-marked) is, I think, so much more in tune with Aston Villa and more marketable than the one on the Purslow badge. It's our lion, it's facing the right way, it's bright, it's bold and it will work well on a huge range of merchandise. I also think that it will look brilliant at a larger scale - e.g. around the ground, club facilities (and because it is almost identical to the one that is there we can take longer updating it too without it looking confusing - whereas with the claret lion facing the other way any discrepancies would stand out more - as highlighted by the number of comments about us having two badges this season). I don't like the light blue / yellow contrast on the crest (the limitations of which have been pointed out at length and I think almost everyone agrees with - especially at smaller scales). But I do think that the shape of the crest is better (there are no others of the same shape - all "shields" are not the same - so that in itself has advantages) and I think the lion is unmistakably the Villa lion and so those elements are both improvements. I don't know how we resolve the colour issue. I think changing the blue to claret would make the lion stand out better - but the crest then looks less different to West Ham (claret background with a yellow motif). The claret lion does stand out well against the blue (the colour contrast is one thing on the Purslow badge that does work) but I think the crest is pretty much the only time this would be the case. You can't put a claret lion on most of our leisurewear / merchanise (which is typically claret) without putting it on another background colour. Whilst the lion needs to work in monochrome / without colour (i.e. glass etching, etc) having our lion change from claret to yellow in too many different scenarios seems (to me) to be more confusing or at least just as confusing as having two badges. I wouldn't be adverse to a claret lion - in some ways it fits very neatly into the Villa story - but I do worry that it is more difficult to use in stand-alone scenarios. I also think that a yellow lion gives us more consistency when it comes to supplementary elements within the wider branding. For example, (whether you like the font or not) the 150 year thing looks better in yellow than it would in claret or light blue. A three colour palette gives more options than a two colour palette (or four v three if you want to include white as an official Villa colour). Although I do also agree with the comments made that we're "claret and blue" and yet there is precious little claret in our crest where the dominant colours are "yellow and blue". But I think that could be solved by finding a way to add more claret highlights / details into the crest. To be fair it's kind of difficult for any of us to know until we see the full breadth of the branding. (For example as much as I dislike the Purslow badge for being an uninspiring, generic rehash of the default "plug and play" design of - make it round, make the motif simpler and reduce it to a two colour palette - I have to say that I do like some of the monochrome versions and think they look quite cool.) My view is that the lion motif is the key to Aston Villa and our brand not the crest (in the same way that the Liver bird is more important that Liverpool's coat of arms). And this is probably my biggest issue with the Purslow badge - it feels like we changed the lion just to make it work better on the crest. I'd much rather we found ways of changing the crest to work with the lion (and just to be 100% clear in my view - the new, trade-marked version; the Purslow version and the Lerner version have all failed to do that satisfactorily). I do like the idea that we're adding detail to our motif rather than stripping it back to its simplest form - to me that feels like an acknowledgement of our history and also that we do things our way. I am sure that not everyone will feel the same way - but for me the lion is 1000 times more important than the shape of the badge. And it feels like last year we compromised the lion too much in order to fit in with the desire for a round / two-tone badge.
  2. Every club "has" to sell if they want to spend in the summer. It's all about having as much control over the players that you sell as possible (i.e. those whose financial value or cost exceeds the value they add to the team and the cost to the team of losing them). There are also plenty of positive rumours that suggest we are in a much better position with regards to FFP than many other clubs - especially when you take into account the fact that we have a lot more headroom than most in terms of increasing things like: sponsorship deals, merchandising figures, match day revenues, TV money, prize-money, etc. Most clubs will struggle as the new rules / timeframes kick in - there aren't many clubs that don't have any negative rumours about FFP at the moment. I think the Everton / Forest breaches mean that everyone is a bit on edge about it. Finally, we know that Emery and Monchi have a track record of finding players at a lower cost and transforming them into key players - neither are reliant on just spending big money on high reputation players. So if our competitors are in a similar FFP boat - that's probably actually going to be a huge advantage to us.
  3. I disagree with the first point and to an extent the second. He's been to Arsenal and he's been to PSG and he knows that at those types of clubs you get interference from above (owners, etc saying who they want to buy and how they want to play) and below (players who think they are bigger than the team). He works much better where he has control - to manage the team as he wants and with players who will listen to him and do what he wants them to do (or at least try to). I think that's clear from what he has "demanded" to come here - he's got complete control over the team, he's got the coaching team he wants, he's got a DOF (for want of a better term) who he's completely in synch with in terms of the type of players that he wants (ability and personality wise). Everything is perfectly set up for him with the arrangements here. It's very unlikely that he'll get that anywhere else - at Utd, Real Madrid and Barcelona he'd almost certainly have big name players bought just to make the owners look good without any idea of how they will fit in. (The same applies to Monchi - I think he's seen that he was made the scapegoat at Roma where the owners basically told him what players they wanted him to sign.) Obviously, his reign at manager is reliant on three things. Success on the pitch (i.e. the club need him to be helping us achieve the best we can AND he will want to be competing for honours), support off it (i.e. we need to be giving him the tools to try and do what he wants us to be able to do) and his personal life. However, Emery seems to be one of those guys who would take more personal satisfaction from winning say the Europa League with us than winning the Champions League with Man City. That's not saying that he's not ambitious - almost the opposite. I think privately he wants to be THE reason why the club is successful and not the fact that they are the team with the most money. Of course, he would never say that - it will always be about the team, the club and the fans coming together to achieve things together. He's tried the "biggest" club thing at PSG and I don't think he enjoyed it. That said - we did of course manage to convince him to come and join us and leave a team where he was delivering success. But I do think that was partly down to the PL and having the chance to come back and prove himself here. So I think we were a unique opportunity at a very specific point of time. My current thinking is that he will stay here for a while (4 or 5 more seasons), he'll make us competitive in the PL and have a few cup adventures with us and I think we will land some form of silverware. We (and he) will be regarded as a huge success and the model of a well-run club with a proven track-record of over-achieving. Then I think he'll eventually decide that he's achieved everything he wants and he'll go back to Spain and become manager at a smaller team, closer to home and take pleasure in guiding them to the best period in their history which might just be promotion to La Liga and staying in the division. He probably won't win as many titles as Pep but like I say I think he'd prefer to look back at his career and point to every title he does win, every season in which his team is competitive and the meaning that that had to the club and the fans. He's in it for the honour not the glory (although of course he wants to win things too!).
  4. I love the fact that they then explain the design of the shirt by saying that the main body is maroon.
  5. I'm glad you did - because I'd missed the significance of the work "recuse". And I can only say that I hope that's a word that NV has to use repeatedly in the coming months / years.
  6. My statement that we might not have the exact same deal was primarily based on me thinking that they had qualified for CL football when their deal was announced (although now I am not sure whether that is true) whereas we are only in the Conference League when ours was agreed. I also think that I saw that their shirt sales were higher than ours in some FFP wrap-up piece I read a few weeks ago - although again I can't remember what I read or confirm that that is the case.
  7. Ok (and please bear in mind my other very positive posts on Ollie today!!!). I think there are two areas where he could improve and become an even better player. (1) His touch when coming towards our goal rather than when going towards the opposition goal is at times a bit more heavy. (2) When he's got his back to goal against a more "agricultural" defender he's not strong enough to hold them off and he's not quite cute enough to win enough free-kicks. I'm not expecting him to throw himself to the ground all the time - but he gets fouled an awful lot more than the number of free-kicks he wins suggests. I thought he did much better against Fulham and Forest where he seemed to present his case for being manhandled a little better and ended up winning a few more decisions. But he's improved massively since Emery and his coaching team have arrived for sure. Pretty confident that whatever records he doesn't end up breaking this season he'll be challenging and beating next season.
  8. Absolutely - doing it in a crowded penalty box against a top 6 team in another matter. However, there are some really encouraging signs there. I've just watched Dougie's first goal back this morning - every single Villa player (well all 11 who were on the pitch anyway!) touched the ball in the build up to the goal. Ollie dropped deep early on and laid the ball back - but that dragged one of their players well out of position. And then Ollie's movement in the box was almost as good as it was for his goal. He makes a very similar movement - the guy marking him follows him and it leaves an absolute acre of space for Dougie to run into. Very clearly two examples of the kind of dynamic involvement that you and I have discussed in the past. Rather than standing still waiting for the ball to come to you or waiting for someone to create a chance for you - these were two good example of Ollie making something happen to create the space for him or a team-mate to exploit. Yes - we need to be doing it against next-level defenders too or when teams don't engage with us in deeper positions but it's another clear change for the good and an example of good coaching and a player willing to listen and adapt. (Another criticism I have had of Ollie in the past is that he doesn't get enough assists - he's nailed that this season and put bells and whistles on the end of it at the same time.)
  9. Well based on the post that immediately followed yours I think we can now safely assume that our deal is significant. Maybe a push to hope that it matches Newcastle's but I think we can assume that it will be big. It might also help explain the rumour that there's a £10m bonus if we sell a certain number of shirts (which was being used as an example of Heck being incompetent) whereas maybe it's just a sign that we're being really punchy about projected sales growth with a very big player in the market.
  10. That is probably the most exciting sentence I have heard for a while! Thanks.
  11. I don't think it is a coincidence that they've signed / agreed deals with both Newcastle and us.
  12. I would be very surprised if it has to go to a fan vote. It's not like he's changed our colours to be royal blue and white and replaced our badge with a porcupine - so I'd be surprised if the FA get heavily involved in terms of protecting a club's heritage and identity. If Newcastle are allowed to change their away strip into the Saudi home kit without any opposition from the authorities then I can't see them getting involved in this.
  13. It is a concern - but there's growing evidence that these injuries are not as career threatening or as career limiting as they were in the past. Fingers crossed.
  14. Let's not forget that we have Mings and Buendia coming back in the summer. I know they're both returning from serious injuries but that's like having two new signings arrive. Our bench / squad immediately looks a lot better with their names back on the subs bench (let alone if they are back and playing well enough to claim a starting position).
  15. Don't you think that Mings will be cover for Torres? I think it is a bit early to write his recovery off - especially if he's not having to play 50 matches next season. I'm not convinced at all by Carlos - so personally I think a RCB is higher priority (assuming that Konsa plays more as a RB) than a LCB (assuming that Mings is fit by the end of the summer). It might be a hard position to fill as we need someone who is comfortably playing the ball around at the back but we also need someone who is very good in the air to try and address our fragility against set pieces. If Konsa is our preferred RB option - then I think Kosta might be our back-up. I know he's young but he's got CL experience already and done pretty well. LB entirely depends on whether we need to reduce our wage bill - as I think Digne / Moreno is a superb combination. Yes it might become a problem position in a couple of seasons but I'd be keen to hang onto them both for now. I'm not so worried about a CDM who can fill in in defence - but we definitely need another Kamara type player (equally good breaking up play as they are in possession) as I do think that there are games where we could do with having the option of playing two Kamara types and Doug. Obviously we'd lose a bit of our attacking thrust with having another deeper midfielder - but if, like Kamara, they are good on the ball then we've got enough players who can pass the ball into our attacking players and so would still be a threat on the counter. But also it would allow Doug a bit more freedom to join our attacks.
  16. He's got more goal contributions than any other player in the PL this season. I think there is only one person in the world who thinks that we should even consider selling him this season to "improve" the team. Selling him now would be basically like saying "Yeah we quite enjoyed fighting for 4th place this season but you know what we much prefer battling for 12th".
  17. One thing that I have been critical of Ollie in the past about is his intelligence / movement in the box. He's had a habit of finding himself in positions where either there are defenders between him and the ball or between him and the goal. I watched his opener yesterday and although it looks like Bailey does all the hard work to give him an absolute sitter - if you watch it back then Ollie's movement is great. He drags his defender towards the near post as Bailey is nut-megging his way into the box, then gives the defender a little nudge so the defender thinks he knows where Ollie is and then cleverly drifts towards the centre of the goal. He's then in a great position for the rebound if Bailey shoots and hits the inside part of the near post or shoots to the far post and the keeper makes a block. Or if Bailey plays him the perfect square ball. It looks like an easy chance created entirely by Bailey's brilliant run and great pass. But actually Ollie's movement / positioning was SO much better than it has been in the past. His movement has always been very good outside the box (although I still think he's better moving towards their goal rather than towards our goal) but that incident and a few other runs that he made / positions he found in the box showed me that this is something that I think he and the coaches have really been working on this season. It's a sign of a genuine striker /centre forward. Very impressed.
  18. He needs a goal just to calm him down a bit. My only criticism of him yesterday was that he was trying a bit too hard to score. Once he's got a goal in him then he'll be a bit calmer in those situations and more likely to either hit the target or spot the man in a better position. But lots of encouraging signs that he's getting very close to his norm / best.
  19. I think these issues are things that are probably more important for kicking on next season and trying to close the gap with City, Liverpool and Arsenal (performance / dominance wise rather than points wise). There's things that we can do better this season too for sure - but at the same time I repeat my earlier post (trimmed to take into consideration the teams we are battling for 4th/5th/6th): - Villa have taken the lead in 17 matches and won 16 - dropping 3 points - Man Utd have taken the lead in 16 matches and won 14 - dropping 5 points - Spurs have taken the lead in 21 matches and won 14 - dropping 18 points We've scored more and conceded fewer than both Spurs and Utd. Our goals for is exceptional and on a par with City' Liverpool and Arsenal. Our goals against is still very good - 5th in the league with Everton being the only club outside the top 3 to have conceded fewer goals. The goals against really only looks poor when you compare it to the three teams currently above us. Which is why I think that (although we definitely need to be better at dealing with set pieces) we're performing in line with the other teams we are battling against. So I'm not dismissing your concerns (indeed I share them) - they just concern me a little less. We have a +21 GD difference to Utd (so effectively a 9 point lead) and a +7 GD to Spurs (so effectively a 5.5 point lead although they have a game in hand and one big win could reduce the GD significantly). I think they both have just as big (probably bigger) issues than us. Utd struggle to score, they are really weak at LB (which Fulham exploited yesterday), their first choice CBs are more error prone than ours and they have Onana not Emi in goal. Spurs have taken the lead in 21 out of their 25 matches this season and yet have still drawn 5 and lost 6. IMO Angeball is more risky (and more limited) than Emeryball. We might yet finish 6th but I do think that Emery is better able to react to a defeat or two then Ange or Ten Hag. If Brighton beat Roma in the Europa League that would be a huge plus for us as it would almost certainly take England ahead of Italy in the race for the extra CL spot. As would us getting further in the Conference League than Fiorentina. Having to finish 5th rather than 4th makes our ECL dream a bit more touchable.
  20. Nah. Magicians are just con artists / scammers in a DJ and top hat. Warlocks have genuine magical / supernatural skills.
  21. Apparently Forest have employed him to provide advice about how referees will / should interpret different laws and to explain why certain decisions will have been made during matches. The downside to doing this is that there seems to be little consistency between referees / VAR officials in the areas where a referee's insight would be useful.
  22. Yeah I think we generally are in the same boat here. Before the season started I was hoping for 7th place having been in / around the fight for European places all season. Losing Ty (and in my opinion to a lesser degree Buendia) before the first 45 minutes of the season were complete meant that became a much bigger challenge. We were always going to have a smaller squad than those around us. The fact that we've been able to cope (so far!) with so many key injuries and that players like Lenglet have really stepped up to the mark is incredible. Hopefully, if we can get Konsa and Carlos back and if Pau just needs a bit of wrapping up in cotton wool every now and again - then we can cope and iron out some of the wrinkles.
  23. Our defensive stats were pretty good last season. That said I do think a new RCB and a new DM would be high on my list of priorities (discounting FFP) - we have really good options for attacking CMs (especially with Buendia coming back) but at times could benefit from having more "robust" midfield with Kamara, Luiz and a DCM who can lap up pressure better. I think we needed that DCM before Kamara was injured but it's probably even more important now.
  24. PS - I suspect my choice of Digne might raise some eyebrows. Just to re-iterate that I said defenders and I think Digne is a better defender than Moreno. That doesn't necessarily mean that I would start Digne at LB over Moreno. Attacking wise they offer different threats - some teams are more suited to playing Moreno, others Digne. I actually think that they are pretty close to each other (probably the closest competition for one place in our team) - there's no real drop-off in quality when one comes on for the other. Usually it just changes the type of threat going forwards or the level of defensive discipline.
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