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Everything posted by Mazrim

  1. Two unconnected things, would you rather we still had MacLeish in charge and no kit date set? Give me **** strength. He has to type 2 lines of shit every 5 minutes. It's like, the law.
  2. Quinn's knowledge of Aston Villa is matched only by his knowledge of salads.
  3. You and Alex should get a room. Yes. Then bar it up from the outside. That would be splendid.
  4. I wouldnt worry. I think he'll be gone soon and very much doubt there's anything in the Karl Henry link. I reckon McLeish knows the type of player we need but would still be incapable of getting the best out of them. Or even an average amount.
  5. Just out of interest, what has your source got right so far? Holman deal is off? Randy has appointed a merchant bank to find a buyer? Taylor and Platt joining Villa in the summer with McLeish still in charge? Can you name on thing that has happened so far that your source has got right? Not having a go or anything but I'm just wondering on the success rate of your sources info.
  6. The response in that case should be "O.K great, call me back on May 17th then."
  7. No, they'll both be available soon. Unlike Nike, Macron are treating us as their #1 priority in the UK. If the green is like that last mock up (good work again mate) I wouldn't mind at all. It reminds me of guitars from the 80s and thats a good thing... for me.
  8. The only thing established with Bruce is that he looks like the Elephant man.
  9. We certainly do have decent resources and we do pay McLeish that kind of money. Resources include a turnover in and around the top 20 clubs in the world, state of the art facilities, a top academy and a large if disenchanted fanbase. Villa is a top 8 club currently struggling. Managers know this. Potential managers know this. A lot of work needs to be done to put right that which is wrong but we aren't all of a sudden a no-mark club. A manager worth his salt, with faith in his abilities will see that he can make a real name for himself at Villa. As far as investment is concerned, Ive heard there will be a fair amount available in the summer. I dont know how or where its coming from but the people I have heard this from a solid sources. I remain skeptical but with an open mind. Its certainly possible. All I want is the the right man to spend it and get some value. No more MON myopic largesse and no more McLeish buying players who dont perform for him. By the way, I'm not opposed to Martinez at all. He fits the criteria of a young manager who can build a dynasty but also we need some footballing nous on the board to oversee this and build a infrastructure worthy of a great club, which we surely are.
  10. I often think CI talks out of his mudwhistle but he's right in this instance. We are and always will be a big club. The only real thing limiting us in our plans is ambition. If we think small time we will get and be imited to; small time. If we present a manager with a plan, decent resources and a top salary, all of which is quite within our means, why wouldn't they take it? Personally and for continuity's sake I'd choose a young talented manager we can build a legacy around for years to come. Somebody like Rodgers, Lambert, AVB...whoever.
  11. As I understand it Mark Hughes was sounded out for the Villa job but he had far too many demands and was not liked by the powers that be at Villa because of his personality.
  12. Sorry, to confirm, I was told that the away kit would be green or yellow a while ago. I honestly dont mind if its green but it can go very wrong. Its a difficult colour to get right.
  13. The away kit is yellow or green.
  14. Re: John Deehan's comments. That was the case with Hughes but not Martinez.
  15. [ lie ] Well, you've convinced me [/lie ]
  16. You'r right about that,I would'ent call winning 4 games at VP all season an advantage :?: I would say that Bolton have the advantage,they have players who can score goals ( C.Eagles,M.Petrov ) 5 league goals between them... wow. And how many have Pesky,Wiemann,Nzgobia,Allbrighton and Ireland got between them ? You tell me, I'm not championing them as goalscorers though. Although Weimann (for instance) is a bigger goal threat than either Eagles or Petrov. Bolton have the advantage, my arse.
  17. You'r right about that,I would'ent call winning 4 games at VP all season an advantage :?: I would say that Bolton have the advantage,they have players who can score goals ( C.Eagles,M.Petrov ) 5 league goals between them... wow.
  18. I dont know, I dont think the absence of a restriction is the same as permission. In fact, as somebody who has had to study internet law in all it's tedium, it is good practice not to publish private correspondence without permission. In any case, there isnt anything too explicit there and I doubt the General would mind all that much. He's no fool and must realise there is a chance of this happening when responding to fans in this way.
  19. I agree. Had I took some of the stick he did I'd be reaching for the duelling pistols too. On the subject of this email: is it right to be publishing what is essentially private correspondence? I'm no different to any other fan and like to know what's going on behind the scenes but this seems a bit like dodgy ground to me. Still, as communication is so poor it's only to be expected. The General seems to be hinting at something happening "when we're safe" although I'm not holding my breath. Change of manager? New investors/owners? More bosman announcements? Or just reading something into nothing.
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