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Everything posted by Mazrim

  1. You couldn't even get his initials right. It takes a special kind of person to lecture about sadness and embarrassment when they can't even get three letters right.
  2. No sign of Ole but Alex Lifeson's been taken off a plane in handcuffs again.
  3. Some Rush fans up in here I see. The Trees, Villa Strangiato. Good good.
  4. You really are very annoying. I bet you used to stand in the corner with your arms folded at parties, telling everybody that pass the parcel is a fix.
  5. Yes the inflatable pilot from Airplane will bring OGS back from Norway.
  6. Hmmm, now I don't know who to believe. I've been told by some gobshite that he's a soft touch you see.
  7. Exactly. He may be a gamble but I'm O.K with that. Mangers with big reps dont always work out. I like the idea of using a bit of imagination rather than going for somebody steady, uninspiring and average. He wouldn't be my first choice, I'm not even sure he's theirs, but bring it on. As for prefering Curbishley. What a cleft.
  8. I doubt it. I know all about Norwegian Pub Leagues & teams having lived in Oslo Spent a fair while there myself (Bergen). Dont know what pub leagues have to do with OGS getting a small team from a town with a population less than the average Blose crowd to win their version of the PL in his first season though.
  9. Firstly, the guys that own Liverpool are not that wealthy. They gambled a lot of money on last season paying off and it hasn't. Secondly, if they were willing to give a new manager £100m (my arse) it would be a top manager spending it. Lambert is not that yet. In any case they will be after a "sure thing". I doubt they'll want to gamble on somebody. We can.
  10. Then the devil take you. Damn and blast, I would make a most triumphant field foreman the likes of which the empire has scarcely seen. If only I could stop buggering indian serving girls and shooting rare and exotic animals.
  11. Indoubtedly old boy. I suspect this cad is a rank outsider and a left hander. His musings are highly dubious and contradictory. Have him horsewhipped from the estates and send his credentials to the constabulary for investigations. They may reveal a known bounder from the small heath poorhouses.
  12. Lol there players arn't even top 4 quality.. How much did they spend, and were did they end up? You`re struggling to see beyond the end of your nose. As i said villa fans can be a bitter bunch, because we have given up on former glories and liverpool haven`t. What a load of patronising bollocks. I haven't given up on anything, but you have to be realistic, which is where I differ from your average Liverpool fan.
  13. If you think McCarthy is in the frame you're a bellend. I'm sorry but it's as simple as that.
  14. Better is subjective. Better potential, better lines of income, better facilities, better infrastructure, better academy and so on. We should have really, we've been one of the largest clubs in the country for nearly 140 years. Even struggling we have one of the 6 or 7 largest incomes in the league and often top 20 in europe. With the exception of Birmingham City, no club is essentially better than another. But some clubs have more going for them and I'm sorry to say(well, not really), that list in favour of Villa is considerable. It doesnt mean Lambert is going to come here but there are plenty of pretty obvious reasons why he would. By the way I wish Norwich all the best. Always a club I've admired. A proper club indeed.
  15. Yes, how could we possibly pry him away from his garden. It's quite impossibru.
  16. I'm not sure whether he's my first choice or not (atm it varies by the hour) but it goes a little something like this: We have better players than Norwich (yes, we do) Norwich played and performed better than we did. The reason for that is most likely the manager and his staff, therefore if we bring them to Villa... [ fonz ] Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh! [ /fonz ]
  17. But who will wear the managers kit?
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