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Everything posted by Mazrim

  1. When was the last time wages were a problem after having a fee agreed? I can't think of any examples during the Lerner era. Anybody?
  2. Unfortunately, when you sell or buy a player for a certain amount you are setting your stall out. You're making a precedent. So if in a certain window (and lets face it, transfer windows are fickle, turmultuous beasts) you recieve a bid from a club that has bought Jordan Henderson for £20m and Downing has 2 years on his contract, the price is £20m to that club and then likelwise you have a premium on a player you want. Because if Downing is worth £20m with two years on his contract then N'Zogbia is worth £10 with one...etc. What he nearly went to Blose for a year ago is very little to do with it. Its the nature of the market at any given time. N'Zogbia at £9.5m is a good price, we haven't stole him and we certainly haven't had our pants pulled down either. He'll be a fine player for us and exactly what we need after Young going. It's good business anyway you slice it.
  3. Very true, but conversely there must also be questions asked when the situation dictates. I've said it before, but I honestly believe this haggling over the N'Zogbia fee would not have occured if we'd brought him in before selling Downing. Not for the want of sounding like a broken record, but we needlessly weakened our own bargaining posture and have had to pay cold hard cash as a result. Won't argue that. Letting Downing go before signing N'Zogbia was stupid. I said so too.
  4. I have no problem saying Downing is a good player. I dont agree he is more consistent than N'Zogbia. Also, N'Zogbia can cover more positions, is quicker, stronger, can tackle, is more skillful, takes set pieces and for what its worth, younger.
  5. Well I am, certainly. Bloody hell, you must be good, Mazrim. To be fair, I have a spine so I'm already 1-0 up.
  6. You don't like the "Villa playing hardball rubbish" Richard, because quite possibly it has worked and it doesn't suit you to say so. Far from being the bastion of reality you like to think you are, I dont think you're objective any more. Sometimes there is such a thing as credit where it's due. But never mind, that's just my opinion. You're entitled to yours of course. I'm not interested in getting bogged down in miserable semantics when there is actually some rare good news to cheer.
  7. Hang on, we offered 9M. He wanted more. How has he cracked? He got more Because he wanted £10m? He wanted more than we originally bid. He got more. It's like Villa "wanting 50M for Downing" or wanting "silly money" and then getting 20M. Is that well done Villa too then? Or perhaps well done plop for not putting up with Villa and saving £30M ? I think you're trying too hard Richard. I really dont know what happened to you. Whelan wanted "not a penny less than £10m" and if the story is true, he's got half a million pounds less than £10m. And considering N'Zogbia is a better player than Downing (at least I think so), it's a good deal. I dont recall Villa coming out and claiming that they want "not a penny less than £50m" for Downing. And who would argue £20m is good money for Downing? Our price was met, Whelan's possibly hasn't. So forgive the odd fan who might point that out. Are you happy we look like signing him by the way?
  8. Hang on, we offered 9M. He wanted more. How has he cracked? He got more Because he wanted £10m?
  9. General, bear in mind this poll was on this site based on the votes of 222 people (not the wider fanbase of Aston Villa) at time of posting of which 54% were pro and 45% against Randy's ownership. The poll was created in a time of negativity for the club and I dare say a couple of wins and a signing or two would swing the poll further in support of Randy dramatically, such is the nature of the beast with these polls. My personal experience speaking to fellow Villa fans, match going Villa fans in the main, is that Randy has a lot of credit in the bank with them and respect but recent goings on have caused some concern. Selling £40m pounds of players and buying £13m (Given and possibly N'Zogbia) isnt what we were led to expect when saying McLeish would be backed, for instance. That's one sore point. Of course this might not be the case but you have to understand our local media amongst others, plus direct quotes from the manager are painting that picture all too vividly. The manager's calibre is another sore point which has been mentioned a billion times already, but it will take some good results to banish those and I look forward to getting them. I think most fans could accept the need to recoup financial losses (if this is the case) as long as it is clearly communicated to us. I think a lot of fans are looking forward to the new season and many have great faith in our youth players and look forward to seeing them progress, but feel we are light in a few areas besides that addressed by signing Given and N'Zogbia. Just a bit of feedback. Weeeeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.......
  10. That the guy saying he spoke to N'Zogbia is legit.
  11. My brother knows a few people involved in finance and he was told last year that the rumour is Everton nearly went to the wall. Not only do they not have money to spend, they are just about keeping their head above water.
  12. So, people are allowed to post an opinion, only if it suits you? That is pretty cool. P.S, the board is shit. Actually genius, I'm arguing that Julie should be allowed to post twitter conent. So I'm in support of people posting what they wish. The board may well be shit, but nowhere near as shit as hearing about it in every other post.
  13. By the way, I'll take a whole shitload of Julie's posts and tweets than page after page of the same old bollocks about how shit the board are.
  14. Some of you need to get over this Twitter thing. Its a part of how people communicate now. Dont use it myself but many do, including the people involved in this deal and press etc. Its quicker than anything else. Its like realtime cybergossip. The Osama bin Laden raid was being reported on Twitter or facebook faster than any news and most military communication picked it up. Yes, it will be abused and a source of bullshit but likewise it will also convey the truth and genuine news.
  15. I tell you one thing, I'm getting pretty sick of hearing guys who have never been to an academy or reserves match telling us how average or shit our youngsters are.
  16. Why do you bother? You may as well piss in the wind.
  17. How is it a bit much? If he wants a transfer he should put one in. I think all players should do this.
  18. They're like a pair of Mosques in an earthquake.
  19. A 20p fudge is one of the seven signs of evil.
  20. Whelan is a bedwetting fossilised old monkey bollock!
  21. You mean by shouting it at a few thousand imbeciles in Ibiza?
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