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Everything posted by Mazrim

  1. If he goes to Bayern now there'll be hell T'Pau.
  2. I wanted us to try and sign him for years but now I'm not bothered and I'm not sure why.
  3. OK, so you're talking about financial reports that suggest we have "plenty of wiggle room" and hinting at proposed salary caps? There are at least 513 Pauls I'd prefer to argue a case for me. Please don't react with more pouty "erm..." posts. It's only light-hearted japery. We can pay 200k or more for the right player(s), and soon enough we will. We'll have to as the plans are clearly to join the elite and that means elite level players. It's also what Edens has accepted in the NBA so no reason he'd balk at it here.
  4. Paul will tell you there's not a chance we're that kinky..
  5. Etiquette is still asking the club for permission first I believe. On the principle the club is open to selling and you can agree a fee later. If the player is not open to moving to you there's no point in proceeding and getting everybody hot and bothered otherwise. Hence a bid being near the end of the process.
  6. Certain players thrive in Germany and struggle more in England. Sancho seems like one of those, although to be fair he was looking much better towards the end of the season. I doubt we're after him, though if Emery thinks he could get him back to his Dortmund form, we're talking about a potentially world class talent. More likely we'll go after an Iberian / South American based player who will give us similar traits but not murder our salary budget.
  7. OK cool. Lets ignore the massive resources, access to the entire world of professional footballers, and lavishly supported and funded scouting and analytics departments to find a fudge solution at right back.
  8. Cash and Adams are no Kenny Swain and this isnt1980. But I take the point.
  9. I really do not like the idea of having no senior specialist right backs at the club. Cash is a converted winger with suspect defensive ability and Adams is not a specialist either.
  10. Mazrim

    Tyler Adams

    I've never been more relaxed about a Villa manager getting it right. Of course, I have my own opinions but looking forward to seeing Unai and Monchi doing their thing.
  11. We need quality AND quantity and the club a player comes from has no bearing at all on his quality. That said, Adams is OK, nothing special. Seems quite tenacious and mobile but I think Iroegbunam has a higher ceiling, if not already a better player.
  12. You don't bid for a player unless you already know they're open to coming. Bidding is at the end of the process. So either Chiesa is open to coming, or its just nonsense to begin with.
  13. Haven't seen any overalls.
  14. The GK top is an absolute banger. I'm having it.
  15. Just the shoulders for me. This would have been better.
  16. "Not sure the new badge is the way to go..." "Oh really, because there's a 3 METRE HIGH DRAPE OF IT BEHIND THE PLAYERS..."
  17. Hey, Villa. Leave that badge alone.
  18. Its OK, I intend to spill lager down mine.
  19. A lot of the moaning is over the top in my opinion, but not regarding the 2 badge situation. That is not good enough at all. The crest is SHITE and the decision was made to replace it, so **** well replace it already.
  20. I'm not in love with the shoulders at all but mostly it's lovely. The badge is magnificent. MAG-NIFICENT.
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