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Everything posted by HongKongVillan

  1. Keinan would have done a lot better than Surridge, don't think he held up play once since coming on
  2. As bad as manure are so far, can we have Brentford's set piece coach instead?
  3. This has gone downhill very quickly
  4. Such a (was) great footballer but such bad team player to have
  5. So happy for them, a humble bunch, unlike some of the words removed we see in the pretend men's game
  6. Phil Neville will try to claim credits for this
  7. Too much hoofing this half and even the goal came from a long ball (great goal still though)
  8. That kick off from the second half was a shamble, ref so far has been good but not this one
  9. Absolute shambles these bunch of boilers, it's not like this is a complete new team, is the same set of shitty players who plays like they are on one night stands. Bruce out by Sep unlikely but possible
  10. No wonder Deano is struggling just realised grant Hanley is still playing for them, surely they can afford better still at this level
  11. That was rather good for a opening ceremony
  12. Think England sold the Dutch a fast one with snatching their coach and somehow giving them an incompetent English male coach. ( At least it's not Phil Neville) That lovely Dutch lady at the beeps studio last night hinted about their coach being a bit out of his depth when praising Sarina Wiegman whenever possible.
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