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Everything posted by HongKongVillan

  1. He is probably thinking "thank **** I sabotaged Villa for the first 11 games".
  2. Arse has zero fight, at least try a bit
  3. SW 3-0 now. A better watch than seeing the barcodes winning
  4. No booking for diving again, unless you are Ollie Watkins
  5. Sonny the cab driver seems like to most credible source in this saga so far
  6. Does it mean he can be off loan to say Italy or Spain in the mean time as this ban is from the FA? Then conveniently be ready on the transfer market for Jan 24, and then start playing for the Barcodes?
  7. I guess there is a reason they are 3rd in the league and 5 pts ahead of 4th. Their number 13 is a bit like a hybrid of Pirlo Makelele
  8. We take a piss out of GS and that's fine, but in all seriousness though, what is Steve Clark doing here? Just to make sure his Scottish captain is playing at left back?
  9. Leicester are where they are becos they have numpties like Faes in defence. But this just smell of poop and corruption. Is Howard Webb still with us later ?
  10. You are spot on. Just starting watching and they start with a straightforward correct decision against Arsenal. Let's see they are brave enough to explain Maguires handball Vs forest not so long ago or any of Kane's clever fall
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