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Everything posted by CLARETANDBLUEFOXY

  1. Gutted we couldn’t push on after such a great win on Sunday, especially as Palace are losing.
  2. Was debating taking a days annual and driving up to go to this. Glad I didn’t bother now!
  3. Guess it’s not a sell out because Wednesdays can be quite difficult to get to. I’d have loved to have gone tonight but by the time I finished work I’d have never have got to VP on time sadly
  4. Yeah I must admit, I was scared stiff of us throwing the Spurs lead away. It’s just what we are used to
  5. Enjoy mate! Hope you have a great time!
  6. Still got PTSD from the loss against this lot when we were 2-0 up with ten minutes to go. Rotten day, that was.
  7. I can never enjoy moments like this until the final whistle because all I can ever see in my mind is 2-0 up with ten mins against wolves and then….
  8. Romero plays for Spurs. Martinez doesn’t play for us. Make it make sense.
  9. Why exactly is Emi not ready? He’s had two weeks enjoying time with his family after winning the World Cup. If he’s not injured, what exactly is stopping him being ready?
  10. I reckon he’s off. I thought it the moment he lifted that World Cup. It’s the Villa way to lose our best players.
  11. Emery is a secret agent planted by Birmingham City to finish off the job Mcleish started
  12. Anyone struggling to find anything enjoyable about Villa at the moment?
  13. I don’t even get excited when we surge forward because even if the goal was open we haven’t got anyone who can actually score.
  14. Did anyone see the part in Emery’s interview saying Olsen is there to “replace or be competition for Emi” worrying he thinks that Olsen is even remotely capable of replacing Emi.
  15. So happy for him, but can’t help but fear he’s going to be the next player to get poached by a big club.
  16. Proud of him but worried a big club will come in for him. We know our owners seem to have a hard on for selling our best players.
  17. Ha ha yes I was definitely joking. God forbid we can have a laugh these days.
  18. I hope our pre match warm up is Olson being marched in front of the villa fans with a bell behind him and SHAME! SHAME! being yelled at him.
  19. Would also be really nice if we could stop getting these rocket polishers in the third round of every **** cup in existence
  20. Normally I calm down pretty quickly after a loss but this one has really pissed me off lol
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