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Everything posted by CLARETANDBLUEFOXY

  1. Would also be really nice if we could stop getting these rocket polishers in the third round of every **** cup in existence
  2. Normally I calm down pretty quickly after a loss but this one has really pissed me off lol
  3. I’ve been a villa fan for a very long time now and I don’t think any individual performance has ever made me so aggressively angry as Olsen has tonight. I can’t describe how angry he has made me. That pass to United for the third goal is straight out of the “I’m throwing the game” handbook.
  4. Emery’s gamble, whatever he was doing it for, has not paid off.
  5. Olsen and McGinn absolutely need to get out of this club.
  6. Honestly convinced Olsen did that on purpose. There was honestly no reason for that pass to United. He was under no pressure. Nothing. Stupid little word removed.
  7. Convinced Olsen is a United fan. No reason to do what he just did.
  8. Would love a cup run. We’ve come so close to winning this in recent years. 2010 and 2020 memories need to be erased!
  9. Oh MON, how you divide my emotions. On one side, he gave me some of the best memories of being a Villa fan. I was able to get to so many of the games back then, home and away, and there were so many good times. Fantastic memories. But then he left us the way he did and it all soured.
  10. Man, I miss the Fergie days where you knew Man Utd would play a bunch of 12 year olds in the third round of the league cup. No such luck tonight. Praying for a result tonight but I’m pretty sure Fernandes will get his usual penalty or some VAR decision will go their way.
  11. Conceding to those sort of goals really **** me off. I’d rather be undone by class than luck
  12. I went for the round one. All day. Every day.
  13. Yes you can. If I’ve done a bad job at work and consistently keep delivering that bad performance most days - I would sit at home and dwell on it and it would affect how I feel at home.
  14. Wonder what the lads are doing right now. Probably living it up, having a drink and not giving a shit.
  15. Very annoying that clubs around us are grinding out results.
  16. That’s modern football for you - any club is one big takeover away from achieving their dreams.
  17. Probably should change the title of this thread now because nobody is laughing at them anymore, sadly.
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