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Everything posted by CLARETANDBLUEFOXY

  1. Expected the result. Newcastle are leaps and bounds ahead of us in terms of resources, coaching and stand out players that can change games. Not bothered by this shit result as long as the new gaffer can change things. NEXT!
  2. Still can’t believe he’s gone. Just feels like a massive weight off of the shoulders of our great club.
  3. Sadly, as much as the lads did an amazing job Sunday - Newcastle are flying at the moment and I can’t see us getting anything from this. I hope I’m wrong though!!!!
  4. In the pre match thread I said I hope we smashed them after dropping McGinn to show gerrard where he was going wrong. And that’s exactly what they did. Bravo!
  5. Don’t think I’ve felt this excited by villa since we beat arsenal 2-0 away in 2008
  6. I was at that game, as well. Honestly made me so wound up which is what he was aiming for with it, I guess.
  7. Always good to beat Toney after his idiotic Birmingham hooligan celebration last season when he scored against us.
  8. I literally hope we smash them 10-0 and Gerrard sees how well this team could have played for him without McGinn in midfield.
  9. Looking at the other teams around us and their results today - he’s really come in and **** us up hasnt he?
  10. What wonderful news to wake up to! Didn’t expect it to happen overnight so what a lovely surprise.
  11. Watching his post match interview - he almost seems relieved to know it’s almost over.
  12. When Dougie got sent off, there was no movement from the bench from Gerrard. He just sat there like a bored husband sat on the seats outside the New Look changing rooms waiting for his wife to try on 60 different outfits on a Saturday afternoon.
  13. If he’s not gone this time tomorrow, I can imagine the scenes outside of Villa Park. The riots. Oh the riots. If this doesn’t get rid of him, nothing will.
  14. Gerrards face throughout all of this has been one of a man who is depressed and fed up and miserable.
  15. Gerrard just sat there without a care in the world whilst Dougie walks off.
  16. I didn’t even care when that goal went in. That’s the Gerrard affect.
  17. Did anyone notice it was Emi Martinez giving the rousing speech in the huddle and not the captain? Says a lot.
  18. Oh my GOD how have we got to Wednesday and he’s STILL here? Other managers have been sacked for less.
  19. I remember the evening recently that we lost a game and I ended up writing Gerrard out over and over on every post and I kinda wish I still had that passion but now I’m just apathetic.
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