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Everything posted by AVFCforever1991

  1. Anyone watch the Multiplayer thing on the Xbox?
  2. I'm personally glad Bent didn't get called up, no point risking an injury.
  3. No way. going from the PL to La Liga, he is going to tear that league apart, he is going to have far more time on the Ball than he does here.. Remember Croatia Vs Spain, Bossed the match was better than most of the Spanish players..
  4. By the way that story Came From The MADRID BASED Newspaper MARCA. They Make it all up to try and push through a deal, No way is Levy selling Modric for 23.6m, with 4 Years left on his contract..
  5. Modric is worth at least 30m IMO. If Fletcher is going for 13m, then Modric should go for AT LEAST 30m.
  6. Whys that? Because you have only seen a couple of pre season games with him in? I've seen him play more than most on here as I've been watching him play for the Aussies for a few years now. Just an opinion, no need to bite my head off.
  7. And yet people are wanting andy carroll here :? In just dont get that logic. :?
  8. What.A.Goal. Thank you defoe for saving my bet!
  9. After watching Johnson tonight, its clear he Needs regular first team football.
  10. Its clear that AJ has not played a lot of football in the past year! He needs more game time, at say a Mid table Midlands Club
  11. Can't see arsenal signing Llorente, they already have Giroud.. What they need is someone to play the RVP role..
  12. THIS. So you didn't want Fletcher who's scored plenty of goals but you'd want Vela who's always struggled to impress??? Where is Vela now? Ah but you're forgetting, he's foreign so must be good! Fletcher meanwhile is boring and British.........no-one any good ever comes from boring old Britain. Let's all go sign the next Bosko Balaban, or Vaclav Drobny, or Mustapha Salifou....... Ha ha. haha typical british, MON narrow minded view on Foreigners.. when will british people wake up and realize there is Life beyond this Island :? I can imagine those words coming out of MON mouth right before he signed Heskey
  13. I think calling him our 'New platt' is a bit premature..
  14. Iv'e put £50 on england to win, I have faith .
  15. I don't think it will play Like MW3 though.. Looking forward to Mulit Team TDM,Dom etc..
  16. Plus Man Shitty are starting With a Home Match Against Southampton.
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