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Everything posted by Delphinho123

  1. Another idiot. Any normal people want to ring in? Pacbuddies?
  2. That was indeed funny. He didnt have a clue how to respond. Cretin. Liverpool fans shouldnt be allowed to pass judgement on anything. In fact, they shouldnt even be allowed to vote.
  3. Why is it only spastics ringing in? Can someone normal please ring in? Noone's blaming the kids. Dingles... etc. The only people ringing in are idiots.
  4. I dont think we will go down. I think we will survive by default. I just cant see the other 4 teams below us all doing enough to leap frog us. That said, there is a very real chance it could happen and if it does then Que sera sera. Randy Lerner came to this club and inherited a very poor football team. He has spent circa 150m pounds on the club and 5/6 years down the road now has a team of less ability than the one he started with. Staggering. In Alex Mcleish, Villa have potentially the worst manager to have ever graced the division. Hideous to all 5 senses the man will take us down next season if not this one. The mans position was untenable the day he stepped foot into villa park and this hasn't changed since. Every football fan knew it was a disaster the moment the decision was announced yet Mr Lerner decided he knew best and paid Birmingham City for the privilege. The club is a complete shambles from head to toe. If we go down, it will be no more than Lerner deserves, its just a shame the great fans of this club have to witness it. Mr Lerner/Alex Mcleish will eventually leave this club with millions of pounds in there pockets and we will be left to pick up the pieces. AVFC is rotten down to the core. Up the Villa. Mcleish/Lerner Out.
  5. Looking at others fixtures and our goal difference, I think a draw against Bolton will see us safe. If we lose, I think we will go down. I personally wouldnt mind losing though, it will really crank up the pressure on that ginger spastic.
  6. :!: That does nothing to confirm anything.
  7. Hold on a minute....what happens if Bolton beat us?
  8. 'prmort' I cant stop watching your avatar! Where did you get that?!
  9. If Gabby goes he goes. Its not the end of the world for the club if he does. He is far too hit and miss as a striker and probably isnt technically good enough to play on the wing... However... Seeing him go for me will signal somewhat the end of an era. He kind of epitomized the 'glory days' (I used this term loosely) under MON. The days when we were hard to beat. The days when we used to see Gabby use his pace and strength to frighten defenders. For a long time Gabby was Villa. The goals against blues were memorable and the fact the blues fans were shit scared against ever playing against him even though there fans would never admit it. Gabby leaving may not effect us in the same way it would if Bent were to leave, but for some reason it will hit home a lot harder. For me, it will just be the next thing to happen in a long line of terrible decisions this club has made over the past 3 years. This club is being run by complete and utter idiots who are driving fans away in there thousands. UTV
  10. IF.... Blackburn beat Norwich.... Bolton beat Swansea..... QPR beat spurs.... and...we lose to Sunderland.. Which you must admit, isnt highly unlikely.... Aston villa. 35 Wigan. 34 QPR. 34 Bolton. 32 Blackburn. 31 With Villa playing Bolton later that week. I know this is a big IF but I wanted to just highlight how dangerous our current plight is. MON will have been looking to this game the moment he took charge at Sunderland and I can guarantee the man will fire Sunderland up for this one. We are in a relegation dog fight and this week I think we will find out just how bad our situation currently is. If im honest, I think we will survive because of the fixtures QPR have remaining. That said, we are dicing with death and our manager is probably the most inept human being alive. UTV
  11. And what exactly will he 'get'. People should start realising that when all is said and done, Lerner will still walk away a millionairre and we as a club wil be ****.
  12. I think we need one more point, and I think we will get it. The law of averages suggests that if you play to draw the next 5 matches, your bound to draw one. We are royally **** next season though and I fully expect us to get relegated. We potentially have one of the worst managers to have ever managed in the premier league at the helm. The most disinterested ive been in 20 years. Dont go anymore and Ive even stopped watching. The man has driven every ounce of enjoyment out of the sport for me. I cant put into words how much I hope he gets run over or something.
  13. Man United are an elite club. Blackburn and Wigan will know this. Id take a 3 nil loss. Mainly because they are class and we are completely **** shit. Lets try and keep it beneath 4 or 5. God I bet this is a dream match for Mcleish. Going into a game knowing he cant win and can play for a draw. Bet the ginger C*unt is licking his lips.
  14. I think it would take something very special from the teams below us for us to be relegated. That said, it isnt impossible and if we lose to United and teams around us continue to pick up points then the Bolton game becomes massive. I personally dont think we will go down, but I didnt think blues would last season and they did. Playing for draws is a dangerous game and it has failed before for Mcleish. God I hate our manager. More than anything in the world.
  15. The damage that Mcleish may do with money over the summer could set Villa back five years. This man will destroy our club given time. The sooner he goes, the better. Ive said it before, every week he is here, it sets us back two. The man is a cancer. He single handedly drives 10,000 people away from Villa park each week and that number will grow to 15,000 next year.
  16. I heard a ridiculous stat earlier this season that Stoke have only ever had more than 50% possession once in there time in the Premier League. Someone might be able to correct me on this but it was something along those lines. I turned the game off at half time. I just couldnt watch it. Its heartbreaking to see what a few men are doing to our great club. Mcleish out. *sigh*
  17. Dean Sturridge is hands down the worst commentator i've ever heard. He may well be a 'villa fan' but the man cant even form coherent sentences. He speaks absolute nonsense.
  18. the site guidelines ask you to link articles I feel sick every time this man speaks. He constantly compares us to Birmingham City. Constantly blames everything but himself. Talks about how strong we were last season. He is a complete and utter fraud. An idiot. An imbecile. A disgustingly bad manager.
  19. Where? So why havent we got those points already?
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