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Everything posted by Delphinho123

  1. I think this will get done, and before the UTD game too. You have to remember that Barca can't afford this to drag on for two reasons. 1. They need to register Torres so the sooner the better. 2. Every day he is there, he is costing them around 50,000 euros (mental). We're going to do this, I just hope it's a loan that runs for circa 12 months with an option to buy.
  2. Not sure about this tbh. I like Davis, but he's really not that great. He's also been injured pretty much straight for 5 years.
  3. No chance. Coutinho doesn't even talk to Villa if Gerrard isn't here, regardless of money. Yes, we're wealthy enough to pay his wages, but this doesn't happen if Gerrard doesn't speak to him personally, at length.
  4. You've got to love Ashley Preece... He has absolutely no idea what's going on at all, but comes out with some generic nonsense about the clubs being in constant dialogue. He hasn't broken a single transfer or been anywhere even close to knowing who we'd sign since he took the role at the mail. I just kinda feel sorry for him having to keep up this charade that he is the go to man for Villa transfers. The same goes for Evans - a complete fraud. FWIW, I like Preece, he's a Villan, but I can't help but die a little inside when he joins the party after the news is broke claiming to know what's going on! All about dem clickz tho.
  5. I likes the cut of your jib good sir.
  6. Great post and quite an interesting angle. Like I've said in previous posts, the Gerrard factor is huge here. He wants to play football and unfortunately (because we're not a top, top team), we can offer him that every week. I'm a huge Smith fan, but lets not kid ourselves and think this transfer comes about if he's in charge here. I didn't buy into the whole 'Gerrard will attract higher profile players' thing when he joined, but it seems I'm wrong. And, as much as I want this to happen, I don't want it to be a 6 month loan with no option to buy. It's going to take him 3/4 weeks at least to get up to speed and by the time he's fully firing, the season will be over. Let's bring him in and make him our own
  7. True, but you have to factor in the fact that absolutely no footballer wants to live in Newcastle unless they have family there.
  8. No, because we can’t back it up with the players that City did after Robinho signed. Get what you mean though, feels as though we’re headed in a slightly different direction as a club now with Ings, Coutinho and possibly Digne signing. The club wants names who have done it at a good level and have experience to blend with the youth.
  9. And? Trezeguet scores goals like that all the time.
  10. Just think of all the money they’d have received in bets though… Did they have that guy on the show with his mobile phone? Because, if you have a mobile phone on display whilst live on air it means agents are constantly in touch with you. Is that still a thing? Honestly, Sky Sports is f***** trash when it comes to football.
  11. This is so true. I can't see Arsenal being in for him with Saka, Martinelli, Smith Rowe, Odegaard and Pepe all competing for 3 places. They're already having to leave out Smith Rowe who is an excellent player. Newcastle could afford him but does he really want to go to a team up North who could get relegated? People saying they have lots of money, yes, they do, but he's going to get paid his 380k a week wherever he goes. Spurs - maybe, but Levy isn't one to give out huge wages. West Ham - I doubt they'd pay his wages. Look, he may end up at a top club but we have massive pull here. We can clearly afford his wages, or the share of his wages at least and we can offer him something he needs - first team football. A fully fit Coutinho would be our best player and probably the first name on the team sheet so he gets game time here which is what he needs to get into the Brazil side. We also have Gerrard here and he may want a familiar face at whichever club he chooses next. To summise. He's already a multimillionairre and he'll be getting his 380k a week wherever he goes. What he wants is first team football and we can give it him here under a friend and someone he's played with before - Gerrard. Really want to get this done on a 12 month basis with an option to buy.
  12. What’s your point? Is Coutinho costing £30m in a transfer fee?
  13. A fair point! Haven’t seen their name mentioned though. If Chelsea don’t sign him, could we be front runners?
  14. If Digne isn’t going to Newcastle and Chelsea stall, I don’t see who else in the PL is better suited to take him than us. Liverpool won’t sign him with Robertson, nor will City. Spurs have Reguillon who is similar and Arsenal have Tierney. West Ham have Creswell and Masuaku. United won’t be in for a LB with Shaw and Telles at the club. If he joins us, he is guaranteed to start provided he performs and I’m pretty sure we can give him 120k a week or whatever he wants. If he goes to Chelsea, he’ll be looking for another club in 12 months time. Whether you rate him or prefer Hickey, Digne to Villa does make sense.
  15. A lot of people fretting about his age, it’s worth noting that Mane and Salah are both 29, Lukaku and Kane are both 28, United have Cavani and Ronaldo up front who are 35+. De Bruyne - 30. Gundogan - 31. Mahrez - 30. Spurs best player? Son - 29. Vardy - 34. These are the best players in the division. This guy isn’t past it, nowhere near. He may still have 2/3 years left at an extremely high level. Whilst we’d all like him to be 24 and have resale value, he wouldn’t come to us if he was that age and we’re a fairly young squad as it is. He’ll be playing alongside the likes of Buendia - 24, Bailey - 23, Ramsey - 20, McGinn - 26, Luiz - 24, Cash - 24, Konsa - 24, Watkins - 26. We have a young side. Honestly, his age doesn’t bother me and it would be great to have a little more experience with a bloke who has played at the very top. The same goes for Digne if we’re in for him. At 28/29, you might not be able to sell for a big profit in 3/4 years time, but football is about the here and now as much as it is the future. We are investing heavily into the academy and the younger players, I’m all for going after a few big, slightly older named players while we wait for the academy to produce one or two gems in a couple of years time.
  16. Nah, nowhere near quick enough or strong enough on the ball to be world class.
  17. He does it quite often. He gets into good positions quite often but the amount of times it comes to nothing is frustrating. He’s very elegant, no doubt, but he’s so poor in some games and does he have that aggression/intensity Gerrard wants?
  18. Yeh, and to be honest, it’s about time. I’d try and keep Luiz but we’ll need to move a few on for sure. We may even see Watkins leave in the Summer as well if the club think they can replace him.
  19. He’ll be moved on in the Summer along with Trezeguet. Fully expect El Ghazi to go in January.
  20. The option to buy is interesting. Ive never understood that. Does it mean we have to buy him if certain criteria is met? Explanations please?!
  21. Didn't we do something very similar with Barkley only last season?
  22. My point exactly. I actually don't think Gerrard fancies anyone other than Buendia and Bailey in that no.10 role and there are still question marks about the formers consistency and the latters injury record. I think the club will look to move Trezeguet, El Ghazi and Traore on probably in the Summer and this acts as a stop gap until then. It suits us to bring him in to play and compete with Buendia and Bailey and then reassess our options in the Summer when we can trim the squad down and more players are available. You never know, he may love it here and want to stay on reduced wages
  23. Happening soon.... WEDNESDAY IS Barça and Aston Villa are finishing the last fringes due to the transfer of Coutinho. The club should make it official in the next few hours or days. This will allow you to register @FerranTorres20 #mercato #FCBarcelona
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