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Everything posted by daggy_333

  1. Would probably cost 10 million + to pay off Warnock and Hutton after loyalty bonuses etc. Might eat into the transfer budget a bit? The this is a utter utter joke and heads need to roll the fact is we had NRC spend 8mi and let him go for 0 we had King Carlos and he went for 0 we signed warnock for 9m that makes me wanna cry higher management should be made accountable and hold there hands up were a shambles and Lambert is the only good thing we got Transfer window hasn't closed yet, chill your bean and calm down for your health if nothing else!
  2. Has he left yet? Just wondering as i don't think i've seen anything on the OS yet :/
  3. Sky reporting that Southampton have made a £6mil bid for Phillips from Southampton. If we're interested i hope we get our bid in soon.
  4. Ulver your inane moaning and bitching about all things Villa is starting to get a bit tedious.
  5. I think where they mention the £6mil they're saying that's what we paid for him......
  6. Drive him??? I'll **** carry him!
  7. To be honest at the moment i'll take a quick fix on a free transfer. Can't imagine his wages will be through the rough having left AZ alkmaar not too long ago. Ideally we'd buy a player who would be out LB for the long term but if money/wages are tight i'd take Poulsen
  8. I'm 45 and overweight, I havent played competitively for ages and I'd give it a better go than warnock Is this a cryptic way of saying Poulsen is better? Or are you seriously considering offering your services?
  9. For those who are saying he is a poor defender, do you think he is worse than Warnock?
  10. Richard will you be "all over" this signing as you were with KEA, Lowton & Vlaar ;-) Stop being such a smug tosser CI, people like you have already chased JulieB off the site.
  11. Morpheus and Mantis can you please carry on your discussion in a private message or something pleaseeeeeeeeeee?
  12. Not sure Herd being wide left but other than that i can't argue much
  13. Bloody hell Given that was a save and a half!
  14. Benttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
  15. Right i think our plan for next season needs to be not to give away any corners or free kicks in our own half....
  16. El Ahmadi and Delph have looked pretty tidy so far this first half imo.
  17. It either hit the post or Given's arm is made of steel?!?!?!?!!!
  18. Why are our full backs taking so long to get out to players with the ball? Nearly cost us again then!
  19. Vlaar is a beast. Woodward is getting on my nerves already arghhh!
  20. Goallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
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