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Everything posted by villaslash

  1. Good result. Good goals. Wish we had really thrashed them and controlled the game more but a good game. For Ramsey to have that much confidence to run with the ball so far and then dummy the two defenders the wrong way was brilliant. What a great bending pass from Chuk for the 2nd.
  2. Best of health for everyone but Nakamba and Sanson out as they both were on the up. Oufff- get well soon!
  3. A Stokie you say. You have gone too far sir. to prove it I shall type something no Stokie could write, I’m glad Matty Cash is cutting back on his channeling of Stoke’s most famous player Rory Delap on the constant long throws. What more evidence do you need?
  4. Could be. It always makes me sad when everyone talks only about Ozzy being a Villa fan. I am also currently lobbying for Welcome to the Jungle to play pre-game.I was a big fan of Axel when we were in the championship. hmm…
  5. Being a big fan of wordplay I can see where you are going but no…I would tell you the origin but it would remove much of the fun of interpretation
  6. I saw him play in a friendly for us where he threaded a beautiful pass through the defense for Gabby. All downhill from there…
  7. yes, it was definitely the classic it’s not you it’s me. What’s not to appreciate? They got Milner and we got a pack of crisps and the finest modeler of snakeskin pants the game has ever seen
  8. “Hey you with the nose in front. Stop turning sideways. I can’t see the goal!”
  9. Heart broken. I was so excited to see him kick into gear over the last couple of games. Hopefully we see him after the New Year.
  10. With Bailey and Traore out when would we send AEG in for a little speed. I know he doesn’t push/ track but have someone on the wing? We will probably stay narrow. Martinez Cash Konsa Mings Targett McGinn Sanson Luiz Ramsey Young/AEG Ings (rest Watkins after Liverpool) I could also see the same back line with Sanson Luiz Buendia MCGinn Young Ings
  11. Interesting to see if Traore and Trez go seeing how they haven’t played for us in so long.
  12. Man, miss that guy. He’s even got a flair celebration.
  13. Well, we know a guy that knows that guy anyway after the Barcelona result tonight anyone you would make a cheeky bid on as the sales start?
  14. Excited to have him back. Great attitude and though if everyone was fit we have a lot of players on the wing we seem to be a tad short right now.
  15. Desperately wanted us to score long distance when he came up both times. Good game management by Martinez but I just wanted him to send it quick on that goal kick. feel bad for Mings- his hand must still smell like Scheimechel’s face. He’s going to have his hand tested and scrubbed later.
  16. Tim Howard said it was the save of the season so far.
  17. No way that was a yellow today. I’m amazed as full blooded he is on tackles that was only his 3rd. I think it tells you a bit about his tackling skill.
  18. Rough first half for him. You have to say that first goal might have been his though Konsa’s cleat tickle kept it inside the post. He got better as the game went on and had some nice touches and that hooked back heel when we were pinned in was lovely. The turnover in the first half was a couple players and not just him.
  19. Sorry if someone else mentioned this but Vardy nonexistent when he came on. I don’t remember him even getting a sniff.
  20. So happy. Nerves are wrecked but happy. Would have been gutted if we had drawn after that horrendous disallowed goal. Gerrard must give a good half time talk. Would love it even more if they kept the momentum we had first bit of the 2nd half.
  21. Yes I am. And my prolific goal scoring will keep them up. The new owners targeted me as the first big buy. It was a toss up between me and MBappe.
  22. Happy he’s back and proving a great addition for a second time. Still one of my favorite Villa moments was his winning goal against Everton in I think 2008 at the end of injury time. I remember Lescott equalizing and just deflating everyone and then Young with just a moment of brilliance passing the ball to himself through the defense and curling it in. I literally leapt up and down going nuts. A lot of fond memories of the players on that roster.
  23. It’s a tough call for sure. With Watkins regaining form I’d play him in the “11”but I think letting the two rotate fluidly during the game could cause some havoc.
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