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Everything posted by KHV

  1. Cuellar and Clark in and Hutton and Collins out would make me feel much better on the defensive side
  2. Ive been to the lane a couple of times recently. It was 4-4 and 0-0. We may be able to get a result here as we normally play ok there. This is the 1st season we have been there under McLeish so I fully expect 11 behind the ball which is not the way to play against spurs as they themselves are crap at the back IMO if you get at them. White Hart Lane is a right shit hole too
  3. Your only allowed 7 subs on the bench arent you????
  4. Difference being Downing had previously played well at Boro before he came and Milner had played well for Newcastle before he came. Nzogbia was iffy at Newcastle and more miss than hit at Wigan hence noone else wanted him. He can be great on his day and Im sure nobody disputes that, its just that he doesnt have those days very often and when he is having an off day he is totally useless. You never get a decent performance from him, its either amazing or 8 times out of 10 its awful
  5. I remeber when villa played that way under Gregory. worked okay back then but I dont think it would work now, especially with ireland up top and Delph on the wing????????????
  6. I must have missed the bit where Nzogbia has been a very good player in the premiership? If that was the case he would have played for bigger and better clubs than Newcastle, Wigan and Aston Villa. Infact there was very little intrest from anyone else this summer apart from us. Nzogbia has always been terribly inconsistent, infact its hard to remember a season where he has played more than 8/10 good games. He goes missing for the other 28/30 games per season and thats his problem, always has been always will be be. The problem with him is that there is no inbetween, he is either good or totally bollocks and spending £9.5m on him was criminal. There are much more consitent and arguably better wingers out there for similar or less money in the championship and on the continent. Nzogbia has been nothing more than an average player with occasional glimpses of brilliance which we have yet to see. Nowhere near as good or anywhere near as consistent as Milner,A Young or Downing. I really hope he has one of his blinders soon because we desperatly need him to as he is the only wide player we have
  7. He has also made similar mistakes with the Cleveland browns. he seems to have very good ideas and plans but seems incapable of executing any of them. he seems to take very bad advice from somewhere and gets himself into a bit of a pickle before having to change his original ideas
  8. Yes. Best atmosphere in the ground by far. I sat up in the Witton Lane Stand for the WBA game and it was crap. In your opinion, not mine. The Holte upper will always be where the traditional singers congregate and there are far more in voice in that section than in the lower north, imo. the upper holte is gash this season. there are too many empty seats and the atmosphere is rubbish compared to previous years
  9. will bannan be back? Also i would hardly say nzog has hit form just yet. he had one game where he wasn't totally bollocks but i would hardly say it was a good performance.
  10. ??????????????????????????????????? swap Herd for Delph!!! why in gods name would you want to do that. Delph has been bloody awful all season, he can tackle, cant control the ball and cant pass. Delph should stay in the reserves or be loaned back to league 1 -----------------------------Given-------------------------------- Cuellar------------Dunne----------Clark--------------Warnock -----------------------------Herd------------------------------- --------------------Jenas------------Petrov---------------------- ----------------------------Ireland------------------------------- --------------------Bent-------------Agbonlahor----------------
  11. I would still rather have Houllier
  12. This is the problem with Nzogbia, the game at Sunderland was his 1 good game in 8. He will be pony now for another load of games. its how he has always been
  13. he was never very good in the first place. that's why he went to wigan and then nobody else
  14. KHV

    Alan Hutton

    (Oh, and BTW, kindly refrain from trying to make sick and badly spelt jokes about war heroes.) spelling is due to predictive texting. However besides the point, If my sense of hunour offended you then I apologise Briny I accept your criticism on that point. Sorry
  15. KHV

    Alan Hutton

    Yeah he loves to start but unfortunatly has all the footballing talent of Douglas Bada Cant believe we spent any money on him
  16. As long as its not 4-2-3-1 or 4-5-1 formation I will be happy. They are nothing short of dull and cack. 4-4-2 diamond formation with Hutton,Delph and Nzogbia at home having a cup of tea I think we might be in with a chance Gabby and Bent must be up top together for me. I have a feeling that Bent will be up top on his own Gabby will be on the wing and the powerhouse Emile Heskey will have some kind of deep lying playmaker role knowing McLeish
  17. KHV

    Alan Hutton

    Surely thats the least you'd expect from a pro footballer. I'm sure there are plenty of fringe players who'd like to start if selected, because they are those sort of guys... well paid footballers. Wow my hero. He shouldnt be selected he is gash
  18. he is certainly the most promising of the youngsters so far. unfortunatly it seems as if Allbrighton and Delph are going backwards. would like to Gardner in action and I think Clark and Herd should have more game time too. I hope his brush with the law doesnt affect his game to much as Bannan and Ireland are the only creative midfielders available and Im still not convinced by Ireland
  19. I'm sorry but I find that to be a completely idiotic statement. :shock: :shock: Oh well, I couldn't care less what you think in all honesty. I said it was my opinion and I stand by it. Compare the two at the same age. Scholes was in a far better side than Bannan currently is. Plus Bannan has a much better passing range than some give him credit for. I think Bannan is massivley over hyped. He is a decent player but he hardly sets the world on fire does he?? Paul Scholes in his prime or Barry Bannan is a no brainer, Scholes every time.
  20. Why on earth would you have Fabian Delph anywhere near the 1st team??? Because he's better than Herd. really??? I dont agree with that. Delph is very very poor IMO
  21. Starting XI at Sunderland ------------------------------Given---------------------------- Cuellar-----------Dunne--------------Clarke---------Warnock ------------------------------Petrov---------------------------- -------------------Herd----------------Gardner----------------- ------------------------------Ireland----------------------------- ------------------Bent-----------------Gabby-------------------- Subs:Guzan,Beye,Collins,Heskey,Delfouneso,Delph,Nzogbia
  22. Why on earth would you have Fabian Delph anywhere near the 1st eleven???
  23. Dont agree with any of that. Me neither... i agree with all of that. we will get beat comfortably at sunderland. i would have cattermole sessenong larsson oshea brown bendner and wickham from that sunderland team instead of Delph nzogbia allbrighton petrov Hutton heskey and Ireland any day of the week! Steve Bruce over Mcleish is a no brainer. McLeish is the worst manager I can remember for a long time. Id put him on a par with Jo venglos or billy mcneill
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