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Posts posted by tonyh29

  1. 14 hours ago, Xela said:

    Yeah, thats another thing I don't get - why do people feel the need to deface/ruin them? People are odd. 

    can you ruin / deface  something that has already ruined / defaced a perfectly good wall ?  


  2. On 26/03/2024 at 19:42, Marka Ragnos said:

    I feel like a lot of world cuisines are way overrated -- and many, way underrated. Mexican and Central American food in general, and I might add Colombian cuisine, for example, are all terribly overrated in my opinion. They're a lot less balanced and creative than so many other cuisines I know, and there's just a lot less refinement in how things are done.

    East African food, in my opinion, is way underrated. It's far more complex and subtle than I think it sometimes gets credit for, and it's a lot harder to do correctly. A dish such as beyanetu is incredibly challenging because everything is subtly spiced and herbed in separate little operations, and it's just -- hard. And it tastes amazing. 


    I'm wondering how many days I'd have to go without food before I'd consider eating that  and as starvation finally kicks in  ,  I reckon I'd eat the plate before the contents on it 

    I'm sure its amazing  , but not for me ... i like my meals to be meat coloured 


    • Like 1
  3. Why is the argument Toney or Watkins , I mean why not take both and leave Rashford at home instead , out of form all season and offers nothing 

    this way Safegate has a backup Kane in Watkins and Toney to bring on instead of Rashford in the event of  a penalty shootout 

    • Like 2
  4. 12 minutes ago, Leeroy said:

    Toney just looks livelier than Watkins sadly. He actually presses and closes down the defenders unlike Watkins.

    I think most interviews I’ve heard Watkins says that Unai told him to stop doing this and it’s why his game has improved so much 

    if Southgate leaves him behind he’s a clown , but that said any striker we take is only really there to carry the oranges and water bottles  for Kane 

  5. 3 hours ago, Genie said:

    Quiz question, what is this a list of?

    Spurs - 59

    Chelsea - 33

    Man City - 28

    Man United - 24

    Arsenal - 18

    Liverpool - 14

    Villa & Portsmouth - 7

    Leicester, Southampton, Watford - 6

    - —————

    Accrington, Colchester, Crawley, Ipswich, Blackburn - 0




    most games at the new Wembley stadium


    I didn't know it but the Jacksonville clue posted upstream gave me an idea 

  6. 40 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    Way back in the 60s I remember reading a science fiction short story predicting (somewhat satirically) the future of such computerised processes. Basically a bloke got a message about a supposedly unreturned library book. He refused to pay the fine, and there followed an unstoppable chain of escalation (trying to explain the error, trying ignoring the messages, etc.) that ultimately led to him being sent to jail (possibly executed, I forget now). 

    Computers Don't Argue by Gordon R Dickson ? 


    "Computers Don't Argue" is a 1965 science fiction short story by American writer Gordon R. Dickson, about the dangers of relying too strongly upon computers.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    Bacon, egg and sausage is not a full English breakfast. The clue is in the name. 

    alas , my photoshop skills weren't good enough to add toast and a cup of coffee   , so I merely removed the stuff that had no right being on the plate :) 

    on another day I might have left the hash brown , but really that would make it an American breakfast and then you'd have to triple its size and add pancakes 

  8. 1 hour ago, tomav84 said:

    Petty thing pissed me off this morning. Having walked 30 mins to work someone held the door for me when I was a good 20ft away causing me to break into an almost jog so as not to leave them holding it for me for ages. Was totally unnecessary.

    I thought 6ft was the unwritten rule? (can be extended to 10ft if it's for a pretty lady)

    did you then find yourself saying 

    "Cheers" as you got there 

    "Thanks "as you walked through the door 

    and then "cheers " again one they let go of the door once you were through ?

    • Haha 3
  9. Just now, Rds1983 said:

    Why did you watch it again if you hated it?

    after seeing the film originally , I'd read some fan theories / explanations on the web , so I wanted the second viewing  to see if it kinda  helped it all make sense  .. and also partly as it was on the telly and I couldn't be bothered to change channels / find something else to watch  .. (similar to when Starship Troopers is on for the 623rd time but I still end up watching it again anyway )

    • Like 1
  10. I think that's similar to people that don't think he deserved the Golden Glove award at the World cup as he let more goals in than goalkeeper xxx 

    whereas anyone watching the games , would know he was essentially the MAIN reason Argentina won the world cup 

    • Like 2
  11. 30 minutes ago, VILLAMARV said:

    Hopefully, that's an addition to the list of seemingly socially acceptable forms of bigotry and not a suggestion I'd personally say or post such a thing. :thumb:

     it was a general comment about what is and isn't deemed to be bigotry , apologies if it looked like it was aimed at you  , definitely not the case 

    I just quoted you as you mentioned VT and it sorta made me chuckle that bigotry and intolerance isn't tolerated here , unless its aimed at people that vote or are Tory   :) 


  12. On 18/03/2024 at 21:16, sheepyvillian said:

    As much as I love Michael Portillo's train journeys, it really is difficult not to be overwhelmed by his awful dress sense. 

    Never realised the popularity of train journeys  .. Chris Tarrant used to do a show  and now Nick Knowles has got one on Channel 5  ..and I'm sure Robson Green or someone like him also had one ? 

    Portillos is the better show of all of them though 

    • Like 1
  13. 17 hours ago, VILLAMARV said:

    It crops up on here from time to time. It's seemingly one of the last socially acceptable forms of bigotry. I don't get why people are so allied to absolutist statements.

    and yet all Tories are scum 

    go figure 

  14. 13 hours ago, sne said:

    I really didn't like Prometheus or Covenant so I don't mind them bailing on that.

    Interestingly I hated both first time around  , but a second or even third viewing does seem to have improved them both for me 


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