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Posts posted by tonyh29

  1. On 28/02/2024 at 20:42, sidcow said:

    I used to hold a pint glass by hooking it between my teeth and necking it no hands. 

    I think back now to the awful damage it would have done to my mouth if the glass had broken. 

    Definitely something I'll never do again. The **** stupid things you do when you're young. 

    I was racking my brain for something I wouldn't do again , and your post has reminded me 

    Light Sambuca's in my mouth  .. always seemed fun when i was younger  , more so when you got it wrong and lost some of your eyebrows and fringe  , but looking back lighting something in your mouth and swallowing it was probably never a good idea 

    tbf though it was hardly bucket list material , as per title of thread 

  2. 19 minutes ago, HeyAnty said:

     most likely Ramsey by end of June 

    just sell him to Man City on 14th June with a relegation clause  .. FA relegate City after all charges are proven  on June 15th and we  buy him back on a 5 year contract   ..simples 

    • Haha 3
  3. 5 hours ago, bickster said:

    Was that a Midlands thing? I never really encountered it anywhere else

    We used to get one in the pub car park opposite where we worked , cockles and whelks on a Friday FTW

    couple of years back the BBC were filming one of those house transition shows in the street nearby and had their BBC catering truck in the car park , we sent someone from the office over to ask them for cockles and whelks much to the bewilderment of the BBC crew 

    • Haha 1
  4. On 24/02/2024 at 06:44, VILLAMARV said:

    So a good friend of mine who 24 years ago was part of a group of us friends that attended our first PJ gig together has got me and MrsVM a ticket. So 320 quid plus accomodation. He was really excited but didn't believe me about them being 160 quid a pop. I feel a bit dirty but how can I say no to my 50year old mate all excited about something that isn't Indoor Bowls.

    I had running commentary on the whole process though, and as I kept reminding him throughout, this sort of thing is not for me. Register, pre-register, pre-order the album etc. All I was after was a ticket to a gig mate. For the record he did all those things and still got told to f off. His missus came through with the tickets in the end. I wouldn't have bothered myself.

    Nothing screams world tour more than some insurance firm rinsing people dry :(

    On the music side of it, because they play different sets each gig and because it's my third PJ gig the list of favourite songs I've seen them play is quite long but I'm really hoping to get Blood, Leash and/or Whipping which I've not seen them do.

    I got Rocking  in the free world with Jonny Marr and John  McEnroe on guitars last time I saw them 

    loads of tickets left for spurs stadium , they definitely over priced the gig 

    • Like 1
  5. No idea why but just got tickets to see the libertines at Pryzm in Kingston , basically it was sold out in about 30 seconds and I happened to be browsing the site when rickets went live and knew a couple of my mates would want to go so get myself one  as well 

    £18 plus a copy of their new album 

    it’s becoming my favourite venue at these prices and close proximity to the bands 

    • Like 2
  6. I’’m  aware of the irony in this one but customer satisfaction surveys

    had an MRI last week and they’ve sent me surveys asking to rate them , going into hospital tomorrow for an endoscopy and they rang me today for a pre check … and then sent me a survey asking to rate how they did

    its everything now days , how was your bus ride , how was your experience in Greggs  today … I bet if you pulled some bird in the pub she’d send you a customer satisfaction survey the next morning 


    • Like 3
  7. Watched the zone of interest tonight

    a film about Auschwitz that barely shows Auschwitz other than in the background, instead the film focuses on Hoss and his family living in the nearby house .

    You watch the family picking out dresses that have been taken from the deceased , talk about the garden whilst chimneys pour out smoke , the horrors going on inside are never mentioned .

    its not a film you’ll want to watch a second time , but it’s a fascinating piece of work that lets your own mind piece together what ever your mind wants to piece together , definitely worth a watch

    • Like 3
  8. I just rung Sky to cancel , I've got all the channels  and tbh wasn't keen on cancelling anyway  , but thought I'd see what they would do 

    got £59 a month of my bill and TNT sport ( additional £28) added to the package into the bargain , so a cool £87 a month 

    The TNT bit was a an added bonus as I asked how much it would be to add it now that my team are on it for European football  , he asked Who i supported turned out  the guy at the end of the phone was a West Ham fan and as about 50% of my mates support West Ham we had a long chat about Prague where they won the conference  and Moyes  and Phillips  etc etc etc and it ended with him adding it for free :) 


    I'm probably still paying more than I should for TV and broadband , but that wasn't a bad 20 mins of my time  .. £1044 a year saving (on paper at least) 


    • Like 4
  9. 19 minutes ago, theboyangel said:

    for £90 more I’ve got a ticket to End of the Road festival - four days of excellent stuff! 

    Idles are the only band I've heard of on that list ..

    tbf there could be a few more but  the poster is like an opticians eye chart and I cant read anything after line 10 :) 

    • Haha 1
  10. on a different end of the scale , I'm seeing Cast on Monday in Kingston .. £10 plus a copy of their new album   , That's  90 min gigs by Shed 7 , Idles and Cast for £50 total including the new album by each artist 

    take note PJ , Bruce etc 

    • Like 2
  11. 10 minutes ago, theboyangel said:

    Got through the Ticketmaster Pearl Jam ballot so could’ve bought tickets today.

    however, the £160 a ticket price put me right off (that and the only support slot going to Richard Ashcroft!) 



    those £160 tickets are now selling for £250 on Ticketmaster for people without the code 

    I got in this morning but couldn't bring myself to buy a ticket , basically would have been going on my own as everyone else said " How **** much" 

    I've seen them twice , don't need a third time that much 


    What's interesting is the bloke that leaked all the world tour dates on the web couple of months ago( and was pretty much 99% correct ) had PJ for the 28th in London as well ... I think the £160 has killed demand and they wont add the second date now  


    PS - aren't Murder Capital also supporting them along with Ashcroft ? 

    • Like 1
  12. 15 hours ago, Genie said:

    I had Alison, Jota and Nunez in for the double week.

    Alison didn’t play either game, Jota managed about 30 mins and Nunez 45.

    Couldn’t have gone much worse if I’d tried.

    I got slightly luckily with Virgil  , Jota and Nunez ( Solanke would have given me 12 points if I'd have left him in instesad of 4 !!) 

    (Ake didn't' play game 2 either) 

    Virgil's goal meant I sneaked a 2 point win in my head to head to a player that hadn't wasted his free hit 

    • Like 2
  13. 42 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    These new names for the London Overground lines ara bit shit. I don't really care about the "woke" thing, they're just stupid names. 

    We know they didn’t consult the public otherwise one of the lines would have been called the Tube McTube face line 



    • Like 1
  14. 26 minutes ago, Xela said:

    How music can change your driving habits. I listened to a chill/trip-hop album yesterday when going to see my folks and I was calm. Other people around me were driving like jizzslurpers, but I was calm. If I'd be listening to hard rock/metal, I'm sure i'd have reacted more. 

    Presumably you weren’t too calm that you were able to resuscitate the passengers in your car who attempted suicide rather than listen to your choice in music  

    • Haha 1
  15. 53 minutes ago, Pelle said:

    Oh, and that VAR check of Moreno's goal was more than dodgy.

    It seems they gave Bailey as Offside , … interestingly the complete opposite of Newcastles goal against us at St James park where the offside player was deemed not to be impacting the game 

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