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Posts posted by tonyh29

  1. but for a while vassell had the best strike rate out of all the England Strikers , so he can score at the top level , all be it in a team filled with some quality ....sadly Villa's tactics are for Ollie to hoof the ball 80 yards down the pitch 90 miles in the air ... maybe DOL will try and play a bit of football thsi season and we might see threaded through balls for Vassell to run onto , and a lot more goals from him

  2. Baros top scored for Liverpool with 9 ...

    Yes I think he's a quality player but , I doubt we could get him and I also don't think he 's the player we need at present

    Spurs who are meant to be on a parr with us have

    Keane (11 league goals)

    Defoe (13)


    And offered 14m for Baptista (even though they didn't get him)

    we have

    Angel (7)

    Vassell (2)

    Phillips (10)

    and rumour has it we put a bid of 14p in for some bloke having a kick about down the local park

  3. Well I'd trust DOL ..I mean he's only given away 4 strikers since he's been at the club ..though before you all start , YES I do agree with him on the 4 he got rid off , however he has only brought 1 striker in to replace the 4 ..and that was a season too late

    Not good enough for Villa , but good enough for Liverpool it seems ..and with 5m profit in one season ... coupled with offloading Balaban for free , no wonder we are a club that's skint ...

    Personally I feel Crouch will cost Benitez his job long term , but no more on the subject of the lanky shit one ..

  4. only villa could sell Crouch and then buy the player that he kept out the team most of the season !!

    his strike rate is quite good and as a back up signing i guess he wouldn't be too bad though i would prefer we gave Luke a chance to shine through instead of knocking his career back another year . ..sadly i think he's been brought as a 1st choice player

    I'm gonna nickname him "Lucky" though cause it appears he's been relegated 3 times with his last 3 teams

  5. Went for Other

    If ranson takes over , some one will have to change their "at least we are not leeds" quote

    Ranson spells trouble , lets just hope he smokes out a better bidder

  6. can you see bellamy getting 20 goals though ?

    I agree we need some pace , but I think we need pace and a big lump combined ..like a Yakubu type player ..the bloke from Sporting Lisbon could be a good buy , but maybe not very likely

  7. Seeing as we appear to be competing with Everton on every deal at present ..and they are this mythical wonder club that everyone is fighting to join despite nearly being relegated the season before

    My feeling is that Everton can't afford both Distin & Bellamy , so assuming they will sign one of these 2 players leaving us a "clear run " :-) at the other , which one would we prefer to come to Villa Park ?

  8. remember him playing at Villa park once and ripping us apart (prob during his leeds Spell) and stnading out on that day in much the way that gerrard did at Villa park this season ..

    but then the last 3 or 4 times I've seen him he has looked very very average so maybe the money and what not has got to him and he's become lazy

    but the guy has abilty without doubt ..whether anyone can get it abck again is one of lifes gambles ..possible a gamble of the Cantona size

  9. hadn't heard that about Berson recomending Dj Dj ... maybe they played well together in France and Berson thought it would help him improve .... or maybe they are looking to re- form the best villa partnership since Bosnich and Yorke :-)

    Note ..this is 100% made up and not the start of a Bishop and Morley style rumour

  10. He's GONE

    could 1 player ever be more humilated ?

    left in the reserves for 4 months

    dropped for an injured player for 4 matches

    dropped for Djemba Djemba

    there is only being dropped for Peter Whittingham to make it the biggest insult ever dished out to a human being ....

  11. there seats for maybe 10 or 20 mins after the match to protest

    not enough exposure ..when do you ever see highlights of the cleaning staff sweeping the terraces on MOTD :-) ...best to stick to during the match when any protest can be picked up

  12. well without being harsh the last protest wasa bit lame and ineffective as most peopel didn't join in , and your ptotest befoer the match was mainly 14 year old kids who thought it would be cool to be rebels ..

    best way is to pick a live match so it has full exposure .... (all match of the day did at the last protest was not show it )

    then ensure that as Many people as possible dont take their seats before kick off ...then 10 mins or so into the game get people to start taking their seats complete with llots of noise , Ellis Out ,£ sign or what not signs ..then the TV cameras WILL notice it and you have your publicity

    if you could get 10,000 people to stay away from their seats for KO then that would be something AND you sure would get noticed ....

  13. more facts than lies though ... over the end of the season he took charge and the beginning of the next season i think he lost about 2 games out of 30 ..DOL did a similar thing last season and until recently had a very good "loss "ratio ..turning GT's pile of Pooh into a top 6 finish didn't get DOL a trophy so that makes DOL a failure in your eyes as well ?

    sure you can't compare eras with football , but do you think RS could win the championship with 14 players now ..how does our championship winning side compare with Arsenals unbeaten side last season for example ??

  14. well that surprised me , i though DOL would walk it given feelings for him on this site

    1st BFR ..last time we played proper football

    2nd BL introduced the 5-3-2 system that seems to have been our decline for many years ..but over achieved with what he had ..until he lost the plot

    3rd JG think people under rate him ..his "loss"record under villa is comparable to Ron Suanders , and this was in an era where Man U & Arsenal were dominating football ... was tempted to give him first for the Timewarp comments , not to mention the Dorothy perkins joke aimed at Bosnich

    4th DOL - football has been good at times , put the bad games are far outweighing the good ones ... trying to prove he's not a cheque book mangager but is now starting to find out that GT really did destroy our club and is in urgent need of some money.. this is season 2 , lets judge him at season 4 as he should have made his mark on the club by then

    5th GT - saviour first time around ..but the destroyer the second time around ...tried too hard to distance himself from anything JG and destroyed the soul of the club ...and wasted 9m on players least we forget , in a time when some amazing talent could be brought for far far less

  15. no -one , a deflection off Mellberg , and maybe delaney could have been tighter but in the conditions i think macken just got lucky with his badly controlled turn ..though nice shot to round it off

  16. no votes for Tommy ...was expecting it to be a landslide victory for him

    I went for JPA , not in Henry's league ,but then who is , but clearly head and shoulders above anyone else at Villa park

    As someone put it ..the biggest mistake of my life signing JPA ....

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