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Everything posted by CI

  1. Agree, he's been excellent this season Proud to have him as club Captain
  2. Cuellar will come in for height I would not play Bannan in this one
  3. Stoke 3-0 Villa I won't bother watching, we can't defend set pieces so we have no chance here McLeish will probably blame suspensions, injuries and the altitude
  4. Man Utd have debts on close to £1 billion ! Let's see spurs accounts this year and next As for Arsenal, strange one as they have made millions on the property moves, are actually backed by a Russian richer than Abramovich and have an exceptional manager when it comes to spotting raw talent
  5. You cannot run a successful PL club and hope to break even Not even close We need an owner who's prepared to set fire to £40m per annum
  6. How crass and wrong were those Suarez t-shirts The guy is racist scum and should be booted out of the PL
  7. To go shopping publicly while your team are playing is bizarre antics Very strange
  8. Randy has been twice I think, Norwich & ManUre Has Heskey scored ?
  9. As said previously, let's see if he rocks up at The Brittania on Boxing Day
  10. Ok fair enough I can see where your coming from That Alonso business is disgraceful Has Bannan been sentenced yet ?
  11. It's a PR gaffe alright, recently convicted drink driver in full AV training regalia fronting anti drink drive campaign, the sentiment may be right, but not this way.
  12. Only wild speculation I'm afraid, but, something has gone off between Bent & It came to a head when he subbed him off at The Reebok
  13. CI

    Alan Hutton

    Sunday morning pub football leagues were always full of over-zealous, dirty, two footed tackle fullbacks Hutton reminds me so much of a parks player Crap signing
  14. I suspect when the goals dry up (anytime soon), he'll get injured and be out for 4 months He's playing on adrenalin/confidence at present
  15. Christ Newcastles season has seriously imploded within 14 days
  16. Been in London tonight, people down here are convinced he's leaving Villa, from the outside looking in it don't look good
  17. Missed the game but sounds like we played better ?
  18. Another PR disaster, it was all over Central News last nite Barry Bannan the face of anti drink drive campaign Am I missing something here ?
  19. Luckily I have an Xmas bash to attend tonight in Central London so will be missing this steaming pile of guano
  20. Did we pay upfront for DB9 or is it installments ?
  21. You cannot discount anything down the Villa these days Anyone decent with ambition leaves - FACT !!
  22. A few players live around Cuffley, easy commute to QPR and Cambridge from there Bye Darren
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